About This Quiz
The 90s were a special time for kids. 90s kids watched commercials for Go-GURT and Capri Sun between breaks of their favorite Nickelodeon and Disney shows. They found Kudos Bars and string cheese in their lunchboxes. On Halloween, 90s kids found Warheads and Airheads among the usual collection of Reese's Peanut Butter cups, M&M's, and Snickers. They were also young enough to find Dippin' Dots fascinating and to care about the toys in their Wonder Balls.
Many of the foods from the 90s were fads that came and went. However, a few had staying power that outlasted their stay on supermarket shelves. Crystal Pepsi, Crispy M&M's, and Surge were all brought back through the sheer persistence of fan campaigns. Are you a 90s kid actively professing your love for the old version of Apple Jacks? Are you longing for more long-gone food and drinks to return to the shelves? Or did you never understand the hype of Dunkaroos to begin with?ÂÂ
With this quiz, we'll find out if you grew up on these foods, just missed out on these foods because you were too young, or if you bought these foods for your children. Let's see how many of these 90s foods you ate!
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