Which "Hidden Figures" Character are You?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which "Hidden Figures" Character are You?
Image: n/a

About This Quiz

The film "Hidden Figures" highlights the vital role three black women played in helping NASA gain the advantage over Russia in the Space Race. Which of the incredible characters are you most like? Answer these questions to find out!
Do you like skirts?
No, I'd never wear one.
Yes, I love them!
I wear them sometimes.
Skirts are alright.


What one word would you use to describe yourself?


Do you feel like you need to have a romantic partner?
I don't need one, but I wouldn't mind it.
Yes, it's a shame to be alone.
I don't need anyone, but it's nice to have a romantic partner in my life.
I'd be fine without one.


What was your first impression of Colonel Johnson?
I wasn't impressed.
He seemed nice.
I thought he was cute, and that Katherine should think about giving him a shot.
I didn't have an opinion.


Do your emotions show on your face?
Not really.
Yes, a lot!
Yes, some.
I suppose.


What form of mathematics sounds most interesting?
Computer programming.
Analytic geometry.
All of the above.


Your car breaks down on the side of the road, and while you're trying to fix it, a police officer starts harassing you. What do you do?
Smile, try to be as polite as possible, and hope they leave me alone soon.
Cautiously assert my rights and make it known that what's happening is not okay.
Police don't harass me.
Figure out a way to control and de-escalate the situation without offending the officer.


Who's your favorite character in "Hidden Figures?"


Do you feel appreciated?
There are very few people who appreciate me as they should.
No, but that's the way it is.
I better be appreciated considering all that I do.
I'm underappreciated most of the time.


Would you say you're honest?
When it's safe to be.
Most people don't want to hear the truth, so I've learned to bite my tongue.
As much as possible. I tell it like it is.
Yes, I've always been blunt and straightforward.


Have you ever been late to work?
No, not once in 10 years.
If I'm late, I'm fired, so no.
There's been a few close calls, but I always make it on time.
I set my own hours.


Are you patient?
I put up with a lot everyday: I have to be patient.
Yes, but it doesn't come naturally.
Usually, but I can only deal with so much.
Patience isn't a virtue I possess.


Which insult do you like the best?
"If I were you, I'd quit talking right now."
I try not to make a habit of insulting people.
You're "a mean, old, salty" person.
"Don't be dumb. Use your brain!"


How your relationship with your boss?
I don't have a boss, or I am the boss.
My boss is clueless, but there's hope.
My boss is supportive and encouraging.
We have a certain amount of respect for each other, but my boss doesn't appreciate me as much as they should.


Who are you in the friend group?
The responsible one.
The wise one.
The clever one.
I don't have time for friends.


You just heard some really exciting news, how do you respond?
I unsuccessfully try to contain my cheering and dancing.
I don't usually get excited.
I smile.
I do a quiet happy dance while giggling to myself.


If your boss tells you to stop doing something you know is right, do you stop?
No, I keep doing it.
It depends on which boss tells me to stop.
Yes, but not altogether: I keep pushing it until they give in.
I find an indirect way to get my boss to realize they're wrong.


Do you follow the rules?
I like to push the limits.
I try to get away with as much as possible.
Yes, unless I find a way around them.
I make the rules.


Do you often push yourself outside your comfort zone?
Every day.
Yes, otherwise I would never get anywhere.
I don't like to, but yes.
I usually don't have a reason to go beyond my comfort zone.


What would be an appropriate gift that your significant other could give you?
A bowl of chicken soup when I'm sick with the flu.
A book on the latest technology breakthroughs.
A special pencil for my first day of night school.
A new car.


If someone makes a mistake, is wrong, or misunderstands, do you correct them?
Yes, in the politest way possible.
I simply state the facts.
In an indirect way, yes.
Of course! Why wouldn't I?


How do you feel about someone taking credit for your work?
It happens all the time, but I try to assert credit for my work whenever possible.
I'm used to it.
It's unacceptable, but there isn't much I can do about it.
Everyone has to pay their dues: it's just the way things are.


Are you in shape?
I'm always having to run around at work.
My body is technically a shape, so I'd say so.
Yes, I like to dance.
I don't have time to work out.


Which character would you liked to have seen more of?


What is one word that you'd use to describe your work ethic?


What is one word that your friends would use to describe you?


What would you rather do on a Friday night?
Stay in with friends.
Go out to a show.
Stay in with family.
Catch up on work.


What's your favorite scene?
When Katherine discovers the flaws in calculations for Atlas.
When Dorothy demands her team go with her to run the IBM.
When Mary wins the right to take classes at a segregated school in order to become an engineer.
When Glenn and the Atlas make it back without burning up.


Do you like coffee?
I survive on coffee.
I don't like it, but I drink it.
I don't drink much coffee.
Coffee is great.


How do you feel about respecting something just for the sake of tradition?
I push for progress, regardless of tradition.
It's counterproductive and pointless.
Tradition usually takes the form of oppression.
Tradition has its uses.


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