Which Iconic TV Queen Are You?

By: Mark Lichtenstein
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Iconic TV Queen Are You?
Image: The Movie Db

About This Quiz

Move over, kings! The queens have come to reign! While history and TV like to focus on the kings, the queens are ruling today's quiz! From the meek to the powerful, which TV queen are you?

The earliest times in history focus on men ruling the world. There were countless kings that became the focus of books, like Henry VIII and Louis XIV. While queens were often meant to be seen and not heard, that soon changed, both in history and on television. History introduced us to Cleopatra, Victoria, and Catherine and TV created the characters of Cersei, Elizabeth, and Gabrielle. 

Are you Cersei Lannister from HBO's Game of Thrones? Strong-willed and cunning, you'd stop at nothing to rule the seven kingdoms. Or maybe you're the persistent Elizabeth X who has to lead her people through making a life in outer space. You might be the adventurous Gabrielle, the Battling Bard of Potidaea; rather than be crowned Queen of the Amazon and be forced to sit on a throne, you're ready to experience the adrenaline and excitement of going into battle. Or are you someone else entirely? 

so, which of these TV queens are you? There's only one way to find out. Let's get crowned!

Are you beloved by your people?
No, I'm actually rather hated.
They don't know about me.
Some of them.
I am, but they aren't really my people.
How does your family feel about you?
Some of them hate me. Others love me, in an inappropriate way.
They are all dead.
They are loyal, but wary.
They don't even know what I'm up to.
Who are your closest allies?
My family.
Some stranger who showed up out of nowhere.
My children.
My new friends and my oldest friend.


Who is your biggest enemy?
Everyone. Really.
My husband's brother Richard.
I don't really have one, but the gods maybe?
How obvious is your animus towards your enemy?
It's so obvious.
I hold no animus.
I keep it well buried.
When I feel something, it's obvious.
What is the fanciest piece of technology you are familiar with, as queen?


Are you used to a hard life or one of comfort?
Comfort for the most part, but I've had my share of hardships.
Total comfort, all the way.
I've had a hard life.
I've had a really hard life.
Who is your best friend?
My brother.
I don't really have one.
My daughter.
A warrior princess.
Is your best friend any use in a fight?
Yes, he's one of the best.
I have no friends.
Not particularly.
My best friend is a total badass.


How clever are you?
I'm very clever.
I'm pretty dumb.
I'm cleverer than I'm given credit for.
I'm wily.
Do your enemies have any weapons you don't have?
One or two, but they will be useless.
Yes, but I can hold my own.
Not really.
What has been your biggest victory?
Killing my biggest rival.
Saving my people from a choice I made.
Putting my family bloodline on the throne.
Giving up my crown.


Where do you draw the line?
What is a line?
The deaths of my people.
Hurting my family.
Being queen.
What is your goal?
Be the undisputed ruler.
Help my people to survive.
Have adventures with my best friend!
What is your endgame?
Kill everyone.
Find a new home for my people.
Get my family on top.


What has been the biggest unexpected obstacle you've faced?
All my children being killed.
My choice to erase my own memories.
The death of my husband.
Becoming Queen.
Who do you admire most?
My father.
My mother.
My best friend.
Other than your outright enemies, who do you detest the most?
My filthy brother.
My own choices.
My son in law.
I don't hate anyone!


What are your views on magic?
It's great when I can use it as a sadistic weapon.
It doesn't exist.
It's powerful, but be careful with it, or you could get hurt.
It's great but I don't understand it at all.
Do you have any kids?
Yes! I love them so much!
Yes, and I worry about them terribly.
None... that I know of!
If you had kids, would they be safe?
No way. They'd definitely get killed.
I would ensure that they were.
No, they would be under constant threat.
They'd have to keep an eye out.


Assuming that you have kids, are there rumors about your kids?
The rumors about my kids are all true, and are thus not rumors.
I'm too young to have kids.
There are loads of rumors about mine.
I don't think there would be rumors about them.
How do you make threats?
I make offers. The threats are implicit.
I don't.
I make curses.
No, I leave that to my... achem... sidekick.
What is the most potent weapon used against you thus far?
Dragons. Boom.
My own word.
My family.
A really badass sword.


How famed are you?
I'm so famous, it'll make you sick.
I'm pretty much unknown.
I'm very famous in my time and place, but not so much nowadays.
Well, I am a queen.
Is that fame deserved?
Infamy would be deserved.
No, considering that I quit immediately after getting the job.
Could real world queens take any positive lessons from you?
That's a good one!
Not really, I don't do very much.
Not if they want to stay queens.


Would democracy be better than leaving you in charge?
Almost certainly.
I'm not 100% in charge.
Not the one that you'd get in my realm.
No, I'd be fair.
Would you share power equally with another monarch?
No way.
I would if it were for the good of my people.
I would probably have to.
Yes! In fact, I don't want it at all.
How snappy is your dialog?
It's so good
It's a little stilted and plot driven.
It's more flow-y than snappy.
It's all snap.


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