Tell Us About Your Relationship and We’ll Guess Which Celebrity Should Complete Your Throuple

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Tell Us About Your Relationship and We’ll Guess Which Celebrity Should Complete Your Throuple
Image: Columbia Pictures / Bona Film Group / Heyday Films / Visiona Romantica

About This Quiz

Have you ever wondered what it's like being in a throuple? It's like the word "couple" mixed with "three," which essentially means "three people in a relationship." So whether you're taken, married or stuck in the "It's complicated" world, we have a proposal for you today. You're about to become involved in a throuple with not just anybody ... but with a celebrity who will help to make your relationship goals even stronger!

Another word for "throuple" is a "polyamorous relationship." This means a relationship with three (or more) love partners at once. This is also completely consensual and agreed upon by the people involved in the relationship. Some are looking for more emotional connections while others want some extra physical intimacy in the mix. 

So, when thinking of a third person to add to this relationship, it's important to consider how their personality will (or won't) blend in. For example, maybe you want a funny and charming person involved who's completely content with their true self, like Jennifer Lawrence. Or, perhaps you need someone in your life who has strong career ambitions, like Natalie Portman. We know that this is a tough choice, so let's make this decision for you in this throuple quiz!

Q 01 Happy in relationship
Unsplash by Priscilla Du Preez
Are you currently happy in your relationship?
Oh yeah, totally happy!
For the most part, yes.
Eh, who is these days?
It's been a little complicated lately.
Q 02 How long
Unsplash by Ian Schneider
How long have you two been together?
Over three years
Between 1-3 years
Less than six months
About a year
Q 03 The one
Severin Schweiger / Cultura / Getty Images
Would you describe your current dating partner as "the one?"
There's no question about it.
Maybe. Only time will tell.
Absolutely not
I'm not exactly sure yet.


Q 04 Opposite sex
Hinterhaus Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If you saw your SO hanging out with someone of the opposite sex, how would you feel?
Happy, good for them!
Indifferent, who cares?
Annoyed, do they like this person?
Cautious, what are they up to?
Q 05 Argue
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What do you two tend to argue about?
We haven't argued in months.
It's mostly our jobs that causes us stress.
Anything and everything
Little things, like not taking the garbage out.
Q 06 Move to another country
Tempura / E+ / Getty Images
If your current SO had to move to another country, would you tag along with them?
No, but I'm open to long-distance relationships.
In a heartbeat!
Are you kidding? A breakup would be better.
I don't know, I would have to really think about this.


Q 07 Takeout
Andersen Ross / DigitalVision / Getty Images
You and your SO just got home from work, and you're both too tired to cook dinner. You decide to...
Order takeout
Cook anyway ... we have to eat, right?
Eat some light snacks instead.
Go out to a restaurant.
Q 08 Love
Adene Sanchez / E+ / Getty Images
How would you describe your love for your current dating partner?
Love takes work, but it's so worth it.
Love is like a million butterflies flying in the air.
Love just seems to go downhill.
Love is like a roller coaster.
Q 09 First thing noticed
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you remember the very first thing you noticed about them?
Their funny personality
Their beautiful eyes
Their stunning looks/body
Their intellect


Q 10 Start an argument
RgStudio / E+ / Getty Images
Arguments are normal in every relationship, but which one of you tends to start them first?
I don't know, I don't keep track of these things.
They do
OK fine ... I always start the arguments.
We both do, it just depends on the day.
Q 11 Secretive about phone
101dalmatians / E+ / Getty Images
You notice your partner has been super secretive about their smartphone lately. So, you decide to...
Ignore it for now, but bring it up later.
Do nothing. It's not my phone.
Look through their phone immediately.
Talk to them about how I feel.
Q 12 Most important factor
Morsa Images / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What is the most important factor in a successful relationship?


