What Majestic Bird Are You, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
By: Ami Brown
5 min
Image: Daniela Duncan/Moment/Getty Images
About This Quiz
Webster's defines "Majestic" as "Having or showing beauty or dignity." There are few animals that can embody the meaning of majestic the way birds can. With their vibrant colors, strong personalities and sheer power of gravity-defying flight make them god-like in many cultures around the world.
Whoever coined the phrase "Bird-brained" may be mistaken. Some of the most intelligent creatures on earth include certain species of birds. In research studies, the crow consistently tests as high as the great apes and even uses objects for tools and they work together to solve logical problems. The African grey parrot can mimic sounds and some have a vocabulary close to a 1000 words. The New Zealand kea (another type of parrot) has been tested to have the IQ of a toddler and can solve complex puzzles.
Birds not only have the smarts but are full of vibrant personality. Which brings us to our quiz. Some birds are shy, some are bold and brave and some are even protectors of territory. Birds have been known to take on other species twice their size to guard their mate, nest or hatchlings. According to the Myers Briggs test, there are eight main human personality types, but each person has a unique combination that describes them. We've matched these personality traits with some of the world's most majestic birds, take this quiz to find out which one you are most like. Have fun and see how high your personality soars.