Which of the Three Stooges Are You?

By: Marie Seva
Estimated Completion Time
11 min
Which of the Three Stooges Are You?
Image: YouTube

About This Quiz

Find out which of the members of the comedic trio fits your personality best.
You need some help at work. You:
would sternly ask or demand that your colleagues help you.
ask colleagues to help you like it's the most natural thing to do on earth.
kindly ask your colleagues to help you.
look for someone who isn't too busy to help.


Someone cuts in your queue at the grocery store, what do you do?
You tell him out loud that there is a queue to be followed and that he should position himself at the back.
You grumble at his mischief.
You grab and pull him to the back if you have to, making sure he is positioned where he should be.
You go and punch him in the face.


You have a noisy neighbor, so you:
... talk to them nicely and let them know that they're becoming a bit too noisy.
... tell them bluntly how much noise they are causing and if they don't stop you'll call the police.
... go there and see what they're up to and join them if it seems like a fun.
... make noise too, to even out the annoyance.


Walking to work, someone who's also in a rush, bumps you. What do you do?
You look at him and say, "Hey watch where you're going, " and wait for an apology.
You brush yourself up then grumble about that person's misdemeanor.
You walk up to him, bump him too and ask, "What's your problem?!"
You say, "Hey there, watch where you're going."


You just finished a rather long and difficult project. What do you do next?
You have a break and go out with friends.
You finally take your long delayed vacation.
You must stay ahead so you start planning out for your next project.
You go partying for about a week.


Someone approaches you to ask for directions. Your response would be:
You give him some directions in the best way you can.
You think it's not too far off and you offer to accompany or bring him there.
You ask them to ask the next person around because you are busy.
Tell them you don't know, but it should be easy to find in a small city.


Your dog jumped to the table and ate your lunch. How would you react?
You get upset, look at your dog scoldingly, but you can't get back your lunch, so you get yourself another meal.
You look at your dog scoldingly, and tell him, "Bad dog!. You will not have your snack later."
You spank the dog, say "Bad dog!" and lead him out and leave him out until nightfall.
You get even and tell him you would take the allowance for his snacks.


You play a game in your phone and you're sure you'd win - but then you lose. What would you do next?
You try it again a couple of times, then if you keep losing, you shift to other games.
You try it again but with the same outcome, you decide to bring your attention to more important matters now.
You flip your phone away and think, "what a useless game?!"
You keep trying and think that you just can't keep losing.


Your favorite restaurant just opened to serve buffet. What would your reaction be?
You get in and notice that some dishes are missing or missing some ingredients and let the manager about it.
You get in and enjoy as much food as you can.
You get in and say "What a lucky guy am I!"
You tell friends and together you enjoy the buffet for days.


You went hiking and found that the trail was more difficult than you expected. Your next move is:
You try to find ways to make the hike easier.
You give yourself a treat from time to time to enjoy your hike.
You climb down and say, "What a waste of time!"
You take time to res every once in a while.


You have been flagged for overspeeding . Now, what do you do?
You apologize and explain that you were in a hurry as you were running late for an engagement.
You apologize and honestly say that you didn't realize that you had gone beyond the speed limit.
You tell the officer that you weren't overspeeding and that his gauge may be defective.
You tell the officer, "can't you understand - it's an emergency!"


You need a new supplier but you have no time to look for one yourself. You are inclined toward:
Making time for it, as It would be refreshing to go out and see what other suppliers can offer.
Contemplating deeply about who is competent and trustworthy enough to do the job for you.
Making sure you make time for it as it is too crucial for your business to entrust to others.
You're busy, you hire the next supplier you come across with.


You realize that you ran out of food stocks in your fridge but payday isn't until the next day. Your next step is:
You go to your friends, let them know your situation and join them at meal times.
See if you have enough credit or ask friends if they could lend you a small sum which you would pay back the next day.
You approach a friend and tell him to lend you money without letting him ask questions, as you'll pay him back soon.
You ask friends for donations for a special cause (yourself).


It's the birthday of your special someone, and he/she has 3 things listed in his/her wishlist. What do you do?
You spend some time to think which of the three would be best to give.
You get something not among the three but something you know will also make him/her happy but is within your budget.
You don't consider the three as you think they are not of value, and purchase instead, something you believe will be better for him/her.
You don't get anything and say, the best gift he could have is having you as a friend.


You have a new boss. Your tendency is to:
... respect and follow his orders.
... accept his instructions and carry them out just as you did with the previous manager.
...follow his orders, if, he agrees with your terms.
...do everything to make him realize that "this is not the place for him."


