What Dangerous Animal Are You?

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Dangerous Animal Are You?
Image: Fernando Trabanco Fotografía / Jobalou / Moment / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images

About This Quiz

The animal kingdom is full of amazing creatures, and each of these creatures is a functioning part of their ecosystem. Additionally, they all have specific traits that make them an important part of our planet. From the three-toed sloth that moves so slowly and infrequently that moss and mold grows on its fur to the predators of the plains that basically eat anything with a heartbeat, the animals of this planet are beyond diverse. While many animals are tame (and some even domesticated) there are many groups of animals that are dangerous. Some are just dangerous when they are provoked, but some are ready to eat you the moment they see you. 

If you were an animal, do you think you'd be dangerous? We bet you would be. Think about it. Even if you don't necessarily have a dangerous demeanor, everyone has a little bit of a dark side, and we all know there is a dangerous animal lurking within all of us. When you snap (no matter how often that is), your dangerous animal comes out and is ready to attack.

If you aren't sure which dangerous animal represents you, take some time to answer these questions, and you'll find out.

Do you think you're a good person?
Yes, but I like to have fun.
Probably not, and I don't care.
Yes, I'm a great person.
I can be good and I can be bad.
How often do people pick fights with you?
Never, I'm too big.
Never, I pick fights with them.
People are constantly picking fights with me.
Sometimes, but not often.
If someone accidentally stepped on your foot, what would you do?
Scoff and tell them to move
Tell them how dumb they are
Push them
Walk away


How do you respond when someone tells you that you're stupid?
Tell them how stupid they are, and give examples
Push them
Roll my eyes and walk away
When you're trying to pay attention to something and someone starts annoying you, what do you do?
Make fun of them, loudly
Tell them three reasons why they should shut up
Threaten them
Leave the room
Do you like to make fun of people?
Yes, it's one of my favorite things to do.
Yes, but only when they act stupid.
No, I don't have time for that.
No, that's not nice.


If someone tried to rob you, what would be your first reaction?
Punch them until they can't move ever again
Tell them how stupid they are for robbing people
Push them, and attack them with their own weapon
Attack them back
When there is only one gallon of milk left at the grocery store, and you see someone going for it, what are you most likely to do?
Throw something at them, then take the milk
Tell them that milk makes them look fat so they put the milk down
Charge at the gallon of milk and take it
Steal it out of their cart when they aren't looking
Your friend is getting beat up, what do you do?
Attack the attackers
Tell the attackers they are stupid
Charge the situation without asking questions
Pull my friend away from the fight


What do you think is the most important trait a friend could have?
Do you get angry when you're hungry?
I don't know, I'm never hungry.
No, I get patient.
Yes, but I can overcome it.
Yes, and watch out.
Do you prefer day or night?
Day, there are more people to mess with.
Night, I'm not afraid of the dark.
Day, I like to see everything.
Night, no one can see me.


Do people consider you a bully?
Probably, but I just like to have fun.
Yes, but I don't get physical.
Yes, but I'm really not.
No, they think I'm cool.
What do you do when someone takes fries off of your plate?
I really don't care. There's plenty to go around.
I tell them they're stupid for taking my fries.
I take something off of their plate.
I grab their hand to stop them.
Do you mind when people enter your space?
No one enters my space; I usually enter theirs.
I get irritated.
I push them out of my space.
I attack them.


Do you think it's okay for people to yell at each other?
Yes, it's fun.
No, we can all talk it out.
Yes, when it is necessary.
No, I don't like getting loud.
Would you steal a loaf of bread to feed your family?
I'd steal a lot more than that.
No, I earn what I eat.
No, that's not right.
Yes, I'd do anything to never be hungry again.
Would you steal a loaf a bread to feed someone else's family?
Only if I knew the family really well
No, they should earn what they eat.
No, that's still not right.
Yes. No one should go hungry.


Have you ever cheated on a test?
Yes, but only off the smart kids.
No, I'm way to smart to do that.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, and I'd do it again.
Which setting do you prefer?
The beach
A river
The plains
The trees
How far do you travel a day?
More than 50 miles
15-20 feet
About 20-30 miles
About 3 miles


When you and your friends hang out, what do you like to do?
Think of new ways to mess with people
Talk about important stuff
How big of a group do you hang with?
Around 20 people
Just me and about 4 close friends
Just me and one close friend
Me and about 6 close friends
Would you ever waste food?
If I don't like it, yes
No, I eat everything
Only the gross parts
Never, that isn't right.


Would people say you're smart?
No, but they don't know how smart I am.
Yes, and cunning.
No, but people are mean.
Yes, but only the ones who know me.
Do you hang out with your family a lot?
Yes, every day
Not really
Yes, but I don't like them.
No, I like being alone.
Which of these would you prefer to eat?


If someone made fun of your nose, would you get a nose job?
No, I'd make fun of their nose back.
I'd consider it, but I probably wouldn't.
No, I'd use my nose to hurt them.
No, I'd slap them.
Do you think that it's important to have good friends?
Yes, because they can help you.
Yes, because people are afraid of them.
Yes, but only a few.
No, no one needs friends.
How much do you sleep throughout the day?
Not at all
About six hours
Around 4 hours
About 15 hours


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