Which '80s Sitcom Do You Belong In?

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which '80s Sitcom Do You Belong In?
Image: NBC

About This Quiz

The 1980s didn't just bring us big hair, big shoulder pads and big music. The decade also brought us some envelope-pushing sitcoms that changed the way we view the world. 

You might remember the beautiful "Golden Girls" who graced our television screens for 24 minutes every week. They took on topics like LGBT issues, death, sexual harassment and menopause before it was cool to do so. And they did it in such a lovable way that we all just had to laugh and accept that these topics were things people actually spoke about. Or perhaps you remember the conservative Alex P. Keaton, who loved to correct his parents and ... study? 

With so many memorable characters in the sitcoms of the '80s, there has to be one that you have found a connection with, one that you would want to hang out with the most. There is one setting that you imagine yourself in as you watch these fascinating characters go through their day-to-day situational issues, with a sense of humor to go along with it (and perhaps a laugh track). 

If you aren't sure where you belong in this world, answer these questions, and we'll tell you which 1980s sitcom you belong in.

What is your favorite game?
Candy Land


Which of these would you rather drink?


Do you like going out or staying in?
Going out - there are a lot of fun things to do.
Staying in - I live with awesome people.
Going out - there is so much more to the world.
Staying in - it's more fun this way.


Where would you most want to raise a family?
New York
The Midwest


Do you enjoy watching TV?
Yes, but I also like going out.
Yes, it's my favorite thing to do.
No, it rots the brain.
No, there's too much fun to be had.


What is the most important trait for your friends to have?


Which are you most likely to ask a friend for?
Their time
Their clothes
Their advice
Their help


Do you think it's important for a friend to answer the phone, no matter what time you call?
No, I understand they're busy.
Yes, I won't call unless it's an emergency.
No, I wouldn't do the same for them.
Yes, I call when I need them.


What would you do if someone said something mean about another person in front of you?
Lecture them on how inappropriate they are
Laugh, but tell them it's not cool
Tell them to shut up
Ask them to be nice


When you play board games with your family, how are you most likely to act?
Sad that I'm losing
Make fun of them when they do stupid things
I get very competitive.
We usually don't finish the game, because we're laughing too hard.


If your friend wanted to date a younger person, what would you do?
Support them
Worry for my friend
Ask my friend why they chose this person
Be jealous of my friend


Would you ever ask a friend to lie for you?
Yes, and they'd do it.
Yes, but they wouldn't
No, I like the truth.
Yes, but not for anything important


Have you ever lied for a friend?
Yes, but I was caught.
Yes, but it wasn't important.
No, that's wrong.
No, but I would.


If your friend was doing something illegal and you didn't approve, how would you approach them?
I'd tell our other friends, then have an intervention.
I'd tell them to seek help.
I'd confront them one on one.
I wouldn't confront them.


If you thought a sibling was a bully, what would you do?
Tell my parents
Tell them about the people who bullied me
Tell them to stop, and when they don't, tell my parents


Do you think that it's important to tell the truth?
Most of the time
Yes, but sometimes I fib
Yes, it's always important.
Not when it has to do with how someone looks


Who is most important to you?
My brother
My sister
My future is more important than people.


Which of these topics are you most likely to have a stake in?
Social Security
The economy
What I'm going to do today


If a friend was being bullied because of how they look, what would you do?
Tell the bully to stop
Talk to the bully
Contact the authorities
Laugh at my friend


Do you think it's important to talk to your friends every day?
Not every day, but often
Yes, it's the most important thing.
No, they have their own lives.
Yes, but I don't


How funny do you think you are?
I'm cute, but not necessarily funny.
I'm pretty funny.
I'm more serious.
I'm very funny.


What kind of sense of humor do you have?
A serious sense of humor
A witty sense of humor
I'm always serious.
A mean sense of humor


How would your friends describe you?
A troublemaker
Hilarious and odd
A hound dog


Do you think it's important to pay your bills?
I don't have bills, so I don't care.
Yes, but it's not the most important thing.
Yes, it's the only way to keep the economy going.
No, I don't pay attention to that stuff.


Have you ever been in a car accident?
Yes, and I didn't have my license.
Yes, but it wasn't my fault.
No, I'm a safe driver.
Yes, and it was my fault.


In what situation would you be most likely to ask for a raise at work?
If I worked more than expected
If I worked there for a long time
If I knew I was good at my job
If I needed more money


Which of these things would you NEVER let your friends borrow?
Expensive items
I let my friends borrow everything.
I never let my friends borrow anything.


If someone asked you for dating advice, what would you do?
Tell them not to date
Tell them a story about someone I dated
Tell them all women/men are the same
Tell them dating is easy


Do you consider other people's feelings when you talk to them?
Yes, all the time
Yes, but it doesn't stop me from telling the truth
Not really
Sometimes, but sometimes I'm mean


How would you react if someone made fun of you?
Ask them to stop
Tell them I don't care what they think
Laugh because I know it's not true
Make fun of them back


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