Which 1st Person Shooter Should You Play?

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which 1st Person Shooter Should You Play?
Image: TMDB

About This Quiz

First person shooter games exploded in the 1990s and have only grown. Simply put, first person shooters are all about shooting and blowing things up. Who doesn't love that? Take this quiz to see which first person shooter game you should play next!
Do you like modern or old-school video games?
I like to feel a bit nostalgic.
I like games from the early 2000s.
I like modern games that have reinvented the old.
I'm all about the modern video games.


Who is your favorite shooter target?
It really doesn't matter. Die! Die! Die!
Futuristic robots.


Which do you need in a game?
Awesome graphics.
Lots of gore.
A lot of weapon options.


Are you really that good at first person shooters?
Nope, that's why I stay old school.
I think I am until I play with someone else.
I'm pretty good.
I'm the best.


Which gaming system do you play?


Which game first turned you on to first person shooters?
"Duck Hunter."


What is your first person style of play?
Go all out and take no prisoners.
I troll.
Defensive positioning. Let others take the hits.
I snipe the baddies.


What's your weapon of choice?
Machine guns.
An exo-suit with a ton of weapons.


Well, your team is dead. What do you do?
Just keep shooting.
Try to run away.
Go into sniper mode.


Do you prefer single or multi-player?
Single player. I hate when people get in my way.
It depends on the game and who I am playing with.
I don't mind multi-player.
I prefer single, but if my friends are annoying I'll do multi-player.


Which time period do you belong?
Any alternative universe.
Another time in another galaxy.
World War II.
The future.


What kind of a map do you prefer?
Large single screen.
Multiple maps.
I like them simple.
I never use the map anyway.


Do you prefer campaigns or free-play mode?
I just like to run and shoot.
I don't care.
I enjoy free-play where I can explore a bit.
I only go on campaigns.


How important is the ability to aim?
Doesn't matter, I just shoot.
I'm more of a gunslinger than anything.
I enjoy aiming, but when surrounded I just let loose.
I depend on aiming.


What is the most important thing to customize?
My player.
My weapons.
My team.
I am not a customization person.


How do you like to get your health?
By regeneration through a level.
I like new health when I pass a level.
Finding power packs.
I guess it doesn't matter as long as I don't keep dying.


Which is your favorite 1980s video game?
"Donkey Kong."
"Pac Man."
"Space Invaders."


What is your longest consecutive gaming experience?
Less than three hours.
Three to five hours.
Five to ten hours.
Longer than ten hours.


What is your gaming snack?
Just a ton of energy drinks.


How much blood do you like to see in the game?
I like old-school blood where the screen goes red.
It doesn't have to be a lot of blood, but I do like realism.
The bloodier the better.
I don't want to see blood. I want to see robots and machines blowing up.


How do you like your enemies to come at you?
I like a solid wall of enemies coming at me.
I like a good mix.
I like a few enemies at a time.
I'm good with one or two difficult enemies at a time.


When playing with other players, who are you?
I screw around and sometimes shoot my teammates.
I sit back and let everyone else do the work.
I like to play sniper.
I take the lead.


Which type of games do you prefer?
Games set in a dystopian universe.
Games with modern innovations.
Games with a historical aspect.
Games set in space.


An enemy attacks close and quick, what do you do?
Randomly shoot and hope I hit them.
I mash buttons and hope something sticks.
Steadily aim and fire.
Turn and run until I have more space to make a decision.


A sniper is shooting at you, what do you do?
Hide until someone takes the sniper out.
Warn teammates to get them to start blowing the baddie away.
Start shooting back.
Take cover to evaluate the situation.


What is your favorite way to take out an enemy when you don't have a gun or ammo?
Traditional hand to hand fight.
Pound them with a blunt instrument.
With explosives.


Do you ever dream as if you are in a first person shooter?
Nope, can't say I have.
I think so.
It has happened on occasion.


Has anyone ever broken up with you because of your gaming?
No, I quit when I started dating.
No, but we were close.
Yep, many times. I don't even try anymore.
Nah. Who do you think got me into first person shooters?


How aggressive are you when you play?
I might yell.
I'm not aggressive. I just play.
I have broken a few TV screens.
I've been in a few fist fights when my friends do stupid things.


What is the best thing a first person shooter has done for you?
Given me confidence.
They give me a way to relieve stress.
I have superhuman finger reflexes.
Well, I do have this big belly to rest my drinks on that I didn't have last year.


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