What Type of Guy are You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Type of Guy are You?
Image: Shutterstock

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Guys all want to think that they are so original, and to some extent that is true. With that said, most guys all fit into some very distinct types, which type of guy are you?
Do you like to fit in with the crowd?
Usually I do.
I like to fit in with my crowd.
No, most people don't understand me.
No, I don't get along with most people.
How many relationships have you had over the past few years?
4 or more.
What is your biggest goal in life?
Getting a good job and having a family.
Having fun.
Being creative and living life.
Who knows? I just try and get through the day.


How do you act when at a party?
I tend to be quiet and uncomfortable.
I tend to be loud and wild.
I try to engage people in meaningful conversation.
I usually just party as hard as I can.
What party do you vote for?
Green Party.
Voting is a waste of time.
Are you impulsive?
No, I think everything out before I do it.
Not really, I like to be consistent for the most part.
I am not impulsive, but my actions are often different from the norm.
Totally. I do what i want.


What is your life's philosophy?
I try and be a good person, and do the right thing.
I just try to have fun, and live life to the fullest.
I want to live up to my potential, and do something amazing.
I don't really have a philosophy. I just live.
What do you want to do on an average evening?
Watch TV and hang out with my family.
Do some physical activity, then have a beer and relax.
Try to be creative, finish that project I have been working on.
Go out and try and to find some trouble to get into.
What type of woman do you tend to attract?
The All American Future Mom type.
The popular girl, cheerleader type.
The intellectual, artistic type.
The party girl type.


What do you do when you first get up?
Make coffee and check my email.
Go for a run or work out.
Meditate or do yoga.
Lay there in bed wishing I did not have to get up.
Do you want kids?
Of course, I want a big family.
Yes, I want a couple, but not right now.
Maybe one, but I want to have a child later in life.
No way.
How do you get along with your parents?
Pretty well.
Okay, but they don't understand me.
Not well at all.


What do you usually check out online?
News websites.
Sports websites.
Culture websites.
Subculture websites.
How committed are you in a relationship?
Totally committed.
I do my best to be committed.
I don't cheat, but I expect her to understand that my creative projects come first.
Not committed at all.
What is your fashion style?
Just normal, nothing that stands out.
Athletic wear, and baseball hats.
Hipster and cool.
Thrift store and tattoos.


What type of place do you hang out at?
Coffee shops.
Sports bar.
Hipster bar.
Dive bar.
How often do you work out?
Once a week.
Every day.
I don't really work out, but I ride my bike and walk a lot.
Pretty much never.
How do you feel about rules?
They are important in society.
They are not always right, but should be followed anyway.
They are there so I know what society expects of me.
They are made to be broken.


What was the last thing you did that you are proud of?
I got a good evaluation at work.
My last workout.
I finished that creative project I was working on.
I didn't get caught doing that thing I don't want to talk about.
What is important in selecting a college?
A strong academic reputation.
A good sports team, and a good social life.
A strong arts program.
I don't think college is important.
Which actor is your favorite?
Ryan Gosling.
Ben Affleck.
Ethan Hawke.
Jared Leto.


Of the following, which football team would you rather root for?
Dallas Cowboys.
Seattle Seahawks.
New England Patriots.
Atlanta Falcons.
Do you believe in love?
Of course I do.
Yes, but it is hard to find.
I believe in the concept of it.
Not at all.
Which rapper is your favorite?
Will Smith.
LL Cool J
A Tribe Called Quest.


Do you like sports?
Sure, they are fun to watch.
Yeah, I love sports to play and to watch.
No, sports are for the weak minded.
I don't mind sports, but I never pay any attention to them.
How do you wear your hair?
Short and parted in the side.
Short with lots of gel.
Longish, and I have a beard.
It depends on if I have enough money for a haircut.
How important is money?
It is very important, if you want security.
It is important if you want to have fun.
Not important at all, doing what you love is more important.
It is only important in that you need money to party.


Why did you leave your last job?
I found a job with better benefits.
I found a job that paid more.
I found a job that I enjoyed more.
The same reason I leave all my jobs, I was fired.
Do your girlfriend's parents like you?
Sure they do.
I think so, we don't hang out much.
Yes, but they worry that I am not responsible enough.
What do women like about you the most?
I am nice to them.
I am dependable.
I am talented and intellectual.
I am fun to party with.


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