Pretend to Make Some Drunken Decisions and We'll Tell You what Kind of Dog You Are!

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Pretend to Make Some Drunken Decisions and We'll Tell You what Kind of Dog You Are!
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

When alcohol impairs your human thinking and animalistic instinct takes over, how do you behave? Let's find out what kind of dog you are when you are drunk!
Are you more of a lover or a fighter when you are drunk?
I can go either way.
I'm more of a fighter.
I'm more of a lover.
I'm more of an eater.


You see someone hitting on your friend, what do you do?
I casually stroll over to make sure things are okay.
I get ready to fight the jerk.
I go up and put my arm around them.
I watch it play out.


What would you order at last call?
A bottle of water.
A tequila shot.
A Guiness.
A beer.


You have to use the bathroom because you've been drinking, but there's no bathroom around. What do you do?
I hold it until I get home.
I find a dark corner and do my business.
I find a nearby public restroom.
I do my business wherever I am.


You see a cutie across the bar you want to get to know. How do you do it?
I buy them a drink.
I flash my irresistible smile at them.
I walk up and say hi.
I send a friend over.


What would you order from a late night menu?
Bacon double cheeseburger.


How do you deal with hangovers?
I don't get a hangover.
Eggs and bacon.
Water and ibuprofen.
I simply accept my punishment.


Have you ever howled at the moon when you are drunk?
I have been told that I've howled at the moon.
Of course I have.
No, but it sounds like fun.


Have you ever called off of work because you partied too hard?
A few times.
Once or twice.
More than a few times.


Would you choose truth or dare in a drunken game?
I would choose truth.
Dare all the way.
I would alternate.
I would not be caught in a game of Truth or Dare!


Which kind of liquor do you prefer?
I don't like liquor.


How do you get home from parties?
I walk.
I have a designated driver or I stay where I am.
I take a cab.
I take public transportation.


What kind of shots do you like most?
Jello shots.
Flaming shots.
Ice sculpture shots.
Body shots.


Have you ever had a drunken one-night stand?
No way.
More than one.
I don't remember, but probably.


Have you ever done anything embarrassing while drunk that your friends have videoed?
I was caught dancing.
I was caught karaoke.
I was caught ranting.
I was caught trying a silly stunt.


What's the worst thing you have done while drunk?
I peed myself.
I got in a fight.
I passed out in my own puke.
I passed out.


Which most resembles the last drunken text you sent?
"You're breaking my heart."
"You suck."
"I miss you."
"Can you bring me another beer?"


Which drunken bet would you take?
Walk up to a stranger and kiss them.
Moon the next bus that comes by.
Drink a whole gallon of margaritas.
Ask your love interest to marry you.


How would your best friend describe you when you are drunk?
They'd say I was sensible.
They'd say I was nuts.
They'd say I was funny.
They'd say I was stubborn.


Who would you call if you got arrested for being drunk in public?
My dad.
My best friend.
My significant other.
My sibling.


Which comedian are you most like when you are drunk?
Sarah Silverman.
Louis C.K.
Chris Rock.
Margaret Cho.


If everyone else went drunken skinny dipping, would you?
No, thanks.
Heck yeah!
I would be happy to watch out for cops.
If my best friend does it, I'll do it.


Have you ever been in a drunken brawl?
Goodness, no!
I have.
I wouldn't say brawl.
Drinking makes me too sloppy to fight.


What do you think your pet would think of you when you are drunk?
"They have some issues."
"Maybe they'll forget they fed me and do it again."
"I hope they give me some of that beer."
"Oh, no. Not again. I hate cleaning up human puke."


Where do you usually fall asleep after a night out?
In my bed.
At a stranger's house.
On my couch.
On my bathroom floor.


What time of day would you start drinking on a day off?
9 p.m.
9 a.m.
5 p.m.


What cocktail might you mix for a party?
Sex on the Beach.
Long Island Iced Teas.
Mint Juleps.


If your cupboards were bare, which drunken concoction would you eat?
Cereal with orange juice.
A mayo and ketchup sandwich.
Crackers and jelly.
Ramen and bacon.


What would you do if you ran into your mom at a bar?
I would quickly sneak out.
I would wonder what my mom was doing at a bar.
I would buy her a drink.
I say hi and leave.


Who do you usually go out drinking with?
My coworkers.
My best friend.
My significant other.
I usually stay in and drink.


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