Tell Us About Your Pet and We'll Guess What Job You Have

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Tell Us About Your Pet and We'll Guess What Job You Have
Image: Tanased Heamathulin/EyeEm/Getty Images

About This Quiz

A pet is the best friend you'll ever have, and that includes your work friends, your school friends and your home friends. After all, your pet has never judged you, told you that you look bad in a certain outfit, or told one of your secrets to someone else after you confided in them. Your pet is never too busy to talk to you, never rejects your hugs and kisses, and would die for you. That's why, ideally, you'd spend all your time with your pet.

Still, modern life doesn't always permit us to spend as much time with those we love, whether they're our human, canine, feline or other types of loved ones. The biggest factor in this is our work. It can take us away for a few hours, a few days or a long time, such that we feel like we can't be present enough to love a pet as fully as they deserve. Some of us find that the solution is to pick a pet who can accompany us in our work and even share it, while others find a pet who can cope with being left at home. What's important is that your lifestyle works to ensure that your pet is healthy and happy - and if you tell us about your pet, we bet we can figure out what kind of work you're doing!

Where does your pet nap during the day?
My truck
My bed
A bed in my office
Anywhere in my place
Does your pet have a job?
Yes, they work with me.
They are a companion!
No, but they help me do mine.
Not at all!
It's raining. What will your pet wear?
Nothing special
They just won't go outside.
A little raincoat
Raincoat and maybe shoes


What does your pet do when you get home?
Relax - we worked hard together!
Greet me happily
Ask for walkies
Carry on what they were doing before
Where does your pet like to dig holes?
Hopefully outside!
In the woods
My pet does not dig.
How well-trained is your pet?
Not very
Not at all


A new person arrives. What is your pet's reaction?
They confront them until I say to stand down.
They say a guarded hello.
They come to me to tell me.
They don't care unless the person has food.
What is the most expensive thing your pet has ever eaten?
Another person's pet
They once shredded a whole closet of computer paper.
My sofa
What sort of social media presence does your pet have?
They appear on mine regularly.
They appear on my company's website.
They appear in disguise.


Where would your pet like to vacation?
They like home more than anywhere!
A farm, probably
A beach
I don't think they would like to travel.
Who would take your pet for a walk in the middle of the day?
I do!
Me or a subordinate
How many outfits does your pet have?
So many
A few
All of them


How big is your pet?
Has your pet ever had to defend you from a creepy person?
Yes, many times! One time they bit someone.
Not yet, but they would.
Yes, they sounded the alarm!
No, and they probably wouldn't, honestly.
What is your pet most afraid of?
Not much, honestly


If you call your pet over to you, what are the chances that they will come over promptly?
Below 50%
Can your pet handle being alone for more than eight hours?
I don't know, I have never tried.
Yes, though they don't love it.
I doubt it.
Yes, they are not bothered at all.
Has your pet ever visited your workplace?
Yes, they come every day.
They come most days.
Just once in a while


How many friends of their species does your pet have?
Your pet would like your attention. How will they get it?
Come over and sit politely near me
Sit on me
Come over and nuzzle me
Make noise until I comply
In what tone do you greet your pet when they enter the room?
Friendly and soothing
Very, very snuggly cooing
Silly little babyish sounds
I just say hi. Nothing works on my pet!


How often does your pet go to the groomer?
A couple times a year
As often as I can afford it
In what sort of outdoor space does your pet get to run and play?
A farm
A park or my garden
Public land
They don't need to get out much, really.
Does your pet like to dominate other creatures?
Yes, they love that!
Not really
Only gently


Do you plan to have your pet make babies?
Yes, they already have!
I don't think they can.
No thanks!
How lazy is your pet?
Not at all
The laziest
How does your pet react to changes in the schedule?
They don't like it, but they cope.
They hate it.
They don't mind as long as I am there.
I don't think they notice.


What caused the last time your pet had to warn you about something serious?
A fire
They were sick.
A stranger
They have never done this.
With what social function does your pet help most often?
They help me know who is trustworthy in my town.
They help me date.
They really help me with clients!
They help me screen out potential friends who don't like animals.
Do you have access to your pet's breeding history?
Yes, for generations - I bred them!
No, they are a rescue from a shelter.
Yes, they come from a reputable and humane breeder.
No, I bought them from someone and I don't have any records.


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