Rate These Songs and We'll Guess If You'll Ever Get Married
By: Brian Whitney
4 min
Image: SHutterstock
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YouĂ‚Â can tell a lot about someone by their musical taste. Have you ever heard a particular song and it's made you think of being in love, or maybe even one person that you're still heartbroken over? Or maybe when you hear music it makes you think of having a good time and letting it all hang out?Ă‚Â
Music really is the key to the heart, and the type of tunes that you listen to have a lot to do with whether you're a true romantic or the type that really enjoys being single. For example, if you tend to crank up "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana but change the station when "How Deep is Your Love" by the Bee Gees comes on, you're probably not ready for a serious relationship. But if you cry when "Your Song" by Elton John comes on the radio and turn the volume down when "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple is played, then you just might be ready for a walk down the aisle.
Put yourĂ‚Â headphones on. If you rate all of these songs we picked for you, we can tell you whether you're ready for marriage or a singles night out on the town.Ă‚Â
What do you think of the song "Love Story" by Taylor Swift?