
Do you know more dog breeds than the AKC? Can you name sea animals from A to Z? If so, you'll love our fun animal quizzes. Ready to show off your animal smarts?

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What kind of person are you? Do you take control of certain situations, or do you let others take the lead? Are you more laid back, or do you go after what you want? This quiz will tell you if you are a fierce lion or cuddly kitten.

By Khadija Leon

Everybody has to eat, but some animals are pickier than others when it comes to their dietary intake. Do you know what these animals like to munch on? Find out by taking this quiz.

By J. Reinoehl

Australia is home to some of the most unusual and unique animals on the planet. Are you familiar with some of the animals that can only be found Down Under? Find out by taking this quiz.

By J. Reinoehl


When choosing a dog, it's important to choose just the right breed for your personality. Tell us about your Facebook profile, and we'll be able to tell you which breed is best for you!

By Teresa M.

From the largest land mammal to a tiny insect with deadly disease potential, the animal kingdom is full of dangers! How well do you know your deadly beasts? Find out now with our quiz!

By Torrance Grey

Disney is as much about pets as they are about computer animation. From the cute and fluffy to the unexpectedly hilarious, there is one in just about any Disney movie. Which Disney pet is your soul-pet?

By Jody Mabry

Intelligent, mysterious, fluffy, and sly - cats are one of our favorite creatures! Let's find out exactly which kind of cat would make the purrfect companion for you!

By Ashley D.


Are you thinking about getting a new dog, or are you wondering if your pooch is the perfect one for you? Let's find out which dog breed should be your lifelong companion!

When alcohol impairs your human thinking and animalistic instinct takes over, how do you behave? Let's find out what kind of dog you are when you are drunk!

By Teresa M.

People have always had affection toward dogs, cats and horses. These dangerously cute animals are not only adorable but also offer loving companionship to their human friends. How many of these dangerously cute breeds can you name from an image?

By Jody Mabry

Dem bones! The study of skeletons has its own branch in science, called osteology. If you know a thing or two about bones, how many of these animals do you think you can name just by looking at an image of its skeleton?

By Jacqueline Samaroo


Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, affects nearly half of the U.S. population. However, most spiders aren't poisonous, but rather helpful in keeping down the insect population. So how many of these spiders do you think you can name from an image? Take this quiz to find out.

By Jacqueline Samaroo

There are many fascinating and totally unique animals that live entirely or mostly in Australia. Which of these animals from the land down under are you most like?

By Brian Whitney

Canada has many unique types of wildlife that add beauty and personality to the country. Think you know your Canadian wildlife? Take the quiz to find out!

By Heather Cahill

Who really IS that on the couch next to you? Because of years of selective breeding, no species on earth is as diverse as the domestic dog. Now, show off your dog-breed savvy with our quiz!

By Torrance Grey


There have been many memorable dogs in television shows and movies that have stolen our hearts throughout the years. Think you can match the pooch to the movie/TV show? Take the quiz to find out!

By Heather Cahill

Ick! Gross! Yuck! Do you recognize these responses when an insect or bug crosses your path? Sure, we see these buggy pests all over the place. But do you actually know what they're called? Take this quiz and see how many bugs and insects you can name from an image.

By Jody Mabry

Known as the “island continent,” Australia has an abundance of exotic wildlife. Some, like the kangaroo and koala, are very familiar to all of us, but how many of Australia’s exceptional animals can you name from an image? Hop into our quiz and find out!

By Jacqueline Samaroo

Office workers everywhere can testify that nothing can brighten up a dismal day like a cute kitten video! Let's find out which one of those adorable kittens you might be!

By Teresa M.


There are a lot of creatures in the desert, and all of them have totally different ways they go about their business. Which one are you the most like?

By Brian Whitney

Racehorse names are always clever and sometimes more entertaining than the actual race! If you were a racehorse, what would be your name? Take this quiz to find out!

By Teresa M.

They say apples don't fall far from trees! With monkeys as our closest living species, there's no doubt still have similar traits. Let's find out which of our monkey relatives you are most like!

By Teresa M.

You know that you like hanging with your cat, but seriously how much does your cat like hanging with you? This isn't a one way street no matter how many lives you have.

By Brian W.


Sometimes horses just don't get enough credit. But in recent years, movie makers have made various thoroughbreds the lead characters in their films. So which one are you?

By Kennita Leon

Past lives are interesting! It's fun to examine where or what our souls may have been before we operated on this level of consciousness. Channel your inner animal, and find out which beast you may have been in a former life!

By Teresa M.