What’s Your Dating Zodiac Sign?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What’s Your Dating Zodiac Sign?
Image: CSA-Printstock/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images

About This Quiz

It's a proven fact that love does strange things to us! From the chemicals that flood our brains to the small personality changes we experience when we are dating, it's safe to say that we're sometimes not ourselves when things heat up a little. Once you tell us about your dating and relationship style, we'll let you know which zodiac sign you are most like when you're in that ... umm ... position. 

You might be asking how it's possible for your zodiac sign to change when you are dating, and we agree that it sounds a little strange. Of course, the zodiac sign you are based upon your date of birth will not change. However, we are suggesting that all of those love hormones that take over your world make you act a little out of character. Tell us what you're like when you have butterflies in your stomach, and we'll relate your newly found traits to the zodiac wheel. 

With 12 possible signs out there, we will have to look closely at the way you behave. Pretend we're your best friend, and share your dating secrets with us. Then, we'll tell you which of those 12 signs you're like when you're feeling the love. Will it be the same sign you were born with? Let's find out!

If you had a crush, would you tell the person?
I would drop some major hints.
I would have a friend tell them.
I would carry the secret to my grave.
I wouldn't be able to hide it.
How many times a day do you have racy thoughts?
Every two minutes
A few times a day
Once a day or so
Where would you prefer to go on a first date?
I prefer going to dinner.
It depends on what my date wants to do.
I think going for a long walk is a great first date activity.
I would prefer to head straight to the bedroom.


Do you use any dating apps?
I like Tinder.
I've never used one.
I've tried a couple.
I've looked at them but never used them.
Are you a game player in relationships?
I tend to play it straight.
If someone's playing with me, I'll play back.
Some games are a lot of fun.
I prefer games in the sack.
Which word would your last ex use to describe you?


Do you kiss on the first date?
I like to wait a while.
You might as well get it over with.
It's up to my date.
I prefer hugs on the first date.
How do you feel about PDAs?
A little public affection is fine.
I prefer to save my displays of affection for private places.
I'm fine with PDAs.
As long as it's not gross, it's sweet.
What's your favorite kind of kiss?
Long and nurturing
Sweet and fiery
Heartfelt and thoughtful
All kisses are my favorite kind.


Have you been in many long-term relationships?
I've had one.
I've never had a long-term relationship.
I've had a couple.
I've lasted about six months.
How long should you know someone before you get intimate?
You should go on at least three dates.
A few minutes are enough for me.
It depends on the chemistry.
You should know each other really well.
What is the most important part of building a relationship?
Sense of humor


Which trait do you find most attractive in others?
Brains really turn me on.
I love an independent mind.
I think it's attractive when people are confident.
A sense of adventure is a must.
Do you believe in soulmates?
I keep hoping it's real.
My best friend is my soulmate.
I don't really believe in soulmates.
I won't rule it out.
Which physical feature do you notice first?


How long has it been since you've been on a date?
It's been a few years.
It was recently.
It was a few months ago.
I think it was last year.
If your date and your pet do not like each other, does that affect your feelings about them?
If my dog doesn't like you, I don't like you.
I don't have pets.
My cat doesn't like anyone.
I would have to consider the issue.
Would you introduce your date to your friends on a first date?
No way!
I think it's a good idea.
Maybe on the second or third date.
I would prefer that they meet my family.


How do you feel about group dates?
I like solo dates a lot more.
They are fun sometimes.
Group dates are a lot of fun.
I think it depends on the group.
When did you go on your first date?
I was in high school.
I was in Junior High.
I was in my 20s.
I haven't been on a date yet.
Who should pay on a date?
It depends on who set up the date.
I prefer to split the bill.
My date should pay.
I prefer to pay my own way.


At what point is it ok to move in together?
You should wait at least a year.
Sometimes, things happen fast.
You should do it when it feels right.
You should date for a few years first.
Which rom-com is your dating life most like?
"50 First Dates"
"The Wedding Singer"
"Four Weddings and a Funeral"
"There's Something About Mary"
Do you fall in love easily?
I'm hesitant to fall in love.
I have in the past.
I've never been in love.
I try not to fall fast, but I usually do.


Which term of endearment would you call your date?
I would use their name.
It depends on how long I've known them.
What is your cuddle style like?
I like to cuddle after being intimate.
Cuddling is too hot.
I could be a professional cuddler.
Sometimes, I like it. Sometimes, I don't.
What sort of first impression do you make?
I'm a little shy at first.
I come off as being friendly.
I think I come off like a weirdo.
I come off as being really formal.


Have you ever had your heart broken?
Many, many times
I guard my heart too closely to get it broken.
I've been ripped apart once.
My heart is breaking right now.
Are you the bossy one or the indecisive one on a date?
I'm up for anything.
I'm usually the bossy, planner type.
I tend to go with the flow.
I know what I want, but it's up to my date.
What food would you never eat on a first date?


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