What Crystal Defends Your Soul?

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Crystal Defends Your Soul?
Image: Ayala_studio/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

You don't have to believe in magic to understand that there are different energies in this world, and all of them play off of each other in ways that affect human beings. There are good energies and bad energies out there. Negativity, for example, is a bad energy that you can watch fill an entire room - you can actually see how faces change and postures fall when bad news is revealed to a room of people. 

Luckily, the natural world has created a balance to stabilize these energies, as they are incredibly powerful. That means that for all of those bad energies out there, there are counter-energies that can fight them off. These good energies come in a lot of forms. Many believe that crystals and other natural formations absorb energy and release it slowly, almost as if they're condensed sponges for these good and bad energies. These crystals attract, hold and emit those energies in ways that can help you overcome certain things. This is why some believe that crystals have healing power, power to make you rich and even the power to protect you from evil and negativity. You may have noticed that you're immune to certain things that other people aren't immune to (i.e., gossip, other peoples' anger or physical harm). 

If you answer these questions, we'll tell you what crystal is defending your soul to protect you from these bad energies.

Have you ever fallen UP the stairs?
Once or twice, but I'm usually pretty balanced
Pretty much every day
Maybe once a week
No, never
When someone makes a passive-aggressive comment about your clothes, how do you respond?
I get worked up, but I try to stay polite.
I defend my style choices.
I don't really care.
I snap back with something about their clothes.
Would you consider yourself adventurous?
I get scared, but I like the experience.
Yes! I love having experiences.
Not really
For the most part


How susceptible are you to peer pressure?
I'm not susceptible, but I will listen to their arguments.
A little susceptible
Not susceptible at all
Very susceptible!
Have you ever broken a bone?
Yes, just one
I get broken bones all the time.
Only when I was younger
Are you worried about someone breaking your heart?
Not really. I think of it as an opportunity.
Not at all
Yes. I hate having my heart broken.


Have you ever quit a job because someone was mean to you?
No. Mean people get theirs.
Yes, but there was more to it.
No. Mean people don't bother me.
Yes, and I'll do it again.
Have you ever been skydiving?
No. I'm not interested in that.
Yes, and it was fun.
I would never do that.
Yes, and I'll do it again.
Are you married?
Yes, and I love it!
No, but I'd like to be.
No, and I'm not interested.
No, but I was.


In which situation are you LEAST comfortable?
Exercising at the gym
Watching TV alone
Working in a cubicle
Have you ever been to jail?
No. I don't do bad things.
Yes, but it was a misunderstanding.
No. I try to be good.
Yes, and it was my fault.
How often do you fall?
I fall a lot.
I don't fall very often.
I fall at least once a week.


Which essential oil helps you the most?
Which career best suits you?
Marketing agent
Sales representative
Customer service representative
Tour guide
When was the last time you went hiking?
Last month
Last week
Last year


If someone posts something negative about you on social media, what do you do?
Post more pics of myself
Defend my honor
Ignore it
Say something bad about them on social media
When a friend needs advice, how do you help?
Try to teach them how to avoid these situations
Attack their problem
Tell them to suck it up
Tell them it's their fault
When you see someone getting bullied, what do you do?
Tell the person being bullied not to listen
Step in and try to diffuse the situation
Destroy the bully
Walk away


Have you ever been considered someone's hero?
No, I'm just here to talk.
Yes. I've done a lot of saving in my day.
No, but people don't mess with me.
Yes. I'll jump into a dangerous situation to help anyone.
When you're afraid, how do you calm down?
I tell myself it's all in my head.
I don't really get afraid.
Call someone I know
When you have a bad day, what helps the most?
Plotting against my enemies
A warm bath
A glass of wine
A bottle of wine


Which of these makes you the most comfortable?
Snuggling with someone
A warm bath
Fuzzy blankets
Going for a run
Are you athletic?
I try to be, but not really.
Yes. I love playing sports.
No. I hate physical activities.
Yes. I love the competition.
Have you ever been fired from a job?
Just once
Two or three times
Yes. I get fired all the time.


If someone is yelling at a cashier, what do you do?
Watch what happens and file a complaint later
Take my phone out and film it
Step in and tell them to stop
What is your favorite color?
Dark green and red
How many children do you have?
Two to four
More than four
Just one


How long was your longest hospital stay?
Just one day
A few days
Over a week
I've never been in the hospital.
How many alcoholic beverages do you drink in a week?
One or two
More than six
Three or four
Five or six
Are you comfortable with public speaking?
No, not really
It doesn't bother me at all.
I can do it if I believe in the cause.
It's not my favorite, but I will do it.


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