Tell Us About Your Life Skills and We'll Guess How Wise You Are

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Tell Us About Your Life Skills and We'll Guess How Wise You Are
Image: DrAfter123 / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Life is full of ups and downs, and one way to manage this roller coaster of a ride is by acquiring different kinds of life skills. Such skills can help you in difficult situations, while other skills are crucial to becoming a successful person.

Many life skills aren't even taught in school, as they are usually derivatives of certain experiences. One example is how to effectively listen to other people. The next time you're having a conversation with someone, pay attention to how much you're actively listening, versus talking. Are you waiting for your turn to speak, or are you taking the time to understand what the other person is going through?

Another important life skill is time management. Many people don't know how to manage their time well, as they tend to focus on unproductive tasks like watching TV or playing video games, rather than activities that will help to create momentum in their lives. That's not to say that leisure activities aren't a key aspect of life, but rather that it's important to understand how to balance and prioritize productive and unproductive tasks. Tell us more about your life skills so we can determine if you're a wise person!

Uh oh! One of the buttons on your jacket is starting to come loose. Are you able to sew it back on?
Sure, not a problem!
I think I can do this.
I don't know, but I can try.
Where do I even buy a needle and thread?
It's 5:30 p.m. and you just got home from work. Are you going to settle for takeout or cook an epic meal?
I'll cook an epic meal for myself.
I'll make something easy, like pasta.
Takeout sounds good right now.
I'll just make some frozen pizza.
Are you a super clean person, or are you a little more on the slob side when it comes to household chores?
I'm a total neat freak.
I'm somewhat clean.
I get pretty lazy when it comes to cleaning.
I'm definitely a slob.


Yikes! It looks like your bathroom sink is clogged! Are you going to repair this yourself or call a plumber?
I'll definitely fix this myself.
I'll certainly try to repair this myself first.
That depends on how badly the sink is clogged.
This is what plumbers are for, right?
Be honest: Do you really know how to use all of the buttons on your TV remote control?
Of course!
I know what most of the buttons do.
Nope, not at all
I rarely ever use my TV remote control.
On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being the highest), how organized are you?
1 to 2


You don't have to be the next Shakespeare, but do you know the difference between an adverb and a pronoun?
Who doesn't?
I think I do ...
I'm not 100% sure.
I'm so confused right now.
Imagine giving a speech in front of 100 people. Which of the following emotions are you starting to feel?
Would you describe yourself as someone who has excellent communication skills, or is this something that you're still working on?
I'm an expert at communicating with others.
I'm pretty good at communicating with others.
I'm just OK at this.
This is something that I'm terrible with.


You've been noticing that your computer has been running a bit slow lately. Do you know how to fix this?
Yes, I'm a tech expert!
I think so ...
I can probably find out more by using Google.
Nope, I would just call someone about this.
Do you know how to back up computer files on a USB flash drive?
Yes, this is so easy.
Let me just double check this with a friend first.
I'm not really sure.
Can you speak English, please?
When you don't know how to do something in life, do you tend to ask other people for help or figure it out on your own?
I always try to figure it out myself because it's important to be independent.
I tend to ask other people for help.
It depends on the situation.
I tend to be too stubborn to ask for help.


Are you aware of any basic self-defense moves, or is this a foreign concept to you?
I know many types of self-defense moves.
I know some self-defense moves.
I only know one self-defense move.
This sounds like a foreign concept to me.
Not everyone has an emergency savings account for certain disasters in life, but do you have some money set aside just in case?
Yes, I've definitely been saving up for such emergencies.
I have a moderate amount of money set aside.
I have a little bit of money set aside.
I don't have any money set aside.
If you were hiking in a forest, which of the following would you absolutely need to guide you back home safely?
The stars in the sky
A compass
A map
My smartphone


You may not have the medical knowledge of a doctor, but do you know the basics of first aid?
Of course
I know some of the basics.
Does using a Band-Aid count?
What's that?
Oh no! It looks like your car has a flat tire! Are you able to change it on your own?
This is way too easy for me.
I think I can do this.
Only if I have a friend with me
Nope, not at all
It happens to almost everyone at some point, but if you lost your job, would you be able to quickly pick yourself back up to find a new one?
Yes, without a doubt!
Eventually, I would start applying for jobs again.
I would definitely need some help with this.
It would be very difficult for me.


On a scale of beginner to expert, how well are you able to budget your finances?
Total novice
Let's say that you're at a store when you see a really nice shirt on sale. Are you going to buy it now or wait until a little later?
I probably wouldn't buy it at all, since I don't need the shirt.
I would wait to purchase the shirt.
It depends on how much it costs.
I would immediately purchase the shirt.
Not many people know how to balance a checkbook, but are you one of the few that can do this?
Of course, this is a super easy skill.
No, but I can probably figure it out.
No one ever taught me how.
What's a checkbook?


In terms of saving money at grocery stores, do you use coupons or apps on your smartphone?
I tend to use my smartphone.
I tend to use coupons.
When a server brings the bill to you at a restaurant, are you able to calculate the tip in your head?
Yes, I can do this type of math in my head.
It depends on how much the bill is.
Nope, I tend to use a calculator.
Nope, I tend to ask other people how much I should leave as a tip.
Have you set personal goals in life, or is this something that you're still trying to figure out?
I know exactly what I want in life.
I have set some goals in life.
I'm still figuring this out, but I know I'm on the right path.
I feel very lost in life right now.


We all get stressed out sometimes, but are you able to manage your stress levels pretty well?
100% yes
For the most part, I'm pretty good at this.
I'm just OK at this.
No, not really
Can you handle constructive criticism well, or is this something that you become defensive about?
I can handle this pretty well.
I try very hard not to take this personally.
It depends on what the criticism is about.
I hate constructive criticism.
When you hear the word "exercise," do you jump for joy or cower in fear?
Jump for joy
I don't really mind exercising for the most part.
It depends on the exercise.
Cower in fear


Let's say that you're lost in a new city without any navigational tools. Are you going to ask a stranger for directions or wander around aimlessly?
I would buy some navigational tools.
I would ask a stranger for help.
It depends on how lost I feel.
I would probably wander around like a duck.
When you make mistakes in life, do you turn these lessons into positive or negative momentum?
Positive momentum
It depends on the mistake.
I'm not really sure.
Negative momentum
Which of these common swim strokes are you able to easily perform in a swimming pool?
Butterfly stroke
Freestyle stroke
Dog paddle
Believe me, I would sink like an anchor.


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