Tell Us If You've Eaten These Foods and We'll Guess If You're a '90s Baby

By: Allison Lips
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Tell Us If You've Eaten These Foods and We'll Guess If You're a '90s Baby
Image: Post Cereals

About This Quiz

The 90s were a special time for kids. 90s kids watched commercials for Go-GURT and Capri Sun between breaks of their favorite Nickelodeon and Disney shows. They found Kudos Bars and string cheese in their lunchboxes. On Halloween, 90s kids found Warheads and Airheads among the usual collection of Reese's Peanut Butter cups, M&M's, and Snickers. They were also young enough to find Dippin' Dots fascinating and to care about the toys in their Wonder Balls.

Many of the foods from the 90s were fads that came and went. However, a few had staying power that outlasted their stay on supermarket shelves. Crystal Pepsi, Crispy M&M's, and Surge were all brought back through the sheer persistence of fan campaigns. Are you a 90s kid actively professing your love for the old version of Apple Jacks? Are you longing for more long-gone food and drinks to return to the shelves? Or did you never understand the hype of Dunkaroos to begin with? 

With this quiz, we'll find out if you grew up on these foods, just missed out on these foods because you were too young, or if you bought these foods for your children. Let's see how many of these 90s foods you ate!

Did you ever dunk your fries in purple ketchup?
Of course!
That was a thing?
My younger brother insisted on that and blue butter.
No. I kept a regular jar in the house for the adults.
Did you beg your parents to buy Nickelodeon Green Slime Popsicles?
Yes! They did not disappoint.
Those sound awesome!
No, but I stole some from the freezer when they were in the house.
No. I bought them. They were gross.
Was your morning complete without Oreo O's?
No, but my parents wanted me to eat Cheerios.
They were discontinued sadly.
We had Lucky Charms instead.
Mine. Yes. My children's, no.


Did you find Dippin' Dots to be revolutionary?
They were amazing when they first came out!
No. They've been around for ages.
I have to admit they were interesting.
Overpriced ice cream balls. It's a hard pass.
Were you ever excited to eat a Hot Pocket?
Yes. Those 90 seconds in the microwave were torture!
No. I ate them when my parents or I were too lazy to make real food.
Yes, until I realized that it will simultaneously still be frozen and burn my mouth.
Why? They were merely a convenience.
Was your lunch complete without Capri Sun?
No. I even knew the perfect way to open them!
My older siblings tried to convince me they were cool.
Yes, because I got tired of stabbing a pouch with a straw.
Yes. I kept the pouches around for my kids.


Did you swap snacks for Gushers?
Yes, Screaming Green Apple and Watermelon Blast were where it's at!
No. They weren't that popular.
I was too old for that.
I sometimes raided my kid's stash.
Were Dunkaroos always on your parents' grocery list?
Yes. I miss them so badly!
No, but my cousin won't stop talking about them.
Yes, for my little sister.
If by parent you mean me, then yes.
Do you remember when Go-GURT was a novelty?
Yes. My parents always slipped it into my lunchbox.
No. There are a million different yogurts for kids.
Yes, but I was too old to appreciate it.
Yes, and I still don't understand it.


Were Spice Girls lollipops on your must have list as a child?
Girl power all the way baby! I had them all.
Of course not! I only know the Spice Girls from reunion tours.
No. They were just Chupa Chups in fancy wrapping.
No. Though, my daughter dragged me to every candy store in the state to find them.
Were you drinking Yoo-hoo because your parents didn't let you drink much soda?
Yes. The boxes were always in our fridge.
Yes, but it was delicious.
Soda wasn't much of a problem when I was a kid, but I drank Yoo-hoo.
Was string cheese an essential part of your lunch?
Yes, I didn't get Gushers without it.
No. It's an afternoon snack when I get home.
I occasionally ate it.
No, but it's great for diets.


Was Fla-Vor-Ice a summer staple during your childhood?
Yes! They were at every barbecue!
Yes, but it's a waste of plastic.
Yes, but only as a treat.
They were around, but not really.
Did you ever find a Kudos bars next to your sandwich?
All the time. My favorite was M&M!
Aren't they glorified granola bars?
In high school, when I let mom pack my lunch.
Yes, because I quickly grabbed something as a work snack.
Did you share your Fruit by the Foot?
Uh, no! Get your own!
They're not that big.
Only if dad forced me to share with my younger sibling.
My kids always gave me a pathetically small piece when I asked.


Were your parents concerned that AirHeads would damage your teeth?
Yes, but they bought them anyway.
I don't eat them enough to matter.
No, because I own a toothbrush.
No, but I do worry they'd pull out my crown.
Did commercials try to convince your parents Bagel Bites were a suitable after-school snack?
Yes, but it never worked. I only ate them at friends' houses.
Pizza rolls took their place.
Yes, but you can't really call it a "snack" when you eat the bag in one sitting.
Those commercials were aimed at me.
Were your Rice Krispies Treats ever homemade?
No. We bought the multi-pack with four flavors.
Sometimes. They just taste better that way for some reason.
Yes, until I was in high school.
I used to make them. It was a lifesaver when they became premade at the supermarket.


Were Warheads too sour for you to handle?
Yes, I always lost Warhead eating contests to friends.
No. We had Toxic Waste.
Only when I put five in my mouth at once. Don't judge, it was college.
No, but I didn't enjoy them.
Were your parents ever lazy enough to give you Smucker's Uncrustables for lunch?
Sadly, yes. It also saved them from throwing out the crust.
Yes. Why is that weird?
No. I still don't get the appeal.
Don't judge. I gave them to my kids occasionally.
Did you ever wonder what was in a Wonder Ball?
Yes. Until they changed it to candy. I miss those little toys.
They didn't exist for most of my childhood.
No. I was too old for them.
No, but my kids insisted on buying one every time I dragged them through the supermarket.


Was Kid Cuisine ever for dinner?
Only when I refused to eat what my parents had for dinner.
No, but Lean Cuisine was.
If I got desperate
Did you ever eat Toaster Strudel for breakfast?
All the time! They were better than Pop Tarts.
Sometimes, if Pop-Tarts weren't on sale
We were a Pop-Tart family.
Occasionally with my kids
Can you still sing the Baby Bottle Pop jingle?
Baby Bottle Pop, Baby Bottle Pop!
Yes, The Jonas Brothers sang it!
No. It was obnoxious.
No. My kids probably can.


Did you have a Ring Pop to go with every outfit?
Yes, my teachers kept a big bag as a treat!
No. That's a bit much.
It's a lollipop. You eat it. No, I don't match my food to my outfit.
Ugh, what a mess.
Did you sneak Fun Dip into the playground during recess?
Yes. We all did.
Pixy Stix are better.
I remember when they were called Lik-M-Aid.
How old were you when you first tasted Crystal Pepsi?
15 for the revival
In my 30s or older


Which was your favorite Hi-C flavor?
Hula Punch
Wild Cherry
I loved Ecto Cooler.
Anything my kids would drink.
Were Lunchables you go-to lunch?
Yes. I loved them all!
No, because my parents felt they weren't healthy.
The pizza was half-way decent.
For my kids, yes
Did you play with Fruit String Things?
I loved those as a child! Where did they go?
Are those like Fruit Roll-ups?
No. I was in high school.
No, but I loved how happy they made my kids.


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