Which Branch of the Military Should You Enlist In?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Which Branch of the Military Should You Enlist In?
Image: Coneyl Jay/DigitalVision/Getty Images

About This Quiz

We're going to assume that you are taking this quiz because you have finally figured out what you want to do with your life. Now that you've committed your mind to a career in the military, it's time to figure out which branch will see you going the furthest. No matter which branch you join, we admire your choice to serve your country. 

We can't think of anything more disappointing than being an Airman stuck in the body of a Marine, and it's important that you join the branch that suits your personality the best. As we go through the rank and file of this quiz, our objective is to target the traits you share with each of the four branches. Save yourself a mountain of assessment tests, and answer our questions as truthfully as you'll take your military oath. 

Does your internal grit give you the stuff of a future Admiral or a Major? The way you present yourself will point us in the right direction, and we'll set our sights on telling you where you could enjoy a lifelong career. We have no doubt you'll be highly decorated, but which branch's medals will you wear? Let's find out!

Are you the competitive type?
I'm competitive with myself.
I'm competitive with certain things.
I do not like to lose.
I'm not all that competitive.
Do you make your bed every day?
I never make my bed.
I make it every morning.
I make it when I'm expecting company.
Someone else does that for me.
Can you sing the national anthem?
I can, but no one wants that.
I know every single word.
I can't hit all the notes, but I try.
I can lipsync it.


How would you rate your swimming skills?
Which military vehicle would you like to drive?
Amphibious Assault Vehicle
Stryker Combat Vehicle
Buffalo Clearance Vehicle
M1 Shredder
What is your leadership style?


Are you in good physical shape?
I could use some toning.
I'm in great shape.
I can make it through boot camp.
I need to get into better shape.
How many pull ups do you think you could do?
10 or more
Which of your traits overrules the others?


When is the last time you went to a shooting range?
I've never been to a range.
It was recently.
It's been a while.
I was really young.
Which weapon would you choose for a worldwide crisis?
Beretta 9M
Glock 19M
Colt M45A1
Are your computer skills up to speed?
I'm great with computers.
I'm better with my phone.
It's hard to keep up.
I can use it, but I can't fix it.


Which shift would you prefer to work?
Swing shift
Where would you prefer to be stationed?
Are you an aggressive driver?
I'm laid-back behind the wheel.
I am fairly aggressive.
I drive fast, but I'm not aggressive.
I'm too cautious to be aggressive.


Do you pay attention to politics?
I stay informed about certain things.
I try to avoid politics.
I watch the news.
I'm glued to modern politics.
If you disagreed with an order, what would you do?
I would file a complaint.
I would not disobey my orders.
I would mention it to my superior.
I wouldn't carry it out.
Would you enjoy being a police officer?
It's not for me.
I would love it.
I have considered it.
It's too dangerous.


Do you think you are self-disciplined?
I could work on it a bit.
I'm very self-disciplined.
I'm disciplined about the important stuff.
I'm more self-disciplined than most.
Which of the following is scariest?
Starting over
Are you a heavy sleeper or a light sleeper?
I'm a fairly heavy sleeper.
Everything wakes me up.
It depends how tired I am.
I'm a light sleeper when I'm on call.


Do you have a good poker face?
I'm not good at hiding things.
You can never tell what I'm thinking.
I'm good at being reserved.
My face is fine. My mouth is the issue.
What did you enjoy doing most as a kid?
Climbing trees
Playing video games
Playing sports
Going to amusement parks
Do you get motion sickness when you fly?
I've never been on a plane.
I never get motion sickness.
Flying does make me queasy.
No, but boats make me nauseous.


Which famous veteran do you admire most?
Elvis Presley
Morgan Freeman
John McCain
How prepared are you for an emergency?
I could be more prepared.
I would be good for a couple of years.
I have a 72 hour supply.
I'm sure I would be fine.
Which part of your body is the strongest?


If you were stranded on an island, what is the first thing you would do?
I would look for potable water.
I would seek shelter.
I would look for food.
I would try to call home.
Have you ever tried an MRE?
I would love to try one.
They are tasty!
They are kind of bland.
They are kind of gross.
Would you like to try skydiving?
I'll pass.
Let's go!
Been there, done that.
I would prefer to go bungee jumping.


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