What is your 'Awkward' IQ?

Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What is your 'Awkward' IQ?
Image: MTV

About This Quiz

Ahhhh high school, an awkward time between childhood and adulthood. No one knows how to do awkward quite like Jennie and her friends. See how much you remember from this fun-filled show!
Who does Tamara have a crush on?
a. Ricky
Ricky! He is played by actor Matthew Fahey
b. Matty
c. Brian
d. Luis
Who gets jealous of Jenna for just hanging out with her friends?
a. Tamara
b. Sadie
Nothing like a little jealousy in this high school dramedy!
c. Lisa
d. Brianna
What did Jenna just want Matty to do first?
a. DTR
DTR, which stands for Define The Relationship.
b. Break up with her
c. MTP
d. Kiss her in public


During the "Dead Stacy” play thing, what does Jake do?
a. Asked Jenna out
b. Told Jenna he likes her
What a good time to discuss his feelings.
c. Kisses Jenna
d. Has sex with Jenna in his car
What does Valerie do on Jenna's bday?
a. Farted while giving Jenna a birthday hug
b. Raps in front of the entire cafeteria
She is not too bad of a rapper after all!
c. Throws up on Jenna's cupcakes
d. Performs a birthday dance for Jenna
Who does Jenna first think wrote the letter?
a. Lisa
b. Sadie
Sadie ends up not having written the letter.
c. Jake
d. Tamara


Who tells Jenna that they wrote the letter?
a. Jane
b. Tamara
She lies and says it was her, but the mystery of the letter writer lived on!
c. Lisa
d. Lauren
Who does Jenna lose her virginity to?
a. Matty
Matty! She loses her virginity during summer camp.
b. Jake
c. Ricky
d. Chris
Who does Jenna go to the school dance with?
a. Matty
b. She doesn't go
c. Ricky
d. Jake
Jake is her date to the school dance!


In the season finale who is revealed to Jenna that really wrote the letter?
a. Her dad
b. Her brother
c. Her mom
After all the back and forth with the letter, it is revealed that her mom was actually the pen behind the letter!
d. Valerie
What happens to Tamara and Jake in season 4 episode 2?
a. They get an STD
b. They split up
They break up! It was about time!
c. Tamara finds out she is having Jake's baby
d. They decide to move in together
Who does Jenna go to when she wants to find out all about baseball?
a. Matty
b. Jake
c. Sadie
d. Her dad
Who better to turn to in a time of need!


What is Sadie's favorite line?
a. Diddo pal!
b. Right on girl!
c. You're welcome!
Sadie always says something snarky followed by her infamous line of You're welcome!
d. Girl, you're crazy!
What is Val's gift to Jenna for her birthday?
a. A new bedroom set
b. A necklace
c. The 16 Candles DVD
A classic coming of age movie.
d. A book
Why did Sadie break up with her boyfriend?
a. He got an STD
Definitely what happens when you sleep around!
b. He got a girl pregnant
c. He moved out of state
d. He was gay


How did Jenna get in the body cast?
a. She tried to commit suicide
b. She was drunk
c. She slipped and fell on the tub
No one wants to be in a body cast! TALK ABOUT AWKWARD!
d. She got in a car wreck
How did Jenna find out that her mom wrote the letter?
a. She saw a text message
b. Her friend told her
c. She overheard her mom talking about it
d. She found the same stationary used in her mom's desk
What a mom!
What was Aunt Ally's nickname for Jenna?
a. Little Bitch
Jenna's mom's best friend calls her this all the time!
b. Fatty
C. Girlie
d. Jenna pop


How is the letter described as?
a. Truth-hurts
b. Carefrontation
Nice way to back up a harsh letter!
c. Truthfearfully
d. Love-gly
What does Jenna do to cope with her high school problems?
a. She starts a blog
Jenna's blog deals with high school peer pressure, relationship troubles, and trying to fit in.
b. She paints
c. She sings
d. She goes to a church group
What does Collin encourage Jenna to do?
a. Have sex with him
b. Smoke weed
What a bad influence! She actually broke up with Matty for Collin!
c. Get drunk
d. Go dancing


