What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?

By: Kennita Leon
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
Image: n/a

About This Quiz

Just like there are all sorts of different kinds of woman in the world, there are also all sorts of different types of girlfriends. You might think that you and the rest of your sisters all have a lot of similarities when it comes to being girlfriends, and maybe you do, but you also have a whole lot of differences. 

Are you the type of girlfriend that likes to chill on the couch watching TV, or are you the type that wants to go out and party all night long? Do you like to play games online with your boyfriend or do you think it is a waste of time? 

Do you totally bum out if your boyfriend just gets you a card for Valentine's Day, or are you glad that he didn't spend a lot of money on you? When he goes out with his friends are you cool with it, or do you get totally mad? 

If he has a female friend do you worry about it or do you turn into a total crazy person? Do you like to get busy under the sheets, or do you just like to snuggle? We could go on and on, but you get the point, there are a ton of different kinds of girlfriends, so which one are you?

How did the two of you meet?
We were introduced
We were friends first
We bumped into each other
We used to see each other in passing
How long did you date before making it official?
10 or more
How did you make it official?
I asked him
We both just fell into it
We discussed it and made the decision together
He asked me


What's the best thing about your relationship?
I'm 100% myself
It's comfortable
I'm finally happy
It's exciting
What's the worst thing you did in past relationships?
I gave him too much of me
I didn't give my boyfriend enough time
I date someone who wasn't good enough
Let people take advantage of me
What do the two of you usually talk about?
Our relationship
Any and everything


Are you a jealous girlfriend?
Very jealous
Not jealous at all
More territorial than jealous
A healthy bit of jealous
Who gives you the best advice about your relationship?
My friends
My therapist
My mom
My boyfriend does
What would you do if your boyfriend forgot your birthday?
Probably cry myself to sleep
Get upset but forgive him easily
I'd be very disappointed


What's the best birthday gift ever?
Time with my partner
Flowers and chocolate
Something extravagant
Anything, as long as it's from the heart
If the two of you are at a party, you ...
Are stuck to his side like glue
Go off to check out the food and drinks
Go get him a drink
Are off being a social butterfly
Your man wants to have a guys' night out. How do you react?
Ask him if I can go as well
Check in with him once or twice
Worry that something will happen
Go ahead, the girls are coming over


How do you two usually communicate?
Phone call
If he takes longer than an hour to respond to your text, what do you do?
Call him until he answers
I totally forgot I messaged him
Send another message
Nothing, he must be busy
Out of the 24 hours in the day, how much time do you spend together daily?
20 hours or more
15 hours
10 hours
Five or less hours


Do you ever need time away from each other?
I don't
A lot is good
It depends on my mood
Just a little bit
How often do you guys go on dates?
One every few months
Once a month
Once every two weeks
Every week
What do you usually wear on dates?
I decide on the spot
Something comfortable
Something cute
Something sexy


What's the perfect last-minute date night idea?
Mini golf
Bar hopping
But what do you love doing on special occasions?
Dinner at a fancy restaurant
A trip to another city or country
Overnight stay in a hotel
What would you do if your boyfriend suddenly cancels on you?
Get really upset
Say it's okay - it's not like I remembered
Ask him if everything is okay
Tell him it's okay then ask for the details later


How often do the two of you fight?
All the time
Who backs down first when you two are arguing?
I do
He does
Neither of us do
We do it equally
Who usually 'wins' the argument?
I do
There's no winning in an argument
He does
We compromise, so we both do


Have you guys ever broken up?
We break up all the time
A few times
No, never
Does his family approve of you?
They think I need to give him more space
I think they like me
They're civil
Yes, they do
What about his friends?
They don't like me at all
They like me
They think I'm annoying
They love me


Do you think you'll marry your boyfriend?
Yes, I think so
Not my thing, sorry
I really want to
One day
Has he ever brought up marriage?
No, he hasn't
We don't believe in marriage
As a joke
Yes, he has
Lastly, do you want kids with him?
Yes, someday
I don't want kids, period
I have their names picked out already
I'm not entirely sure yet


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