What Kind of Girl Are You Most Sexually Compatible With?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Kind of Girl Are You Most Sexually Compatible With?
Image: Philipp Nemenz/Cultura/Getty Images

About This Quiz

If an alien species were to come to Earth, they'd probably be forgiven if they quickly fell under the impression that most of human life revolves around hooking up. It seems that so much of our culture, from our entertainment to our social interactions to wars we've fought, can all trace their roots back to something to do with sex. Either looking for it, regretting it, or just reflecting on what it means, the various aspects of sex and romance influence pretty much everything we do.

As influential as sex and sexuality are, it's no surprise that we spend a lot of time looking for some ideal mates. We want that person we're going to feel a spark with, a person who can really light our fire, as it were. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what kind of person we really want, though. After all, you're free to be attracted to whomever you like and odds are you find many different kinds of women attractive. But the kind you're most compatible with? The kind you're guaranteed to have a great time with? Well, if you want to know who that is then all you need to do is take the quiz!

Where are you most likely to want to take a first date?
A club
A ball game
What would you consider a terrible first date?
A walk on the beach
Fast food
The movies
A rave
Do you like a woman who can cook?
Doesn't matter
It's good if she knows how to eat right, sure.
I'd rather go out to eat.


When you have some alone time on a weekend, what are you probably going to be doing?
Maybe having some drinks
Hitting the gym
Whatever it is, I hope it's exciting.
Hanging around the house
What's your favorite film genre?
Everyone needs to get away sometime. What's your ideal vacation destination?
Las Vegas


Are you a fan of one-night stands or not?
Heck yeah!
I don't make a habit of it.
They can be fun sometimes.
Not at all
If you're looking to meet a woman, what's your go-to method?
The gym
Through friends
Do you prefer a woman to be a little more passive or aggressive when it comes to making the first move?
I like an aggressive woman.
A good balance seems nice.
Either way is fine.
I prefer someone a little more passive.


What are your thoughts on sexting?
I love it!
Not nearly as good as the real thing
It can be fun sometimes.
I'm not a fan.
What's the best place in the house to get a little frisky?
The dining room table
The shower
Every room
The bedroom
Is there any place in the great outdoors you'd go to have sex?
A parking lot
The beach
The woods
The backyard


Do you have any skills when it comes to dirty talk?
I'm fluent in dirty talk.
I guess I do alright.
I'm pretty good at it.
Not really
Are you down for wearing any sexy outfits in the bedroom?
Maybe something leather
I'd rather get out of clothes than into them.
Sure, a few costumes could be fun.
No, thanks
You wouldn't ever consider making a sexy home movie, would you?
Already have!
I guess anything's possible.
I could be talked into that.
No way


Would you ever watch a dirty movie with your partner to get you in the mood?
Oh, yeah!
Not necessary
That can be fun sometimes.
I wouldn't feel comfortable.
What's the first physical thing you notice about a woman you find attractive?
Her legs
Her eyes
Any chance you'd use some toys in the bedroom?
I have a whole toy box.
Never say never
I might use one or two.
That's not for me.


When you're out meeting new people, do you consider yourself to be a flirt?
When I need to be
I don't know.
How many sexual partners have you had so far?
Less than 15
More than 15
Not many at all
Of all the sexual partners you've had, do you regret any of them?
Too many
One or two
I wouldn't say I regret any.


Have you ever had sex with someone before you knew their name?
You bet.
No, that's not my style.
I could never do that.
How many dates is acceptable before you have sex for the first time?
Around 5
2 or 3
10 or so
Do you like a partner who suggests trying new things in bed?
I'm down with that.
Within reason, sure
I love it!
I'm a little leery about that, I think.


How are you when it comes to meeting your partner's family?
Ugh. No, thanks
I'm fine with it.
Sounds great!
It's a little awkward but I don't mind.
What are your thoughts on being in an open relationship?
I'm down for that.
Meh, it's not for me.
I'd consider it.
I could never do that.
Is three a crowd or is a threesome worth a try?
I'm down for a threesome.
I guess anything's possible.
That sounds like something I should try.
No threesomes for me.


Are you prone to jealousy?
Not really
Some people eat certain foods to get in the mood. What about you?
Beer seems good
Ever had an accident during sex and ended up injuring yourself?
Several times
I always stretch first.
Yeah, once


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