What Kind of Rock Music Are You?

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Kind of Rock Music Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Rock and roll will never die! With so much great rock music out there, it's hard to know which kind of rock you would be. Never fear! Take the quiz, and we'll tell you!
If you were in a band, what instrument would you play?
Which singer do you like most?
Sid Vicious.
Robert Plant.
Chuck Berry.
Chris Cornell.
Do you have a huge collection of music?
I have all the necessities.
I have a huge vinyl collection.
It's not huge, but I do collect.
I have a huge file on my computer.


What do you think is your strongest trait?
I'm honest.
I'm loyal.
I'm ambitious.
I'm stable.
Which word describes the last song you listened to?
Have you ever seen a rock opera?
I have never seen a rock opera.
I have seen The Who's rock opera.
What's a rock opera?
I've seen a few.


If you wrote songs, what would you sing about?
I would write protest songs.
I would write songs about love.
I would write songs about cars.
I would write songs about outer space.
Are you a good dancer?
I'm a terrible dancer.
After a few drinks, I'm an amazing dancer.
I was born with two left feet.
I have been known to cut a rug.
If you started a band, which band name would you choose?
The Mean Streaks.
Gnome's Travels.


Where do you prefer to see concerts?
I love house parties.
I like stadium shows.
I like local bars.
I like concert halls best.
How would you describe your fashion sense?
Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
I'm kind of cynical.
I'm a total optimist.
It depends on the situation.
I'm prone to negative thinking.


Have you ever owned a pet rock?
I have a driveway full of pet rocks.
I had a pet rock back in the day.
I've never had a pet rock.
I would love having a pet rock.
Which Led Zeppelin song do you like most?
"Immigrant Song"
"Whole Lotta Love"
"Black Dog"
"Stairway to Heaven"
Where do you listen to music most often?
I listen at my desk at work.
I play music while I'm working around the house.
I listen to the radio on my commute.
I listen to music when I work out.


Would you ever wear leather pants?
I'm wearing some right now.
Leather pants are not my style.
I wore leather pants years ago.
Leather is unethical.
Are you a good singer?
I can't carry a tune.
I have a good set of pipes.
I'm a great singer in the shower.
I'm a karaoke god/goddess.
Which punk rock band do you like most?
The Sex Pistols.
Green Day.
The Misfits.
The Clash.


Are you better at air guitar or air drums?
I'm better at lip syncing.
I'm better at guitar.
I'm better at air drums.
I do not behave in such a foolish manner.
Which decade made the best music?
Do you like K.I.S.S.?
Gene Simmons is overbearing.
I love K.I.S.S.!
They had some great songs.
They aren't my favorites.


Which female rock star do you like most?
Courtney Love.
Ann Wilson.
Grace Slick.
Joan Jett.
Can you read music?
I never learned.
I could when I was younger.
I can read tabs.
I read music really well.
Do you like Journey or Boston better?
I don't like either one of them.
I love them both equally.
I like Boston better.
It's Journey for me.


Which band's T-shirt are you more likely to wear?
The Ramones.
Black Sabbath.
What are you more likely to do on a Saturday night?
I like to get together with friends.
I like to go to the movies.
I'm more likely to stay in.
I like to go to see a concert.
How often do you get road rage?
At the drop of a hat.


What drink would you order at a concert?
How loud do you listen to music?
I like it as loud as it will go.
I like to be able to hold a conversation while music playing.
I prefer softly played music.
It depends what mood I'm in.
Which lead guitarist do you think is most talented?
Roger Waters.
Jimmy Page.
Bo Diddley.
Kurt Cobain.


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