Which Friend Are You?

By: Kelly Scott
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Which Friend Are You?
Image: n/a

About This Quiz

"I'll be there for you... 'cause you're there for me too." This quiz will always be there for you, just like the characters from Friends! You might want to be a Chandler, but are you really a Phoebe or Rachel? With an excellent list of characters to pick from, let's find out which Friends character you are!

In 1994, NBC released their newest sitcom, Friends. The show would go on to be one of the best-performing shows on TV. Lasting 10 seasons, with over 230 episodes, the show surely made an impact on viewers. From their amazing cast to their dynamic characters, which "Friend" were you?

Are you intelligent, sensitive, and a bit awkward? You might be like the resident paleontologist, Ross. If you're unafraid to admit that you're a bit spoiled, you're probably like Rachel, but you've got a heart of gold. For those with a kind and nurturing nature, you're probably most like Monica. How could you leave her apartment without a meal?

If you're the resident jokester, you're probably most like Chandler! While he always has a punchline, he's usually the most sensible. If you're eccentric and accepting of all things, you're most like Phoebe! You're not one to sugar coat your feelings. While you might not be the smartest of the bunch, if you're down-to-earth and loyal, you're probably the actor, Joey Tribbiani. 

With these amazing six characters to choose from, how could you ever decide which one you are? You might want to be cool and laid back, like Joey, but you're really a bit high strung, like Monica. You're just a few clicks away from discovering which "Friend" you are. Let's find out!

How would you describe your luck with relationships?
I'm dating the future mother/father of my firstborn.
I'm engaged!
I don't get that many guys/girls.
I like to date around.


If you saw $20 on the sidewalk, you would:
Pocket it asap.
Donate it to the next street performer you see.
Responsibly find the owner.
Use it to buy yourself a sub sandwich.


If you had to classify yourself in high school, you'd label yourself a:
Popular kid
Band nerd
Class clown
Theater geek


Where would your dream vacation be?
Somewhere exotic and luxurious.
Anywhere as long as it's aboard a cruise ship.
Somewhere adventurous.
Somewhere I can be pampered.


Everyone's got flaws. What's your worst?
I am socially awkward.
I am spoiled.
I am a commitment-phobe.
Sometimes I'm not too bright.


Which of these is your favorite color?


If you could only wear one type of shoe for the rest of your life, you'd choose:
Comfortable flats
Non-leather retro Keds
Adidas running shoes
Leather loafers


You wake up each morning with the energy of a:
Fluttery parakeet that will hop around and chirp socially.
Mama grizzly bear.
Sloth that is just waking up from hibernation.


What time of your life do you consider to be your prime?
Adult years
College years
High school years


Your life motto would be:
Why put off for tomorrow what you can get done today?
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
The big secret in life is that there is no big secret.
Just do it.


You wear a dramatic outfit in order to make a fashion statement and when someone comments on it, you reply:
If you got it, flaunt it.
Why thank you kindly (and then you wink sarcastically).
This is a ridiculous question because I'd never be caught dead in a dramatic outfit.
Everyone's a critic!


You're sipping your drink when someone runs into you, causing you to spill all over yourself. What do you do?
Freak out about stains on your newly dry cleaned shirt.
Get upset ... until you notice the person who ran into you is cute!
Are a little annoyed but then you laugh and decide to write a song about the situation.
No big deal. At lunch you already dropped mayo from your sandwich on you anyways.


Is the pen truly mightier than the sword?
Yes, absolutely. Knowledge trumps all!
It definitely is when I'm signing my credit card bill.
I don't know... a sword is much better for cutting down enemies.
I'd choose a sarcastic barb over both options.


How would you react if you saw a big spider on the side of the wall beside your bed when you first woke up?
Squeeeeeel and jump out of bed real quick!
You hardly notice the spider because you're not ready to start your day and just roll over in bed again.
You gently rescue the spider with a tissue and transport it outside.
You smush the spider with whatever is nearby.


Your ideal meal would consist of:
A delicious chicken salad.
A truly epic three course masterpiece with appetizer, main course, dessert, and matching wines.
I'm not that picky, but probably a nice steak with mashed potatoes.


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