Which Badass Woman Were You in a Past Life?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Badass Woman Were You in a Past Life?
Image: The Movie DB

About This Quiz

The saying that "well-behaved women seldom make history" has been attributed to many exceptional women, and it's still not clear who said it - but whoever she was, it's absolutely clear that she was right. 

The status quo has been pretty horrific for women throughout most of history, with second-class status enshrined in law, legal personhood not guaranteed until the late 1800's, the vote finally coming along in the early-to-mid 1900's, and certain other rights - like holding a bank account and having one's own credit, without which you can't build wealth or an independent future - even later than that.

Despite this, many women have broken through the expectations of their times to become thinkers, leaders, and heroes. They were pioneers of aviation, entrepreneurs who changed the way we all shop, medical visionaries who changed their field, and advocates for justice for those less fortunate or powerful than themselves. 

They stood up for what was right at a time that people like them weren't expected to stand up at all, and they forced the world to listen. They blazed a trail that has made today's people - male and female - freer, happier, and more prosperous... and they're still inspiring us all with their example. Let's see which of these titans you are most like!

Which career sounds most appealing?
Do you want to get married?
Yes, I want to get married, or I am married.
No, I have no desire.
If the right person comes along.
Maybe, but it's not likely.
When you find yourself in trouble, who do you turn to?
My siblings or children.
My mentors.
My chosen family.
My parents.


Which cause is most important to you?
Equality for women of color.
Universal healthcare.
LGBTQ Rights.
Equality for women in male-dominated fields.
Do you have a good relationship with your family?
It's pretty good.
We fight a lot.
It's not very good.
Yes, very good.
Do you mix business and pleasure?
Yes, in an appropriate way...
No, never.
Business is pleasure.
I never have, and I doubt I ever will.


Do you believe that anyone can achieve their dreams if they work hard?
As long as you aren't legally prohibited, yes.
Yes, as long as no one gets in your way.
No, systemic oppression and neoliberalism are things.
Sure, I have.
Where do you fall on social issues?
Mostly liberal.
Mostly conservative.
Very liberal.
Do you think mentorship is important?
Yes, but I also find experimentation useful.
Yes, my mentors have helped me a lot.
I do my own thing mostly.
Yes, I wish I would have had mentors to look to when I needed help.


Do you want kids?
Yes, I want them or already have them.
I think so.
I don't think so, but I'm open to it.
How'd you do in school?
I didn't have much schooling.
I did very well.
I didn't fit in at school.
I did okay.
Do you have a lot of friends?
I'm popular among certain crowds.
No, there's not much room for friends in my life. My work keeps me busy.
Yes, and they're amazing.
I have a few good ones.


What place does money have in your life?
Money is my livelihood and social status.
Money is only important to support myself.
Money is only important to take care of myself and those I care about.
It's nice to have money.
What do you think about going to college?
I would have liked to go.
I think everyone should go to college.
College isn't for me.
I think college is important for some careers.
Which is most important to you?


Are you into fashion?
No, I'm into practicality.
Yes! My fashion sense is eclectic.
Yes, I follow mainstream fashion.
Does society find your career or job choice to be morally acceptable?
Overall, yes.
Not really, no.
Not at all.
It's becoming more so.
Do you socialize often?
Yes, I like to entertain.
No, I keep to myself.
Yes, all the time!


Would you call yourself popular?
I haven't always been popular, but I am now!
I've never been very popular: I mostly keep to myself.
I'm popular with certain crowds and unfairly hated in others.
I'd say so, everyone loves me!
Do you like public speaking?
Sure, I like putting my charisma to good use.
I prefer private speaking or no speaking.
Yes, I love performing.
I don't mind it.
Are you religious?
Yes, I'm religious.
My faith is one of the most important things in my life.
I'm spiritual, but I don't subscribe to a specific religion.
Yes, but I don't actively practice.


What are you most afraid of?
If I was afraid, I wouldn't be where I am today.
Accidentally hurting someone I'm trying to help.
The senseless violence that hate and ignorance can cause.
Fears are paper tigers: there's nothing to be afraid of.
Do you identify as a feminist?
Sure, but I have my criticisms.
No way.
Yes, it's a significant part of my everyday life.
I'm not much in to politics.
Are you involved in politics?
I have some influence.
Not really, but there are certain issues I involve myself with.
As a grassroots organizer, activist, and protester.
No, I don't bother with politics.


What would your critics have to say about you?
I don't care. They're irrelevant to my success.
That I'm a weirdo, and they're kinda right.
Very hateful, derogatory things not rooted in fact.
That I'm out of my element, in way over my head. They're wrong.
Why are you interested in your occupation of choice?
It's an effective avenue for achieving my end goals.
A prior personal experience.
It's not an interest; it's a calling.
I'm fascinated by it.
With all the things you've accomplished, what would you consider calling yourself?
An inventor.
A change maker.
A revolutionist.
A pioneer.


Do you challenge conventions?
Only the pointless ones, which are most of them.
Not intentionally, but convention often stands in the way of what I want.
I destroy convention.
I ignore convention.
Who do you have to thank for making your success possible?
No one. I'm self-made.
My family and faith.
The friends who have supported me through everything.
My coworkers/team. I couldn't do it alone.
Are you a writer?
No, it's not my thing.
I wouldn't call myself a writer, but I do write.
No, I prefer to express myself through physical action.
Yes, writing is an effective medium for reaching wide audiences.


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