Which Hogwarts House should you be in?

By: Kelly Scott
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Hogwarts House should you be in?
Image: n/a

About This Quiz

We don't have a sorting hat to "slip snug around your ears" but take this quiz and allow us to tell you whether you're a Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or a power-hungry Slytherin.
If you found a wallet with $20 in it, what would you do?
Channel Sherlock Holmes to track down the owner based on the wallet's contents and return it.
Take the wallet to the police.
Pocket the $20 and give the cleaned-out wallet to my sister-in-law as a birthday gift.
Visit each nearby shop, asking everyone I meet about the wallet.


Which element do you prefer?


Your motto is:
You may fall many times, but always stand up!
Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think.
Live with passion today and everyday.
Learn from yesterday; live for today; hope for tomorrow.


Which color combination appeals to you most?
Green and silver
Yellow and black
Blue and bronze
Scarlet and gold


You find out someone has been bad-mouthing you behind your back, so you:
Start bad-mouthing the person in return
Confront the person since you won't tolerate that kind of behavior
Pity the offender - obviously they feel bad about their own self.
Laugh at the person because their behavior is ridiculous


If you won a $500 shopping spree, what would you spend it on?
Books! I can never have enough books!
Another magical gemstone for my collection.
I'd buy myself a gift certificate and finally try muggle skydiving.
A large block of high-quality beeswax.


You are about to take your first O.W.L. and so you obviously:
Feel a bit stressed out and nervous.
Encourage your friends with kind words about how well they're sure to score.
Are pretty excited - you've been preparing for months for this exam!
Take the time to mock and ridicule your fellow students for their last-minute cramming.


Which magical artifact would you be most excited to have?
A deluminator so I can give myself light easily and read anytime I want.
A sneakoscope so I can know if someone is doing something untrustworthy... and then befriend them!
A portkey so that I can transport myself magically and fairly.
No question: an invisibility cloak. They're the coolest.


With summer here and your wardrobe needing a refresh, you decide to:
Put it off until next year - your old clothes will manage.
Go to the mall, buy what you need quickly, and then quickly do something else that's actually exciting.
Shop in the most expensive stores - you deserve only the best!
Arrange to go on a shopping spree with friends - the more the merrier!


Who would you be most excited to beat up?
Oh, that dumb pair, Crabbe and Goyle, they drive me crazy.
I try to get along with everyone as best I can.
There are so many people that there's no way I could pick just one.
I'm not normally a violent sort, but there have been times when I've wanted to clock both Malfoy and Snape.


It is time for a family reunion, but no one wants to be in charge of the planning. You:
Sigh and pitch in to take care of it yourself.
Happily volunteer to do it.
Convince your younger sibling to take care of it.
Make whatever excuse you can so you don't have to do it, all the while with disdain dripping from every pore.


While at the store, you catch someone shoplifting. You:
Talk to the shoplifter and persuade him that stealing is not the way to live.
Look away and silently congratulate the shoplifter.
Walk up to the counter and tell the clerk behind the cash register.
Scold the shoplifter for breaking the law.


If you're staying in and relaxing on a Saturday evening, where would you be most comfortable?
In your expensively appointed rec room with rough stone walls and silver lamps hanging from the ceiling.
Lounging in a cushy armchair in your family room with a large fireplace dominating one wall.
In your cozy kitchen, surrounded by welcoming yellow wall hangings.
In a seat in your tower sitting room next to a graceful arched window.


If you were asked an embarrassing truth-or-dare question during a party, you would:
Laugh and try to avoid answering.
Get offended and verbally attack the one who asked the question.
Answer truthfully even though you would probably get teased for it.
Lie and hope no one catches you.


It's the weekend and you've decided to take in a movie. You:
Go see that action adventure film that you've been waiting months for!
Take your younger siblings with you to watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Watch the mystery - you like having to think during the film.
Watch the thriller - the screaming is amusing.


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