Q 13 Dating Style
Petri Oeschger / Moment / Getty Images
How would you describe your overall dating style?
Goofy ... that sounds about right.
I like to shower my dating partner with affection.
I like to be more distant and mysterious.
I don't know, but my career will always come first.
Q 14 High or low standards
Thomas_EyeDesign / E+ / Getty Images
Is it better to date someone with super high or super low standards?
I don't know, I don't think about these things.
Somewhere in the middle is ideal.
Super low standards, I like very chill people.
Super high standards, I think that's important.
Q 15 Change partner flaw
skynesher / E+ / Getty Images
Have you tried to change any of your partner's flaws or negative traits thus far?
Maybe in the beginning I did, but I've given up on that since.
No, I love them for who they are.
I've tried ... and failed.
Only the really negative ones.


Q 16 Romantic movies
FluxFactory / E+ / Getty Images
Which of these romantic movies describes your current love life?
"The Proposal"
"Brokeback Mountain"
Ugh, I am so not the romantic type.
"Beauty and the Beast"
Q 17 Mom Dinner
Wavebreakmedia Ltd / Wavebreak media / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Your SO's mom has invited you both over for dinner tonight. You can't stand the mom, so you decide to...
Go to the dinner, but only for an hour or so.
Go to the dinner anyway, it'll make my SO happy.
Tell my SO we're NOT going there.
Tell my SO to go without me.
Q 18 Career ambition
EMS-FORSTER-PRODUCTIONS / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you support your dating partner in whatever kind of career ambition they pursue?
As long as it's not a fast food worker for life, I'm cool with anything.
Of course, that's what love is all about!
Well, wait now ... not just any career ambition.
Yes, but I'll always encourage them to aim higher.


Q 19 Birthday
D. Anschutz / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If your significant other completely forgot about your birthday, would that be a dealbreaker for you?
Who cares about birthday stuff anyway?
No, it was probably an honest mistake.
Probably not, but I would feel very hurt.
Q 20 Slow dance
Davids' Adventures Photos / Moment / Getty Images
Which of these iconic love songs would you and your partner slow dance to?
"In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel
"I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston
"Something" by The Beatles
"My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion
Q 21 Dream Wedding
Unsplash by Analise Benevides
How would you describe the perfect wedding of your dreams?
Colorful and whimsical
Simple and traditional
I don't want a wedding.
Elegant and polished


Q 22 Space
Ruben Earth / Moment / Getty Images
Your SO has just announced that they want some space in the relationship. How would you feel about this?
I don't know ... do they want a break or a breakup?
Sad and upset
Overjoyed, that's some weight off my shoulders!
Confused, what does that even mean?
Q 23 improve
Unsplash by Kat Nelson
What is something about yourself you could improve upon?
I should take some things in life more seriously.
I could be a better listener.
Ha ... where do I even start?
I should put others before myself.
Q 24 Dating show
vitranc / E+ / Getty Images
Would you ever go on a dating show with your partner?
Those still exist?
Of course not
Sure ... that'd be fun!
I don't know, it depends on the type of dating show.


Q 25 Date night clothes
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Tonight is date night, which means you're dressing up in a __________ manner.
Q 26 Hike
Unsplash by Boxed Water is Better
Your SO wants to hike a mountain as a "date." Are you up for this?
Can't we do something else? Literally anything else.
Fine ... but only for 10 minutes.
Heck yeah!
No thanks, I have better things to do.
Q 27 Dating App
FilippoBacci / E+ / Getty Images
What's your personal opinion on dating apps?
I think dating apps are weird.
I can't stand them.
I'm an expert with dating apps.
They're not for me, but they may be useful for others.


Q 28 Single
Hinterhaus Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What's something you miss about being single?
Not worrying about dates and romance and all that other stuff.
Nothing. I love being taken!
Having the freedom to date other people.
Having more money in my bank account.
Q 29 Just OK
MotoEd / E+ / Getty Images
Would you rather spend a whole year dating someone who's just OK, or spend one day with someone who's perfectly amazing?
I'll take the "OK" person for a year.
I think it's more romantic to spend just one day with that special someone.
How about spending a year with someone who's amazing? Is that too much to ask?
I don't know, maybe it's better to choose "neither" here.
Q 30 Relationship fear
martin-dm / E+ / Getty Images
Can you name one relationship fear you're currently struggling with?
I can't think of any.
I sometimes wonder if I'm doing enough in the relationship.
Constantly wondering if my partner is cheating on me.
I'm scared of my partner leaving me AND taking everything I have.


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