Which Time Period Does Your Soul Truly Belong In?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Which Time Period Does Your Soul Truly Belong In?
Image: Pexels

About This Quiz

Each major period in history has featured its own unique qualities and has emphasized different priorities in life. While one period may have required much harder physical labor, those times also tended to offer a much more simple and basic lifestyle, free from many of the complications of modern life. If you yearn for a time when there wasn't so much information inundating you on a daily basis, we might just have a better alternative for you.

Maybe you're a highly spiritual person who finds that the modern age is filled with evil and debauchery. If you're someone who would give away all the modern conveniences to return to a period where the church led the way, The Middle Ages could be just right for you. Should you mention that you feel drawn to living in a monastery, we'll be even more confident in our choice.

On the other hand, maybe you feel right at home with computers and modern technology. If you always seem to have the latest and greatest smartphone and you are drawn to the electric car and other cutting-edge innovations in green technology, it seems clear that you'd only truly be happy in the modern age.

We're firing up the time machine. Hop in; we're about to take you to the time where you'll be at your best.

How comfortable are you with computers?
I'm completely lost when it comes to all technology.
I can only do really basic stuff.
I don't know how to do everything, but I get by pretty well.
I'm a total genius when it comes to anything related to computers.
Are you constantly striving to simplify your life?
Not at all. If anything, my world gets more complicated by the day.
I keep a few bare necessities very simple in my life, but I'm constantly experimenting with new things.
I do my best to keep things pretty simple, but the world seems intent on complicating everything.
Yes. I'm happiest when things are the simplest.
What pace do you tend to move at in life?
I can get a little quick when I'm excited about something, but I generally move at a gradual pace.
I'm definitely on the move, but I make sure to stop and smell the roses once in a while.
I take my time. There's no rush in anything I do.
I tend to be in a hurry.


How meticulous are you in your work?
I tend to slap things together and call it good.
I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but I've learned to let things go more as I get older.
I'm focused on making sure that every small detail is perfect.
I pay attention to the things that matter and I don't worry too much about the insignificant parts.
Which place would you rather visit?
Washington, D.C.
Which career path is most appealing to you?
Spiritual leader.


How hard of a worker are you?
No one works harder than I do.
I suppose I work a bit harder than most people.
I work hard, but I use my mind more than my body.
Honestly, I'm kind of lazy.
How common is it for you to experience a "good kind of tired" at the end of the day?
I usually have trouble falling asleep.
It's pretty rare for me to feel that way at the end of the day.
I might have a light day now and then, but it's pretty common for me to sleep well.
I give it everything I've got, so I'm always wiped out when the day is done.
How religious are you?
I am a highly religious person.
I balance faith with reason.
I am very spiritual, but my belief system is a bit unusual.
I'm not religious or spiritual at all.


Are you more of a leader or a follower?
I'll follow, but that leader has to earn my trust first.
I'm all about leading towards a brighter future.
I'm more of a loner. I'm going in my own direction.
I'm much more comfortable following someone else's lead.
What are your thoughts on the Spanish Inquisition?
That's one of the most tragic periods in human history.
Those heathens had it coming to them.
I have to admit that I'm not really sure what the Spanish Inquisition was.
Those were dark times.
How much reading do you do?
I do a lot of reading, but most of it is online.
I prefer listening to audiobooks.
I've constantly got a new book in my hands.
I don't read.


What is your assessment of the state of the world today?
I have my doubts about the future of humanity.
The world is heading towards the end days.
I'm hopeful that reason will triumph.
We've got some challenges, but we also have the intelligence and technology to solve those problems.
Are you a stronger proponent of science or faith?
I'm only interested in what science has to say.
I do tend to favor science more, but I'm not totally without faith.
It's all about faith with me.
I'm really not a huge fan of either or those concepts.
Of the following, which figure from history is most interesting to you?
William Wallace.
Benjamin Franklin.
King Tut.
Elon Musk.


Does the description "jack of all trades" fit you?
I know a lot about construction stuff, but that's about it.
Yep, I can handle pretty much anything that comes my way.
I wouldn't say "all trades", but I do have a good mix of skills.
No, I just stick to one thing.
What's your highest level of education?
I have a graduate degree.
I have my high school diploma or GED.
I have a bachelor's degree.
I didn't finish high school.
How much do you use the scientific method in your daily life?
I don't use it all the time, but I'll go to it for an unsolved problem.
What's the scientific method?
That's how I handle pretty much anything I come across.
I don't use it at all.


Of the following, which cable network would you rather watch?
Fox News.
Does Netflix count?
Are you a superstitious person?
I do have a couple of small superstitions that are a part of my life.
No, I don't believe in magical thinking.
Yes, I'm very superstitious.
Only if I've noticed a reoccurring pattern in my life.
Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?
If something can go wrong, it will go wrong.
I'm an eternal optimist. I believe that the most positive outcome is the most likely one.
It really just depends on my mood and the situation.
I'm a realist. I have hope and positive intentions, but I know that life doesn't always work out.


Are human beings inherently good or evil?
I don't know the answer to that.
People are inherently good. It's just a matter of how their environment affects them.
I think most people are good, but there are a few that have something very wrong with them.
People are inherently evil and must repent.
How old is your current smartphone?
Six months to a year.
One to two years.
Less than six months.
Older than two years.
Do you believe in climate change?
I know there are some doubts about it, but it seems pretty clear that it's real.
I believe in it, but it could just be part of the natural fluctuations in temperature.
The science is in. Climate change is real and it is being accelerated by human activities.
That's a total hoax.


What is your opinion of technology in general?
I'm concerned that it's taking us away from natural relationships and ways of being.
I think it's evil.
I think technology is wonderful, but we must always hold on to our humanity and moral compass.
I'm all about modern technology. Bring on the latest and greatest stuff.
Which mode of transportation best fits your personality?
Electric car.
Gas car.
Riding a horse.
Which description best matches your diet?


Would you be interested in volunteering to be a colonist on Mars?
No way, but I'll be fascinated to watch.
I'd consider it, but I'm not sure if I'd have the courage or not.
Yes, sign me up.
That is a fool's errand and will end tragically.
Would you be more comfortable in the city or the country?
A small college town would be ideal.
I'd like to live in a small village.
I want to live in the big city.
I want to be way out in the country.
Would you consider yourself to be an environmentalist?
I'm totally committed to doing everything I can to safeguard the environment.
No, not at all.
I definitely do more to protect the planet than most people.
I recycle, but that's about it.


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