Should You Go To Grad School? Quiz

By: Ana Todorovic
Estimated Completion Time
2 min
Should You Go To Grad School? Quiz
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

You're up to your eyeballs in debt from your first degree now your thinking about getting a Masters as well. See whether you should hold off or if it's the right way to go.
When did you graduate from college?
10+ years ago
1-2 years ago
3-9 years ago
less than a year ago
How long did it take you to get your degree?
4 years
5 years
6 years
7+ years
What type of school did you attended?
Ivy league
Private University
State School
Community College


How much relevant work experience do you have in your field?
10+ years
5-9 years
1-4 years
Less than a year
What is your management style?
Polite but assertive. I get things done.
Efficiency matters most, so I strive to get everyone working quickly.
Stick and carrot. I like to reward good work but I will also punish bad work.
I tend to micromanage
How do you like to use your vacation days?
All at once
I split it between two vacations
I don't like to use my vacation days
I always use all of them and then some


How many hours in a week do you usually work?
80+ hours
40 hours
20-35 hours
Less than 20 hours
When you have finished all your projects for the week, what do you usually do to fill the time?
Find new projects to do on my own or ask my boss for more work
Go on Reddit and look at /r/aww
Take fun quizzes while you pretend to be busy
Leave for the day
What is your favorite way to take notes in class?
Write everything down the teacher says is important
Only write down what's on the board
Notes? I memorize everything
I would take notes if I showed up to class...


If you had a daily college class, how many days did you actually show up?
Everyday, including special study days
Most days, I only skipped when I was sick
Every other day. I had an agreement with another student to take notes one day and he took notes the next day.
Occasionally, I showed up for tests. I always got ok grades anyway.
What were your average grades in college?
Straight A's
Mostly B's some A's
Mostly C's some B's
I barely passed but I made it!
How many hours a week would you say you studied?
20-30 hours a week. Sleep is for the weak!
15-20 hours a week
10-15 hours a week
Less than 10 hours a week


Did you go through your mandatory reading for each class?
Yes, always before class so I could keep up
Yes, but after class so I could review
Sometimes, I work a lot so I would go over the difficult material and skip the rest
No, I never buy the books for my classes. It's a waste of money
How long did it take you to find a relevant job for your major?
3 months
4-6 months
1 year
I'm still working the same job I had during college
What type of bachelor degree do you have?


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