Which Fast Food Restaurant Is Your Spirit Animal?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Fast Food Restaurant Is Your Spirit Animal?
Image: Inspire Brands

About This Quiz

Where we like it or not, fast food restaurants and a part of our culture and our world. Fast food is a multi-billion dollar industry, and it's safe to say almost everyone partakes in a little bit of fast food now and then. There's no shame in that, and don't let anyone tell you different. If people didn't love fast food, there wouldn't be s much of it. And in moderation, it's not bad at all. Be proud of your french fries and chicken tenders. You earn the money to buy them; you should enjoy them. Be one with the fast food!

The thing about all this fast food in our world is that there is so much choice now, and it's such a part of who we are, it's really become a part of the landscape of modern times. One thousand years ago people may have connected with the trees and the rivers in the woods. Now we connect with Chick-Fil-A and onion rings. Have you ever wondered why one place might click more than another if they all serve burgers and fries? It's a spiritual thing! One of these fast food places has legit become your spirit animal, guiding and connecting you with the modern world. Want to know which one? Take the quiz, and we'll tell you!

Have you ever tried to recreate a fast food item in your own home?
Not really
I've tried to master fast food fries.
I eat healthy at home.
No one can like everything. What do you think is the worst fast food restaurant in the world?
Little Caesar's
Taco Bell
When you order some fast food, where do you go to eat it?
Probably in the car
In the restaurant
I'm not super picky.
At home


Which one of these sounds like the ideal vacation getaway to you?
Cancún, baby!
Just a week off work at home is good.
New York City
Any place with a beach and some sun
Everyone likes to laugh. With that in mind, pick your favorite sitcom!
"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"
"The Simpsons"
Would you consider yourself someone who likes adventure or not?
I love it!
Within reason
A little, sure


What's the most important factor in deciding on where you're going to order food from?
What's the best value?
What's closest?
What has food I know I like?
What's healthiest?
Do you like it when fast food places introduce menu items that sound a little crazy?
I love it!
Depends on how crazy you mean.
I'm mostly into normal food.
Ugh. No.
Have you ever sent food back at a fast food restaurant before?
I've had to a couple times.
All the time
If it's really messed up, I would.


What do you like the least about ordering food from a fast food place?
When they mess my order up.
I feel kind of gross after eating fast food sometimes.
Did you ever try to reheat fries? It's ridiculous.
How unhealthy it can be.
Do you ever go all out and order items of a restaurant's "secret menu?"
You know I do!
Wait, what?
I've heard of secret menus but I've never ordered anything.
Is there any kind of fast food that you could never make as good at home?
Everything is better homemade, isn't it?
Fast food sandwiches are usually really good.
Probably burgers or something like that


What could a fast food place you've never gone to before do to entice you?
Have just an amazing menu
I'd check out their website and see how they sell themselves.
I'd need a recommendation from someone I trust.
I'd be willing to try any pace of I liked the kind of food.
How often do you order different items from the menu at your favorite fast food place?
Quite often
I tend to order the same thing again and again.
I have a few favorites.
I like to shake it up a bit every time I go.
What's your all-time favorite dessert?
Key lime pie
Chocolate cake
Apple pie
Banana split


If you make plans with a group of friends for a Friday night, what are you going to be doing?
Playing games
Heading to a bar
Going to the movies
Sometimes you just need a stiff drink. What's your drink of choice?
A mojito
Hard liquor
Do you keep your house in order or are things a little bit chaotic in there?
It's like a war zone.
My house looks alright.
It's about average, maybe a little messy now and then.
My house is pretty clean.


DC Comics has some pretty gritty characters in their universe. Which DC hero are you relating to most?
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Marvel Comics has been dominating the box office for years now. What Marvel character do you feel closest to?
Captain America
The Hulk
Black Panther
How would you describe your success when it comes to finding love?
I do OK, I guess.
I keep trying.
Pretty good
I'm very happy.


What would you say is your dream home?
A luxurious beach house
A nice place in the country
Hollywood mansion
Penthouse in the city
Do you get along well with everyone where you work or not?
I get along well with everyone.
I work alone!
I guess I avoid one or two people.
If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you do first?
Freak right out
I'm going on vacation.
Buy my dream car
Tell my family


You need to watch those fast food calories. What do you do to stay in shape?
I'm pretty active in my life.
I don't work out much.
A whole lot of nothing
I go to the gym.
Does the corporate culture of a fast food restaurant affect your desire to eat there?
I guess I appreciate a company that tries to make the world a better place.
Not really
Say what now?
It can.
What's something it seems like no fast food place sells that you wish they would?
Corn dogs
Eh, I'm pretty good with what's available now.
More robust vegetarian options


Would you ever take a date to a fast food restaurant?
Sure, why not?
Maybe if we'd been together for a while.
I guess if I'm not trying too hard.
Not at all
What's the ultimate fast food side dish?
Curly fries
French fries
Onion rings
Do you ever worry about your health when you eat fast food?
I try not to think about it.
You know, it's never happened.
Of course


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