What Fast Food Restaurant Speaks to Your Inner Soul?

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Fast Food Restaurant Speaks to Your Inner Soul?
Image: Wundervisuals / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

McDonald's and Wendy's and Burger King, oh my! With so many options, you'd think it would be hard to choose. But the thing is, most of them offer something entirely different than another, so it really comes down to what you're in the mood for. You probably have your go-to. The one place that you go to when you're hungry but don't know what to have. That's the place that speaks to your inner soul. But which one is it? We're getting there.

Popping up all over America, actually, all over the world, fast food restaurants are a staple in many people's diets. They're also a splurge meal for those who like to eat on the healthier side. You can get whatever you want whether it's a burger, fried chicken, Chinese food or tacos. There's no limit. It does get tricky though when you love the fries from one place, the burger from another and sweet and sour dipping sauce from an entirely different place. How is one supposed to make the sacrifice?! It is hard, but when it really comes down to it, there is but one place you can't imagine never patronizing again. Want to know, finally, what place that is? Take this quiz now to find out which fast food restaurant speaks to your inner soul!

What is your current goal in life?
Being healthier
Having fun experiences
Keeping it simple
Utilizing being underrated
Do you think you're a sensitive person?
Yes, but in the right way
Not overly, no
I'm sensitive to physical pain.
Are you easily swayed by advertisements?
If they're really good
I've been had before
Not usually
If there are bright colors


How much do you like taking on responsibility?
I don't mind it.
I'd rather not.
I need to be the one in charge.
I'm fine taking a back seat role.
Would anyone describe you as "ahead of your time?"
I think some people would.
Only people trying to butter me up
I'm too classic to be ahead of my time.
I've heard that once or twice.
When you watch TV, do you get really invested in the characters?
I get obsessed.
It's just a show.
I don't realize it until the show ends.
How can you not?!


Do you like being busy on the weekends or do you prefer to chill out?
I like to chill out.
It's nice to have things to do.
Depends on how busy my week was.
One day for busy, one day for chill
If you were to visit an animal shelter, could you limit yourself to going home with just one?
No way
One is all I can handle.
I don't think I'd go home with any.
I would have to practice some serious self-control.
When displayed with book options, which one are you reaching for?
A cookbook
One with pictures
I like romance books.
Trilogies are the gifts that keep on giving.


Are you a big texter?
I prefer email.
Not really, no
Talking on the phone is better.
Are you someone that people go to for advice?
I am definitely the go-to.
They can if they want to.
I wouldn't recommend it.
Do you appreciate fine foods?
I really do.
I appreciate them but don't always need them.
I have a simpler taste.
I live for them.


How accountable do you hold yourself when it comes to your actions?
If I don't, no one else will.
Not as accountable as I hold others
That's all part of being self-aware.
I could definitely do better.
Do loud noises really get to you?
Especially loud neighbors
I have very sensitive ears.
Nah, not really.
Only if it's kids screaming
Which book series is more your style?
"The Hunger Games"
"Lord of the Rings"
"Harry Potter"


How often do you eat out?
I try for only on the weekends.
A few times a week
I go out for lunch a lot.
Only on special occasions
When you do go out, who are you usually out with?
My significant other
My friends
The kids
How do you feel when you see people you love really sad?
I feel really sad too.
I don't do well with emotions.
I try to be there for them.
I get them whatever they need.


Is there ever a time when you feel really overwhelmed?
When I don't have enough time to do all the things I need to do
I never have enough time to sleep.
If there's a lot of noise going on around me
Whenever I have a big project coming up
In a life partner, do you like to feel provided for?
I like to do the providing.
It feels nice to be taken care of.
It should be equal.
In hard times, yes
Are you always down to try new things?
I stick to what I know.
Depends on what it is.
Usually, yeah


When you get the chance to sleep in, do you take it?
No, I have a lot to do.
I could sleep forever.
Within reason
I don't like sleeping in.
What's your favorite summer activity?
Going to the beach
Drinking lemonade
What's the best part about people watching?
Learning about people
Getting outfit inspiration
Hearing interesting conversations
Seeing cute couples


How do you set up your to-do list?
I do it in order of importance.
Save the easiest stuff for last
There's no method to the madness.
On my phone
Would you pay for the coffee of the person behind you in line?
I always mean to, but I always forget.
I would, but I never have.
It's a sweet gesture.
How do you feel about teenagers?
They are the future.
A lot of them do reckless things.
They can be hilarious.
I'm terrified of them.


Have you ever stolen anything?
Not on purpose
On a dare
No, I'm terrified of getting in trouble.
Yes, and I immediately returned it.
Can you describe what makes your day perfect?
Lots of coffee
A relaxing morning and productive work day
Seeing friends and shopping
A whole day to myself
Which beverage really wakes you up in the morning?
Black coffee
Matcha tea
Vanilla Latte
Hot lemon water


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