What type of poem are you?

By: David Copper
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
What type of poem are you?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

A poem can be epic or funny or sad. And so can a person. Want to know what type of poem you are? Take the quiz and find out!
Who are the people you admire most in life?
Where can you be found at a party?
Alone in the corner
Telling jokes around the beer bong
Discussing the meaning of life at the dinner table
Telling stories in the middle of the room.
What do you think of TV?
Most of it is nonsense.
I love it!
I avoid it.
I only watch movies.


Your favorite meal?
Steak and potatoes
Fish sticks and applesauce
A sandwhich
Linguini and clam sauce
Your favorite kind of book?
A Victorian novel
A joke book
A book of poetry
A long, engrossing novel
How do you feel about war?
It's horrible, but needed
I don't pay much attention to it.
War is never the answer.
War is horrible in real life. In the movies, it's great!


Are you comfortable with nudity?
Not at all!
I love it!
I am fine it.
I love unveiling my body!
Which of these insults have you gotten?
You're so stuffy!
You think everything's a joke!
You're a wimp!
You never shut up!
Would you like a beverage?
Yes, I'd like some tea, please.
I'll have a beer!
No, thank you. I don't drink.
I'd like some whiskey.


Are you good at sports?
No, I find sports boring.
I'm great at sports!
No, I'm not a very competitive person.
No, I'm too clumsy.
What makes you happiest?
Which of these hobbies do you enjoy most?
Going to a comedy club
Talking with friends


Your favorite thing to do at the mall?
Going to a sports bar
Nothing. The mall is too loud for me.
Hanging at the food court
How do kids react to you?
They think I'm too serious.
They love my jokes!
I have a calming effect on them.
They love my stories.
As a kid, I wanted to be...?
A world leader
A clown
A celebrity


What do you want from music?
I like music that makes me think.
I like fun music that makes me laugh
I like music to relax me.
I like music I can dance to.
Your ideal dinner party?
Just a quiet meal with my significant other
Me and my drinking buddies!
I prefer to eat alone.
Just me and my fans
Which Halloween costume do you like most?
A witch
A hobo
A ninja
A queen


How does your family feel about you?
They find me a little odd.
They think I'm funny.
They think I'm the peacemaker in the family.
They always want me to tell them stories.
What do you think about camping?
I like appreciating nature.
I love the camaraderie.
I like the serenity.
I love telling ghost stories.
Which character do you relate to in The Wizard of Oz?
The Good Witch
The Tin Man
The Lion
The Wicked Witch


Your favorite farm animal?
A horse
A pig
A cow
A sheep
Which compliment have you gotten?
You're so smart.
You're so funny.
You're so calm.
You're so entertaining.
You never leave the house without...?
Making my bed
Having a drink
Saying a prayer
Looking my best


Which superpower do you want?
Mind control
E-ray vision
World peace
Superhuman charm
Which era do you wish you lived in?
Victorian Age
Ancient Rome
The Biblical Age
The Middle Ages
Which of these careers could you never do?
A criminal
A scientist
A soldier
A factory worker


Your favorite US president?
Abe Lincoln
Bill Clinton
Jimmy Carter
Barak Obama
What angers you the most?
Political correctness
Which of these scares you the most?
A murderer on the loose
Politicians engaging in cencership
The break out of war
People not noticing me


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