Which Brothers Grimm Princess Are You?

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Brothers Grimm Princess Are You?
Image: The Movie DB

About This Quiz

The Brothers Grimm fairy tales were written in the 19th century by two brothers. Initially many of the tales were gruesome, but over the past century and a half, fairy tales have become fond love stories with a happy ending. Gruesome or loving, which of these Brothers Grimm princesses are you? Be careful, you might not always get what you are looking for.
Which is your best physical feature?
How did you end up on your first date?
Ugh! My parents set it up for me.
Some guy just up and kissed me to impress his friends. He impressed me instead.
I have no idea.
I kissed a guy on a dare.
Did your parents buy you all the new toys as a child?
No, but I had a lot of friends.
Not all the new ones, but I had a lot of toys.
I might as well have been locked in a tower.
I pretty much got what I wanted


Who was your best friend growing up?
Pretty much just me
My entire family
I hung out with a bunch of kids in the neighborhood.
My siblings
Which is your favorite animated movie?
"Toy Story"
"The Incredibles"
"Ice Age"
"The Frog Prince"
How well do you get along with your parents?
We have a very good relationship.
I feel like they would lock me away from the world if they could.
It's volatile.
It's good, I guess. I mean they are just my parents.


What do you play with when you are bored?
I twirl my hair a lot.
I am always bouncing my knees.
I toss balls against the wall.
I fidget with my fingers.
How easy is it to get involved in a relationship?
I haven't been in many, but I'm patient.
Easy Peasey Lemon Squeezy.
I've never been in a relationship.
It's hard. I'm kind of picky.
How many hours a day do you sleep?
At least 9. Wait, do you want me to count the naps during the day?


When a fella gives you roses, should he de-thorn them?
It does not matter to me.
Probably. I am always pricking my fingers on something.
I've never received roses before. So, no. I want them as they are.
How will you know you've met your Prince Charming?
He will treat me like a queen regardless of how I treat him.
It's all in the kiss.
I don't know if I will. There are so many guys to choose from.
He will gently play with my hair. I love that.
Would you consider your parents over-protective?
Yep. I don't even know if I was allowed to talk to anyone before I was 20.
No. I'd say they would watch me walk into a busy street so I learned my lesson.
Not really. I was always scampering through the woods alone.
Probably not overly protective. But certainly I didn't have to worry about much.


What is a relaxing activity for you?
Cleaning the house
Walking along a creek
Who is your favorite Disney Princess?
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
Where is your ideal date?
A high-rise restaurant with a great view
A spa day date
A stroll through nice gardens followed by a picnic
A river cruise


Which is your favorite fruit?
How do you do your hair?
I keep it in a pony tail.
I let it fall long.
I like it short.
I do all sorts of fancy things with it.
Which is your favorite type of movie?
Buddy movies
Anything with a twist at the end


How would you rate your looks?
8? I always have guys clamoring to see me.
7. I've had my fair share of guys trying to get to me.
I don't believe it, but I guess I'm a 10. At least that's what everyone tells me.
9. My pickiness is the only thing that keeps me from being a 10.
Are you easily duped?
No, I am pretty good at reading people.
I don't interact with enough people to be duped.
Oh yeah. I fall for the dumbest things. But, now that I met this Nigerian King online, everything it going to be okay.
Umm, no. I don't trust anyone.
How are you likely to injure yourself?
Falling down
Bumping my head on something and being knocked unconscious
Choking hazard
Emotionally, by something I bring on myself


Do you think you've been treated fair in life?
Hard to say. I got what I wanted, but it took me forever to get there.
Well, I didn't miss out, if that's what you mean.
It's been a hard road and some people have tried to hold em back.
Yeah. Can't complain. But I will anyway.
Do you believe you'll find your Prince Charming?
I think there is a good chance.
I've already found him.
Hard to say. I have a lot of options, but none seem perfect.
No. I demand too much.
Would you ever kiss the frog?
Maybe if he has a nice personality.
Oh gosh. I've kissed so many frogs.
Not willingly, but maybe on a dare.


Why do you think your past relationships have ended?
We were just headed in different directions.
It takes me a long time to get anything done.
I'm hard to deal with.
I usually find someone else.
Do you consider yourself spoiled in relationships?
Not spoiled enough.
In kindness.
Probably more than I deserve.
Who are you attracted to?
Anyone who will talk to me
Wealthy guys
Hard working guys
Hot guys


What is the best age to start having children?
Where would you love to spend a romantic weekend?
A luxury hotel in the city
A castle
A cottage in the woods
On the beach
What makes you a princess?
I'm sweet and generous.
I'm taken care of. I've never worked a day in my life.
People are jealous of me.
I am spoiled.


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