Tell Us About Your High School Memories and We'll Guess What Decade You Graduated In

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Tell Us About Your High School Memories and We'll Guess What Decade You Graduated In
Image: People Images/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Whether high school was one of the best times of your life, a necessary awkward phase or one of the most terrifying experiences you've ever had, there's one thing that you'll agree with us about: it was extremely memorable! While certain things about high school will always stay the same, such as first love, bullies and homework, other aspects of high school have radically changed over the years.

Today, students email teachers their essays rather than typing or writing them, and current classroom safety standards would seem ludicrous to 1950s parents. Kendrick Lamar is the new Elvis, and nobody cool would ever drive a Plymouth Road Runner.

But we want to know what defined your high school experience. What did your classmates wear, who was cool or uncool, how did teachers punish you and what salty treats did you like to snack on? Details like these may seem unimportant, but in fact, will help our trusty quiz supercomputer to determine precisely which decade it was when you put on that black cap and gown. Are you ready to relive some of the most fun and most embarrassing years of your life? Flip through your high school yearbook, then take this quiz!

How did you get to school?
I rode my bike.
I took the bus.
I walked.
My mom dropped me off.
What was the most bizarre subculture at your high school?
Greasers or beatniks
Insane Clown Posse kids
Did you have to shower after gym class?
Yes, of course!
It was optional. Most kids didn't.
Duh, that was mandatory.
Ew, why would you shower at school?


Where did you and your friends hang out?
At a rollers skating rink
At an all-ages music venue
At a diner
At the mall
After school, which delicious treats did you feast on?
Jello or Popsicles
Lunchables or Fruit by the Foot
Mom's homemade cake
Cheez balls or Tostitos Scoops
How did the cool kids dress?
A striped T-shirt, corduroy bell bottoms, Converse sneakers
A flannel shirt over a black band T-shirt, flared jeans, Doc Martens
A neatly pressed dress with Mary Janes or a button-down shirt, sweater, slacks, belt and loafers
Three polo shirts or tank tops layered on top of each other, low-rise skinny jeans, Keds


What was your favorite slang word?
How did you earn money?
I had a newspaper route.
I worked at the local burger joint.
I mowed lawns or babysat neighbors' kids.
I made my parents give me an allowance.
What weird skill did you learn that you've never used since?
How to type flawlessly on a typewriter
How to use an overhead projector
How to take shorthand notes
How to clean a CD


Did you have to do chores at home? What kind?
I had to do my own laundry and clean out the garage.
We took turns doing the dishes and cleaning the bathroom.
I was expected to help my mother cook or help my dad maintain the house.
I didn't really have chores besides keeping my room clean.
How was gossip spread?
People passed notes, which sometimes blossomed into scandals.
It was mostly through crazy rumors and word-of-mouth.
People shared phone lines back then (called "party lines"). Some people listened to the party line all the time and would report on their neighbors' conversations!
Texting, baby! Also, instant messenger, Live Journal, MySpace and Facebook.
What was your favorite TV show?
"Pete and Pete"
"The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis"
"Drake and Josh"


Which clubs were you a part of?
The AV Club, Glee Club or Dungeons and Dragons
Drama Club, Yearbook, Student Council
French Club, Debate Team, Lion's Club
MEChA, National Honor Society, Gay/Straight Alliance
How did you write an essay?
On a typewriter
On a school computer
In cursive
On my laptop
In order not to be labelled a dork, you had to ... ?
Dress right, go to concerts and smoke
Dress right, have a good online presence and have progressive opinions
Dress right, be outgoing and play sports
Dress right, go to parties and listen to the right bands


What did you wear to the prom?
A ruffled tuxedo or long, flowing dress
A baggy AF suit or a strapless mini dress
A cocktail dress with a full skirt or a tweed suit
A princess gown or suit with a skinny tie
Which of these dumb fads took your school by storm?
Streaking through public events naked
Tickle Me Elmo or Beanie Babies
Telephone Booth Stuffing
Emo haircuts or trucker hats
Did you ever take a shop or home ec class?
I took shop, but didn't learn much.
I took neither!
Yes, I took home ec ... and it still comes in handy!
What do those words even mean?


What was the biggest political scandal on the news?
Nixon and Watergate
Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky
The Red Scare
Dick Cheney and Halliburton
How did you do your hair?
Parted in the middle and left loose
"Messy" but stiff with gel
Parted neatly on the side and combed
Over one eye (which didn't look as cool as I thought it did)
Which brand of shoes was everyone wearing?
Earth shoes
Bass Weejuns


What was your first date like?
I met her at the disco, and we danced the night away (until curfew).
I went on a group date to the mall with a person I liked, and we secretly held hands.
I showed up 30 minutes early so I could meet his or her parents, then we went to a drive-in movie.
We went out for coffee, and it was awkward AF, but we texted later.
Were you a jock, a nerd, a drama kid or ... ?
I was sort of a hippie.
I was a drama kid.
I was a jock.
I was a nerd, but it wasn't a social liability.
Once you got a boyfriend or girlfriend, how did you spend time together?
We roller-skated or went to school dances.
We went to shows or hung out at the park.
We went to the soda shop or studied together.
We texted or instant-messaged, mostly.


What were your parents most worried about?
The Cold War
Nuclear war
The Great Recession
How did you call people up?
I had my own landline.
My friends would page me, then I'd call them from a payphone.
We used the party line, of course.
I'd bust out my trusty flip phone.
Which word did people use to refer to "bad" kids?


Did you burn incense in your room?
Yes, especially after certain activities
Sometimes, if it wasn't too cheesy of a scent
No, never
No, but I did have Yankee candles.
How did your parents dress?
Mom wore turtlenecks, vests and jeans; Dad wore wide-collar shirts and slacks.
Mom wore sweaters and unflattering jeans; Dad wore cargo pants and polos.
Mom wore shirt dresses; Dad wore suits.
Mom wore tight pink sweat suits; Dad wore khakis and T-shirts.
Who was the coolest musician?
Jimi Hendrix
Kurt Cobain
André 3000


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