What's Your Life Expectancy Based on Your Daily Routine?

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What's Your Life Expectancy Based on Your Daily Routine?
Image: Digital Vision / Digital Vision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

How we live day to day affects how long we will live. This is not exclusive to the amount of vegetables we eat or how often we get fast food, but these things do apply. It is important to remember that our bodies are made up of chemicals, and those chemicals react to the chemicals (natural and otherwise) that we put into our bodies. Additionally, our bodies process things differently based on how much we actually pay attention to them. When it comes to thinking about your future and the future of your health, the way you experience life and pay attention to your body can change your life expectancy.

Luckily for you, you have the opportunity to learn about how you are affecting your body with your daily routine. Remember that humans are creatures of habit, and some of the habits we pick up can hurt us or help us in the long run. Take some time to answer these questions, and we'll tell you your life expectancy based on your daily routine, and (if need be) we'll give you some pointers on changing your ways for the better.

This quiz is not intended to dispense medical advice and is intended purely for recreational purposes. Please consult a doctor for any concerns about your health that you may have.

How does the sound of the alarm clock make you feel?
I don't use an alarm.
What is the first thing you do when you get out of bed in the morning?
Get back in bed
Take a shower
Go to the bathroom
Drink water
Do you brush your teeth in the morning?
No. I never brush my teeth.
No. I am too busy.
Yes. It's gross not to.
Yes. Killing germs is a passion of mine.


What do you eat for breakfast?
Bacon on top of bacon
Fast food
I don't eat breakfast.
A high-fiber meal
Do you exercise in the morning?
No. I don't exercise.
No. I hate waking up earlier than I have to.
If I'm feeling up to it.
Yes, every morning
How do you get to work?
Drive as fast as I can, because I'm late.
Drive and get mad at traffic.
I work from home.
I usually walk or bike, depending on the weather.


How many cups of coffee do you drink throughout the day?
I don't drink coffee.
When you arrive at work, what is the first thing you do?
Figure out how to get by without doing much.
Check my email to see who is going to make me mad today.
Get into an argument with a coworker.
Take some time to situate myself and figure out what I'm going to work on first.
How stressful is your job?
Incredibly stressful
It is stressful, but there are rewards.
A little stressful
Not stressful at all


While at work, how many times (in a day) do you wish you could quit?
Over 100
What are you having for lunch?
Fast food
A salad or something healthy
How do you beat the after-lunch slump at work?
An energy drink
Another cup of coffee
I take a nap at my desk.
A healthy snack


How often does your boss yell at you throughout the day?
At least three times
Usually twice
Only once
While you're at work, how often are people popping into your office to ask you questions?
Every five minutes
About once an hour
Once or twice a day
It's lunch time! What are you drinking?
An energy drink


Are you having something to drink with breakfast?
No. I don't eat breakfast.
Yes, coffee or an energy drink IS my breakfast.
What are you most likely to be drinking while you eat dinner?
An energy drink
Juice or wine
How often do you meditate throughout the day?
I take two 30-minute breaks to meditate.
I meditate whenever I need a moment to myself.


Do you stretch in the morning?
No. I get up and go.
Only if I slept funny
I stretch my arms in the morning.
Yes, I stretch everything, every morning.
How rushed do you feel in the morning?
Very rushed. I always feel late.
Somewhat rushed, if I oversleep.
Not very rushed
Not rushed at all. I'll get there when I get there.
On the way home from work, how eager are you to get home?
Very eager
Pretty eager
I'll get home when I get home.
I work from home. I don't need to be eager.


Approximately how many glasses of water do you drink a day?
More than 8
You have to go to the bathroom. How long do you hold it?
As long as I can. I'm busy.
For a little, bit, but then I just go.
I only hold it until I finish something.
I never hold it.
How many breaks do you take while you're at work?
Six cigarette breaks
None. I rarely take time for lunch.
Three. It is what I'm entitled to.
As many as I need to stay focused.


Which sounds most like something you'd do in the course of a day?
Ignore a shooting pain in my chest.
Ignore cold symptoms to get work done.
Call a doctor, because I'm feeling ill.
Take vitamins to avoid illness.
Which of these is a part of your daily routine?
All of these
Make sure the kids are on time.
Make sure the animals are fed.
Make sure I get all of my work done.
How many alcoholic beverages do you have daily?
1 or 2


What are your favorite snacks throughout the day?
What dessert are you most likely to eat?
A milkshake
I don't eat dessert.
Fresh fruit
It's midnight. Your stomach is grumbling. What are you eating?
Protein bar
Nothing after 8 p.m. for me


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