What gang did Ming get into?
a. Cocaine and Champagne Ladies
b. Asian Mafia
She gets involved with the Asian Mafia all to get better grades!
c. Girls United
d. The Crips
What extracurricular activity did Sadie do in the beginning?
a. Basketball
b. Mathletes
c. Drama club
d. Cheerleader
A mean cheerleader? What are the odds?!
Who's party do Matty, Jenna, Jake and Tamara crash on New Year's Eve?
a. Ricky's
b. Jenna's mom's party
c. Sadie's aunt's
They crash the party and it leads to a fairly nice night! Matty makes up with his mom and Jenna finds a new fella to kiss at midnight!
d. Aunt Ally's


What does Jenna's dad give her for her 16th birthday?
a. A necklace
b. A car
He gives her a car! Not as nice as it sound as it's actually a junky car. But hey, maybe it's the thought that counts right?
c. A watch
d. Money
Why do Jenna's parents separate?
a. Valentine's Day
b. After Aunt Ally's wedding
The wedding brings back the love they had for each other and they reunite after the wedding.
c. New Year's Eve
d. Thanksgiving
Why do Jenna's parents separate?
a. The mom cheats
b. The dad cheats
c. The dad finds out the mom has an STD
d. The dad finds out the mom wrote the letter
He was angry that his wife would do such an awful thing and he leaves her.


In which episode does "Jenna Lives” band reunite?
a. Time After Time
b. What Come First?
c. You Could Have Been Here
The band reunites and plays on!
d. HomeWrecker Hamilton
What sport did Matty play?
a. Soccer
b. Baseball
c. Track and Field
d. Football
Matty was the typical popular Jock who everyone liked and he didn't even have to try.
Jenna ends her Friends with Benefits with Matty for who?
a. Ricky
b. Jake
c. Luke, a college freshman
After this, Jenna tries to get Matty and Eva together to lessen the awkwardness.
d. A teacher


Who does Ricky cheat on Sadie with?
a. Tamara
b. Clark
Sadie was devastated to find him cheating with a GUY!
c. Jenna
d. Jake
Jenna chooses to stay with Matty instead of going on the summer trip to where?
a. Canada
b. China
c. Europe
Jenna chose Matty over Jake and ended up questioning whether or not she made the right decision in staying with Matty rather than going to Europe.
d. Africa
Which actress plays Jenna?
a. Jennifer Lawrence
b. Ashley Rickards
Ashley Rickards stars as Jenna and has also starred in One Tree Hill and an independent drama titled Fly Away
c. Ellen Paige
d. Lisa McClark


Who is the anonymous reader of Jenna's blog in season 2?
a. Tamara
b. Ming
c. Jake
d. Clark
When Jenna tries to uncover who has the sanctuary tapes, which group does she think knows where it is?
a. The loners
b. The jocks
c. The misfits
d. The Asians
Ming, Jenna's friend, was involved with the Asian Mafia!
Who was the one to tell Jake about Matty and Jenna's relationship?
a. Tamara
b. Ming
c. Aunt Ally
d. Sadie
Sadie would do anything to ruin Jenna.


In what year did Awkward air it's pilot episode?
a. 2010
b. 2008
c. 2005
d. 2011
The show ran for 5 seasons and received several awards!
What was in the letter to Jenna that her mom wrote?
a. Telling Jenna that her dad isn't her biological father
b. Informing Jenna that she will be leaving her father
c. Telling Jenna to stop being loser and advice on how to be popular
Jenna's mom was so obsessed with being popular, she sends her a carefrontation letter to "help” Jenna be popular.
d. Telling Jenna she Is overweight
Jake is what role in the student government?
a. Class treasurer
b. Class President
Jake is known for being class president and for his smarts and caring personality.
c. Class VP
d. Homecoming King


What does Matty discover about his parents mid-series?
a. That his parents are getting divorced
b. That his parents are not his biological parents
Matty discovers he was adopted and that his birth parent's had him at a very young age.
c. That his mom is actually a transgender
d. That his parents are criminals
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