We'll Give You a Title In The Royal Family Based On How You Answer These Questions

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
We'll Give You a Title In The Royal Family Based On How You Answer These Questions
Image: Jupiterimages/Stockbyte/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Most people know the King or Queen to be the highest rank in the royal family, and now it basically is, but back in the day, the Emperor was the highest-ranking member of the royal family. As a society, we idolize the royal family, especially Americans. They look to Kate Middleton for style inspiration and now Meghan Markle. They looked to Princess Diana for the same reasons and grew to love her so much that her death was an international tragedy. She was the people's princess who showed that being a member of the royal family was more than what was seen from the outside.

But that doesn't mean that it's still like that, or that every person in the royal family is subjected to some of the scrutiny expected of the future King and Queen. Some titles lead very private lives and aren't a part of all of the appearances, dinners and parties. They can marry freely and have kids without worrying about producing an heir. Maybe that's more your style if you were to be a member of the royal family. Or maybe all of the hullabaloo of the charity work, photo-ops, royal wedding, etc. are right up your alley. Answer these questions and we'll give you a title in the royal family!

Were you always the captain of the team?
I had to be.
I was captain adjacent.
Nah, I was just on the team.
I was watching from the bleachers.
What do you think is the most important position within a company?
Department managers
Administrative Assistant
Building maintenance staff
Do you like when there's a lot of responsibility put on you?
I love it.
It's part of life.
Family responsibility is fine.
I'd rather not have too many expectations placed on me.


When it rains on a day where you had something fun planned, what do you do instead?
Find something productive to do inside.
Enjoy the downtime
Play video games
Bake something for later
In school, were you ever picked as line leader?
I'm sure more than once
I actually totally forgot that was a thing.
I never wanted to be picked.
I liked being in the back of the line.
Which course of a meal is the best?
The dessert course
I much prefer the starters.
The palate cleanser.
The star of the meal, the main course.


Do you dunk your sandwich cookies whole, bite them or twist them?
Dunking them whole is the only right way.
I'm a twist and lick kind of person.
It honestly changes every time.
Bite it.
What kind of life do you imagine yourself living?
A noble one with recognition
I want to be loved and give love to everyone I can.
A few extravagancies
A quiet life in the country
Do you like it when there's a lot of people who look up to you?
I thrive on that.
It is nice to have the admiration.
It makes me a tad uncomfortable.
I do not like it at all.


How long, time or distance, can you run without stopping?
About 10 miles
I can do a 5k easily
Like 20 minutes
I'm a pretty solid runner but I don't usually time myself.
Do you think you expect just as much from others as you expect from yourself?
I might expect more from others.
Definitely, it's kind of my downfall.
You should always expect more from yourself.
I don't expect much from either.
Are fancy parties your style?
The fanciest
They can be really fun.
Not really.


Is family the most important thing to you?
Not to me, no.
Family is everything.
Yes! I really enjoy the time I get with my family.
If you don't have family, you don't have anything.
When you're hungry, is your go-to cooking for yourself or going out to eat?
I have food brought in.
Definitely a mix of the two
I would always rather cook.
Mostly cooking, but occasionally going out
How do you see yourself evolving in the next five years?
I hope to be at the top of my career.
I want to start a family.
I know I'll be living a blissful life in five years.
I'm sure I'll have a few more wrinkles.


What do you do when you have a decision to make?
I make it.
I seek out advice.
I think about all options.
I got with my gut.
Who do you turn to when you need advice?
My advisors
My family
The internet
Are you known for being a good listener?
I tend to get lost in my thoughts.
I'm a great listener.
I'm not known to be, but I try.
Depends on who's talking


Do you care about the success of others?
Only after I have my success.
I want everyone to be successful.
I can really only focus on myself right now.
I'd rather people be more successful than me.
What's your idea of the perfect day?
Having the whole day to do whatever I want
A leisurely breakfast and then doing chores
Spending the whole day with my family
Going to the beach
How do you add a little bit of fun to your life?
I take up a new self-defense method.
Find a new place to hang out
Watching some funny movies


Is all of your stuff organized or is it more all over the place?
I have a cleaning lady.
Sometimes it gets a little out of hand.
It's all where it should be.
I have a system.
When it comes to decorating your space, how do you do it?
Lots of metals and wood tones
I keep it simple with whites and grays.
I love a rustic feel.
I like framed motivational quotes.
Speaking of motivational quotes, which one inspires you the most?
"Let them eat cake!"
"Just do it."
"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you."
"A simple life is a beautiful life."


If you were a royal, which dog would be your loyal friend?
German shepherd
Yellow lab
A yorkie
Afternoon tea is a big deal. How do you take it?
Just sugar
Just milk
Milk and sugar
I like milk and honey.
What part of the castle would you live in?
The main part
I'd live in an apartment in one of the wings.
Maybe a cottage on the property
I'd live just outside of town.


When you've got a little free time, how do you spend it?
Sharpening my kitchen knives
Hanging with my family
Out in the yard
Catching up on all the books I have to read
Do you love being photographed?
I act like I hate it, but I love it.
It feels nice sometimes.
It's part of the job.
I'd rather not.
If you were actually a member of the royal family, would you want to be born into it or married into it?
Born 100%
I wouldn't mind either.
Marrying into it seems easier.
Born because then I'd know all the rules.


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