You just bought cereal but can't find it in your grocery bag. You go back to the store and you:
go to the bagger, steaming mad and yelling your complaint.
are upset but you calmly tell her how much inconvenience she has caused.
go to bagger to tell her that she should be ashamed of herself and you make faces showing your dismay.
accuse the bagger of wanting to keep the cereal for herself.


A good friend hosted a party but it didn't turn out too well. What do you do?
Tell him about the good points of the party and then those that he can improve on.
Tell him all about what you enjoyed the most like the food, and the company of good friends.
Tell him to hire an event organizer next time.
Tell him some of your ideas he can use for making succeeding parties more fun.


Your team's project turned out to be a flop. How would you handle it?
You take note of the errors you made and tell your team members that you will do better on your next project.
You tell teammates that it wasn't all bad. You remind them of the fun and triumphs that you've had in the process.
You point out the errors committed and put the blame on those who are responsible for them.
Find the error and strategize how to handle it better next time.


At work, fire broke out in the room next to yours. What would you do?
Gather all your important stuff and leave telling everyone else to do the same.
Find an extinguisher and try to put out the fire.
You get the extinguisher to put out the fire and air your rage toward the culprit.
Try your best to ensure everyone is out of danger.


You wanted to go to Maldives for your long vacation but flights are fully booked. You:
would really be saddened but you can go there next year and just go to another great location this time.
You book yourself a flight to your second choice of destination.
You badger the ticketing clerk forcing him to give you a ticket to Maldives.
You offer more for a ticket and coerce other passengers to sell their ticket to you.


In a restaurant, you find dishes with peculiar sounding names. How would you react?
You leave thinking, "Their food must be as bad as their ridiculous names. "
You say the dishes sound interesting and ask what ingredients they are made of.
You say, "They sound funny, are they good?"
You have fun trying to pronounce those food names.


Your favorite song is playing and you want to sing or dance along but there are people around. What do you do?
You sing or dance not caring what others may say.
You ask around first if it's okay, before you go ahead to sing or dance.
You sing or dance and ask the people around if they would want to join you.
You sing or dance a little and progress as you see more approval or appreciation come around.


When Halloween comes, what do you typically do?
You get a little decoration and some goodies to be prepared for the trick or treaters.
You decorate your whole house, get a costume yourself and prepare a lot of treats for the kids.
You keep the lights off so that you won't be bothered by noisy trick or treaters.
You dress up too and enjoy accompanying kids as they go "trick or treating."


Crossing the street you found the sign stuck at "don't walk." What do you do?
You frown and go to the next corner to cross.
You manually signal the drivers to stop so you can get to the other side.
You make a sign saying "Busted traffic light." and cross along with others, with an appreciative smile.
You look for a police officer or traffic enforcer and report the problem.


Your business partner made a big error that cost your business quite a loss. How would you react?
You give him another chance. That's life. Everyone makes mistakes.
You think maybe he deserves a second chance, but you warn him to be careful next time.
You can't afford another similar mistake. You look for another partner.
You give him another chance but let him know how much loss was incurred.


You choose a good restaurant for you and your date on the weekend. Your friend suggests a new place in town. What would you do?
You say, "That's great! Thanks!"
You say, "Thank you I'll go check it out," and find out which restaurant is indeed better for your date.
You say, "Thanks." but stick to your original choice, you trust only your own choices.
You try it out and take not of the food and the ambiance.


Company workload has been enormous for everyone lately. Your likely reaction is:
You push everyone harder because you know at the end of the day, everyone will benefit from it.
You are concerned about the welfare and health of your colleagues and call for more rest time.
You try to cheer everyone up and get them in higher spirits so they can continue to work.
Ask management to consider hiring more personnel.


You were feeling down and ordered a sundae. The counter personnel wanted to cheer you up and gave you a cherry topping. How would you react?
You appreciate the effort and try to bring yourself to smile as you say "Thank you."
This made your day. You beam him a good smile and say "Thanks a lot!"
You don't like cherry and get even more upset and say, "I would have ordered cherry if I wanted it!"
You smile and give him a good tip.


You are the chef in a restaurant, and someone complains about vegetables not being fresh. You:
...say, "Really? They look fine to me."
... apologize and replace the dish with a fresh one but wonder how your greens could not be fresh?
... go to the table and ask the customer as you fork out his dish, "So where is this vegetable that's not fresh?"
... bite some off the dish and say. "It's good. What are you talking about?!"


You forgot the rings you were supposed to bring to your bestfriend's wedding. What do you do?
Tell them to proceed without it, and you say "it's just a mere symbol after all, what's really important is that you love each other. "
You apologize and try to come up with a substitute to use in time for the ceremony.
You apologize briefly then give them strings, grass, or even thin wires tied up as rings to use temporarily and you think it's kind of cute.
You say, "how about a wedding with no rings - it would be a first!"


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