Which of the Four Color Personalities Are You?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Which of the Four Color Personalities Are You?
Image: anand purohit/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Take a good look around you and you'll be greeted to a wide variety of colors in this world. From light and dark shades to shimmering colors, our vision enables us to experience the beauty of Mother Nature. But colors don't just represent the Earth, as they're also within the personalities of the people that occupy such soil. In other words, your soul is filled with a certain type of color and we're on a mission to find out which one that is!

If you're curious about the correlation between colors and personalities, we're here to help you understand this mystery a little more. Let's take the color purple for example. This type of color is quite mysterious because it is a hybrid of both light and dark hues, which might hint at several different sides to your personality. If your soul is purple, it may mean that you're more sensitive to criticism and you seek adventures like a free-spirited bird. Purple is also a sign of royalty, which may indicate that you have leadership qualities and a strong personality. But this is just one example, as there are many other colors to explore in this quiz! So if you're ready to find out what color your soul is made of, scroll down for some more colorful insight!

Would you describe your inner soul as tough and resilient or is it more soft and vulnerable?
I have an optimistic soul.
It's very soft and vulnerable.
It's more tough and resilient.
It's somewhere in the middle.
If you were in a meeting with other coworkers, would you be the one to lead the meeting or sit in silence?
I would happily lead the meeting.
I would definitely sit in silence.
I wouldn't lead the meeting, but I would chime in with my opinions.
I try to avoid meetings at all costs.
When you don't get what you want in life, do you tend to throw a tantrum or remain calm and quiet?
I would pretend like nothing ever happened.
I would remain quiet and calm.
I would definitely throw a temper tantrum.
I would feel upset, but I wouldn't show it.


Would you say that you've found your purpose in life or is this something that you're still trying to find?
I've definitely found my purpose in life.
I don't think I have a purpose in life.
My purpose keeps changing.
I'm still trying to find it.
Do you feel enthusiastic about organizing and cleaning your home or does this sound like a dull way to spend your day?
I'm more enthusiastic about cleaning.
I'm not enthusiastic about it, but I do it anyway.
That sounds so dull.
I like doing some chores.
Should life be approached in a serious manner or is it better to feel more carefree and mellow about it?
Life should always be approached in a joyful manner!
Only some things in life should be taken seriously.
Everything about life should always be taken seriously.
It's always good to be carefree and mellow.


Let's say that you just lost at your favorite board game. Would you feel like a sore loser or brush it off like it's no big deal?
I would feel happy that I played my favorite board game.
I would feel like a loser on the inside.
I would feel very angry and upset about it.
Losing is really no big deal.
Are you determined enough to become a big success in life or is the idea of success a little overrated?
I think I'm already successful in life.
I want to become successful, but I'm too lazy for that.
I won't rest until I become a big success in life.
Success is overrated.
Have you ever persuaded someone to get what you want in life or is this something that you would never do?
I would never try and persuade anyone for my own benefit.
I've done this many times in the past, but not recently.
I'm a master of persuasion.
It depends on what I want in life.


Would you describe yourself as a family-oriented person or are you more of a lone wolf in life?
I'm very family-oriented.
I'm more close to my friends than my family.
I'm a little bit family-oriented.
I'm more of a lone wolf.
You've got the day off tomorrow! Would it be more fun to sleep all day on your day off or catch up on errands and work?
I would rather hang out with some friends.
I would much rather sleep on my day off.
I would love to catch up on errands and/or work.
It depends on my mood.
Do you feel cautious about trusting other people or do you believe that all people have good intentions?
Everybody has good intentions in this world.
You can't trust anybody in this world.
Trust must always be earned.
I'm equally cautious and trustworthy of people.


Some people have an ice cold personality while others have a fiery spirit. Where do you stand between these two personality aspects?
I have a warm and friendly personality.
My personality is more ice cold.
I have a more fiery personality.
It depends on the type of day I'm having.
If your personality was like a type of Starburst flavor, which one would it be similar to?
Your personality may be similar to many different celebrities in this world. Which of these celebrities could be your personality twin?
Oprah Winfrey
Ryan Reynolds
Christian Bale
Angelina Jolie


Do you like to hide in the shadows like Batman or are you more outgoing with people like Superman?
I'm definitely more like Superman.
I'm more like Batman.
I'm more like the Hulk.
I'm a bit of both.
Believe it or not, you may be just like a vegetable! In other words, is your personality layered like an onion or is it more bitter like kale?
I'm similar to a carrot.
I'm more like an onion.
I'm more like kale.
I'm more neutral like lettuce.
It's time to embark on a new type of adventure, but first, we need to find out what % adventurous you are!


On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how would you rank your time management skills?
Today is your lucky day since you just found a $20 bill underneath your bed. Would you save it, spend it or invest it?
Save it
Spend it
Invest it
I would give it to a friend or family member.
Can you really achieve anything in life or are some things just too impossible to obtain?
Anything and everything can be achieved in life.
I'm too lazy to achieve anything in life right now.
Many things are too impossible to achieve and/or obtain.
I believe that many things are impossible, but you should go after them anyway.


Everybody has a certain type of humor, but is yours more dry and sarcastic or silly and fun?
Silly and fun
I don't really know.
It's a mix of both of these things.
Dry and sarcastic
Many people flip a coin when it comes to making decisions. When you flip a coin, do you tend to choose heads or tails?
Either one, depending on the situation.
I don't really flip coins when it comes to making decisions.
Somebody just offered you 15 minutes of fame for $1,000. Is this an offer that you will accept or refuse?
I'll refuse this offer.
Can we lower the price first?
I'll gladly accept this offer.
I'll have to think about it first.


The ability to live forever may sound like a blessing, but is it really a curse in disguise?
Yes, it wouldn't be fun to live forever.
I'm not really sure.
I would personally love to live forever.
I would love to live for a very long time, but not forever.
When it comes to solving problems in life, do you approach such problems in a logical or creative manner?
I tend to ask for help with problems in life.
Your friend wants to come over to your house to make some arts and crafts with you! How do you feel about this?


Reading can be a fun way to increase your knowledge! Which of the following classic novels would you love to read in your spare time?
"The Catcher in the Rye"
"The Great Gatsby"
"Pride and Prejudice"
"To Kill a Mockingbird"
Here's a hard decision for you. Would you be able to sit in an empty room with your worst enemy for 24 hours for $500?
I don't have any enemies though.
You'll have to pay me more money than that.
No way, I can't stand my worst enemy.
It would be difficult, but I think I could do it.
Clouds make look like animals sometimes! What types of animals do you tend to see when you look up at the sky?


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