What Would Your Job Be in King Henry VIII's Court?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
What Would Your Job Be in King Henry VIII's Court?
Image: YouTube

About This Quiz

The court of King Henry VIII was a tumultuous, gilded cage. If you played your cards right and had the king's favor, you could reap tremendous benefits. Side with the wrong ally, however, and you would fall forever. Jobs in the court were either very high up jobs comparable with cabinet-level positions today or very low-level jobs, equivalent to the White House's calligrapher (who has top secret clearance, of course.)

In a society where wearing a blade in the presence of the king meant you enjoyed a tremendous level of trust, having any job close to the king meant that you made it, but when that king is the infamous Henry VIII, that status is hardly in stasis.

Where do your strengths lie? Are you a hard-nosed numbers guru who cuts through the nonsense to extract truth from facts? Are you a master manipulator who could challenge other heads of state on behalf of your lord and master? Or are you merely a flashy entertainer, permitted to interrupt the privy council to tell a joke that will make the king laugh? All these skills had their attendant job titles and more.

Planning a trip back in time and a change in career? Before you go, take this quiz!

How good are you at keeping others' spirits up when things are bad?
That's my specialty.
I have some stock sayings ready.
I leave it to the boss.
Not my area


How discreet are you?
Not at all
I'm very discreet.
I can keep a few secrets.
Everything is a secret to me.


Are you a clear communicator?
When I need to be
When I want to be


Can you be trusted?
Not with everything
For the most part
As much as any employee


Are you fearless?
I've demonstrated some nerve.
I'll stay safe, thanks.


Are you a clean person?
Only when it isn't funny to be dirty
I'm very clean.
I don't mind the grime of travel.
I wash my hands.


How striking is your appearance?
No one would confuse me with anyone else
Not at all striking
I'm an imposing presence.
Average, I guess.


How easily do people let you into their confidence?
Not easily
Very easily
Only for certain things
If I work at it, I get trust.


How do you dress?
In a strange way
In functional clothes
In travel gear
In a suit


Can you handle desperate responsibilities?
No, just one
I can.
I prefer a focus.
I like to have a few side hustles.


Are you comfortable on the road?
Not really
I can travel, if I travel in style.
I'm most at home when I travel.
I'd rather stay home.


Are you willing to take on more than one major job?
No, thanks!
Maybe, depending on the job
No, just one
Yes, absolutely


Do you mind if doing your job doesn't make you respectable?
I don't mind!
I can only go up.
I mind.
I mind very much.


Do you mind getting your hands dirty?
I don't mind getting my face dirty!
I don't mind getting my hands dirty, not at all.
I'd rather just be the face of the operation.
I have people for that.


Can you ride a horse?
A bit
Very well
I can ride in a carriage.


How's your personal security?
Pretty good
Second only to the king


Can you improvise?
Yes, and I've taken classes in it.
Not well
A bit
Only in terms of grand strategy


How are your domestic skills?
I usually don't smell.
Not great, but fine
I pay people for that.


Do you speak many languages?
Only two
Just one, the right one


Do you have any skills as a lawyer or the like?
Not that kind, no.
I know how to keep things clean.
I took some acting classes.
Yes, I do


Can you take a joke?
Not well
I've got a poker face.
If I must.


Do you mind being in close proximity to power every day?
I'd like a little downtime.
I don't mind at all.
I'd rather be the sign of the coming power.
I'd rather be the distant hand of the power.


Are you a good representative?
No, I'm better at domestic pursuits.
I am.
No, I'd hire someone for that.


Can you handle all eyes being on you?
I love the sound of that!
No, thanks!
Sometimes, but not all the time.
Yes, I can take it.


Do you want power?
No, I want laughter.
No, I'm not ambitious.
No, I like having it by proxy.
Yes, absolutely.


Are you a loyal friend?
No, I've made friends cry.
Yes, always.
Sometimes, but the job comes first.
When it is beneficial.


Do you have a strong, clear speaking voice?
Not a bit
I trained with the RSC!
When I speak, people listen.


Do you forget things easily?
What was that?
Sometimes I let things slip.
I have to keep it simple or I forget things.
No, never


How quick-witted are you?
I'm wily.
I'm not that sharp.
If I have time to pause for a second, I can think.
I try to think through all scenarios beforehand so I needn't rely on wits.


How detail oriented are you?
The details don't concern me.
I'm always very careful with my toiletries.
I make sure I have a straight gateline.
I'm Mister Macro and Mister Micro.


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