Who are You in Your Group of Friends?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Who are You in Your Group of Friends?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

In every group of friends people tend to take on certain roles, even if it does not start out that way, it is not long before everyone plays their part. So who are you?
What are you up to tonight?
Just going to watch some TV and relax.
Going to hit a happy hour, then who knows?
You aren't sure, you tried to make plans, but no one called you back.
Going out to an awesome restaurant with your gorgeous date?


When you go to a party with your friends, what do you usually do?
I just hang out and hope everyone has a good time.
I mingle a lot and get as messed up as I can.
Parties are awkward, because no one talks to me.
I just always have the best time no matter what.


Do you worry about your friends?
Oh yes, all the time.
No, they are fine.
I do, but they don't worry about me.
Yes, I love them all so much.


What is one word that you would use to describe yourself?


How often do you text your friends?
Quite often.
Not a whole lot.
All the time.
Hardly ever.


When you do text, what is the reason most often?
Just checking in with them.
To say something funny.
Because I like hearing from them.
To tell them what I am up to.


Do you ever get bummed out if you don't hear back from your friend after you texted them?
Yes, I get worried.
No, not really.
Yes, it hurts my feelings.


Why do you get upset if you don't hear back after you text?
I worry something happened to them.
I worry that I said something stupid I can't remember.
I worry that they don't like me.
I think it is rude.


Do you ever worry that you are the least popular in your group?
No, I don't think like that.
Ha, no way is that me.
Yes, all the time.
No, I am the most popular.


Do you ever think you are the most popular in your group?
No, that is not how I think of friendship.
Maybe, I could be.
No, I never feel like that.
Of course.


Does your group of friends meet your needs?
Yes, very much so.
I think so, I really just want people to have fun with.
Not always no, sometimes I don't think they care about me.
Sure, although sometimes I get tired of them.


Who usually decides where you go when the group goes out?
Usually me.
I never care where we go, as long as it is fun.
Anyone but me, they never ask me what I want to do.
I let other people think they are deciding, but I do.


Do your friends usually like your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yes, I always date nice people.
Ha, no they never do.
Sometimes they don't and it is awful of them.
My dates are always awesome, so sometimes they get jealous.


Who figures out how to split the bill when you go out together?
I always do.
Not me, I hate that stuff.
Usually someone else and I always get ripped off.
I never do, but I always pay more than my share because I can afford it.


How messed up do you get when you and your friends go out?
I just have one, I usually drive.
I get totally messed up, why else go out?
I usually have a few, but I don't get too messed up.
I have quite a few, but I never get as messed up as my friends.


Do you ever get in fights with your friends when you are out on the town?
No way, but I break fights up sometimes.
Sadly, yes it happens sometimes.
Yes, it happens a lot.
No, that kind of thing is beneath me.


What freaks you out most?
Hurting someone I care about.
Living a boring life.
Being alone.
Being ordinary.


What kind of music is your favorite?


What kind of books are your favorite?


What does your apartment look like?
Homey and comfortable.
Oh it is a total mess.
It is sparse, I don't own much.
It is very well furnished and clean.


Are you worried about money in the future?
No, I am a good planner.
No, things work themselves out.
Yes, I am terrified.
No, I have money and am successful.


What do you do if your friend is upset?
Hug them and try to help.
Take them out on the town.
Be nice to them, but wonder why they weren't there for you when you were sad.
I do my best to listen.


What do you want from your friends when you are upset?
Nothing, I can take care of myself.
To take me out on the town.
I want them to be there for me, no matter what, although sometimes I don't think they are.
I don't get upset often, but when I do, I want them to drop everything for me.


Have you ever been in love?
Yes, just once.
I thought so, but I was wrong.
Yes, lots of times.
Yes, a few times.


What does love mean to you?
A solid friendship that has mutual respect.
Someone I can have fun with.
Someone who makes me feel happy.
Someone who will do anything for me.


Do you tell your friends when you are mad at them?
Yes, communication is important.
No, life is too short.
I try to, but I don't dare.
Yes, how else will they know they disappointed me?


What is your favorite color?


What kind of dog attracts you the most?
Any dog that needs a home.
Pit bull.
Yellow lab.
Great Dane.


When do your friends usually call you?
When they need advice.
When they want to go out.
When they are calling you back.
When they want something from me.


Who are you on Seinfeld?


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