Which Australian Animal Are You Really, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Australian Animal Are You Really, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
Image: John Crux Photography / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

The Myers-Briggs personality test isn't just useful in determining human personality types for purposes of hiring, firing and promoting people in large corporations. Here at Zoo, we have learned it can do so much more than that. We have recently found out a series of algorithms that can tell us, with the help of some carefully selected Myers-Briggs questions, what Australian animal someone is.

Of course, we aren't suggesting that you, dear test taker, are an Australian animal seated at a computer. We all know that only South American animals can do that. Nevertheless, we believe there is a deep and profound correspondence between certain Myers-Briggs personality types and specific totemic Australian animals. Humans have a longstanding connection to our wild cousins, especially the totally weird animals of Australia, and it isn't unreasonable to see ourselves in the animals of that island continent, just as we see them in us.

This quiz will only take a few minutes of your time, but by the end you will have an important piece of information you can give to the HR person at your next job. Instead of talking about how you are an ENFP or an INTJ, you can just say "I'm a wallaby!"

How often do you get so lost in thought that you ignore your surroundings?
Is your work style more about inspiration than a regimented routine?
It's mostly routine.
It's not very routine.
I'm all about routine. 100%.
It's not routine at all.
Are you in control of your emotions, or are they in control of you?
I'm not very emotional.
I'm fairly emotional.
I'm totally emotional.
I have no emotions. I'm a T-800.


Would you rather see your child grow up to be kind, or a smart jerk?
Probably kind
Probably a smart jerk
Definitely kind
Definitely a smart jerk
How often do your dreams root themselves in ongoing, real events?
Whenever I'm aware of real events
Never. I do not dream.
Is your work style more about inspiration than a regimented routine?
I'm totally uninspired.
I use regimented methods, but mostly inspiration to get by.
I'm not very inspired.
I'm all about inspiration.


How often do you worry about the effect your actions have on others?
All the time!
Very rarely
Sometimes I do.
Worry? Never.
How difficult do you find it is to empathize with others?
Not hard at all
It's hard.
Fairly easy
It is impossible.
How comfortable are you around animals?
I can get skittish.
I'm a little worried around certain animals.
I don't fear animals very much.
I fear no animals.


How often are you upset by others?
All the time
Not often, but when I am, I'm not upset for long.
Fairly frequently
I don't get upset.
How much do you like to be the center of attention?
I love it!
I'm up for it, when I'm awake.
I don't want any attention.
How much do you feel the need to justify yourself?
I really need to.
I sort of need to.
I don't need to at all.
I need to a little.


Which matters more to you: winning an argument, or preserving someone else's feelings?
Definitely the others' feelings
Mostly winning
I'm leaning toward preserving others' feelings.
Winning at all costs
Which is more important to you: adaptability or organization?
Almost certainly organization. Let me just check my checklist ...
Adaptability, definitely
I'm leaning toward organization.
Mostly adaptability
How long does it take you to get used to the rhythms in a workplace?
I just need a few weeks.
I need a week.
Give me one day.
I need a few days.


How rarely do you do something out of plain old curiosity?
All the time
How easy do you find it is to stay relaxed under pressure?
Not very easy
It's fairly easy.
It's the easiest thing one can do.
It's impossible to relax, ever.
How often do others influence your actions?
Every day, several times a day
A few times a day
Almost never
Rarely, but it happens.


Does a walk in the park lead you to daydream?
Sometimes, if I'm not afraid.
Plenty of the time, if I'm on my day off.
Sure, to the point of actually falling asleep.
I am incapable of daydreaming.
Do you like dressing up to go out?
Not very much. I like my comfy clothes.
I enjoy it.
Dress up? Go out? Then I'd have to get out of bed! No thanks.
I love to make a splash.
Would you rather stay home and chill out, or go out to see other people at a party?
I'll probably stay home.
Probably go out and party.
I'm not even considering the party.
I'm definitely hitting up that party.


How much do you envy others?
I'm pretty envious.
I'm a little envious.
I'm not envious at all.
I burn with envy.
How often is the truth more important than others' feelings?
I'm leaning toward the truth being less important.
I care more about the truth, on balance.
I probably care more about others' feelings.
The truth is always the most important thing.
How quickly can your mood shift?
Fairly quickly
It takes some time.
I don't have moods.
It'll turn on a dime.


When confronted by a friend in trouble, would you be more likely to offer solutions, or just a shoulder to cry on?
Definitely a shoulder to cry on
Probably solutions
Probably a shoulder to cry on
Definitely solutions. I don't have shoulders.
Do you favor your heart or your head when it comes to making major life decisions?
My heart usually leads the way.
I lead towards the cerebral choice. My head is smart, and following my heart has lead only to pain and disappointment.
I'm leaning toward the heart. The heart wants to stay in bed.
I favor my head. My circulatory system does not rely on a heart.
How difficult would it be to fire a friend who worked for you, but did a bad job?
I'd cry!
I'd find it fairly easy.
I would find it fairly difficult.
I'd enjoy doing it.


Would you rather come up with a comprehensive plan, or wing it?
I'd like to wing it, usually.
I like to have a plan most of the time.
I need a plan, always.
I'd rather wing it, definitely.
How often do you find yourself lost in your own imagination?
Very rarely
18 hours a day!
Never. I have no imagination.
How difficult do you find it to introduce yourself to other people?
It's easy! I'm sociable.
It's fairly hard.
It's not too hard.
I hate doing that.


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