Which Mythical Animal Is Your Soul Guardian?

By: Marie Hullett
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Mythical Animal Is Your Soul Guardian?
Image: Adelevin / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Mythical creatures like dragons have existed in folklore across the globe since Mesopotamian times. Cultures throughout history and across the globe, with no record of contact or communication, still somehow told of strikingly similar mythological beasts. How does that happen? Did fire-breathing dragons and majestic unicorns really exist, or is there some other explanation? 

As it turns out, we meet these creatures when we look inside our souls. Deep within each and every one of us lives a magical animal that can help guide us through life's most challenging situations and unveil our true selves. No two animals are alike, either: The one that lives inside you will depend on your unique needs, temperament and state of your soul. 

To find out which one dwells in you, you must first answer a few key questions. When you take this quiz, you will find out just which creature can help guide you through this life. Afterward, you can summon your special guardian, which will immediately be tasked with bringing out the best in you. Trust me: Two heads are better than one. (Just ask a chimera!) 

So, is it the fiery dragon or sparkling unicorn? Sly sphinx or mysterious werewolf? Come on, this quiz will be faun

Everyone needs support sometimes. What can your soul guardian help you with?
Controlling my emotions
Coping with an existential crisis
Boosting my self-confidence
Acquiring philosophical insight
According to some studies, the human mind wanders about 60% of the time. So, where does your mind wander off to?
Anxieties and insecurities
My many obligations
The meaning of life
A full life means the attainment of what's most important to you. Other than your loved ones, what do you value most in this world?


If a magical being offered to whisk you away to an otherworldly land, where would you want to go?
Ancient Egypt
If you're in a faraway land, you might as well wear something interesting. Which outfit would you like to dress up in for the day?
A rainbow ensemble with sparkly shoes
Medieval gothic clothing complete with a scabbard for my sword
A big faux fur coat and a hat
A cat suit
If you never had to work again and could do anything you wanted, how would you like to spend your days?
Having fun
Changing the world
Creating art
Learning and making discoveries


You're working on creating a film. What will the plot be about?
A misfit finding their place in the world
A crime-fighting secret agent
An artist overcoming creative and familial obstacles
A scientist cracking a code that changes everything
Time to be a kid again. Which show will you watch?
"My Little Pony"
"How to Train Your Dragon"
"Sabrina the Teenage Witch"
Relationships are important. Which ones are most important to you?
My friendships
My romantic relationship
My relationship with my family
My relationship with my coworkers


You're going to adopt a new pet! Which friend will you choose?
A pony
A bearded dragon
A dog
A cat
The world needs both risk-takers and cautious types. Which one are you?
I like to take a chance now and then, but being shy sometimes holds me back.
I'm a huge risk taker.
I'm pretty cautious.
I'm a total scaredy cat.
What's your Kryptonite?


Don't be modest; what's your super (human) power?
My inner vibrancy is contagious.
I'm incredibly strong.
I'm extraordinarily innovative.
My intellect is astounding.
What kind of creature do you hope visits you in your dreams?
A beautiful unicorn
A friendly dragon
A sensitive werewolf
A cunning sphinx
Speaking of dreams, what was your last nightmare about?
Being beaten up
Being chased
Being outsmarted and embarrassed


Everyone's blood boils sometimes. What happens when you become angry?
I run and hide.
My cheeks grow hot and I feel like throwing things.
I lash out.
I start brainstorming ways to sabotage those who have wronged me.
Which of these physical features would you like to possess?
A horn
Sharp fangs
A tail
Now that you're turning into a fantastical creature, what do your eyes look like?
Big, bright, and purple
Red with slits like a snake's
Brown and glow-in-the-dark
Like a cat's


What kind of hair do you want to complement your new look?
Shiny and white
No hair, green scales
Thick and brown
Short and golden
It's no fun being a mythical creature unless you have a special ability. What's yours?
Healing people
Breathing fire
Night vision
Reading minds
Life is stressful. How would you like to blow off steam?
Go on a long run
Pummel a punching bag
Gaze at the stars
Relax and soak up some sun


Let's play to win. Which game would you like to challenge me to?
Pictionary ™
It's time to move to your dream home! What is it?
A castle in the forest straight from a fairytale
A minimalist home in the desert with lots of windows
A cozy cabin in the woods
A medieval tower surrounded by a moat of serpents
You're going to plant a new tree in your yard. What will you choose?
Cherry tree
Dragon fruit tree


Think about how you feel after a dinner party. Does socializing with others energize you or tire you out?
It energizes me!
I feel pretty good afterward.
Socializing is exhausting for me, even if I like the people I'm with.
Speaking of energy, how is your energy level right now?
Always sky-high!
Pretty good
Pretty low
My mental energy is up, at least.
Everyone likes to feel productive. What makes you feel the most accomplished?
Being recognized for my efforts
Winning something
Creating something
Learning something new


A quality friend gives advice you can trust. What kind of advice do you need right now?
Relationship tips
Career pointers
Creative advice
Academic direction
Which fictional character do you want to be BFFs with?
Glinda the Good Witch
Daenerys Targaryen
Jacob Black
Cat Woman
Many people believe that everyone has an aura. What color is yours?


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