About This Quiz
Television turns us all into voyeurs of a sort. Each week, we dive into various fictional lives — forgetting our personalities and struggles — as we let ourselves become absorbed by other people's stories. In a way, TV allows us to experience hundreds of different existences, exploring realities we could never otherwise visit. Then again, if you're drawn to a particular show, it's often because you see your problems reflected in it. It's hard to identify with heroes to whom you don't relate, so it's a safe bet to say that we find something of our real lives — or fantasies — depicted in our favorite programs.
Our bedroom proclivities may be reflected by our TV tastes as well. For instance, foot fetish fans likely found their love of shoe talk well-satisfied by "Sex and the City," while voyeurs loved watching hottie Jamie Dornan play a twisted serial killer on "The Fall." Gluttons for punishment in the bedroom are probably more willing to tolerate the cruel murder of beloved characters on "Game of Thrones" than those who don't practice BDSM, and we'd be surprised if most role-play enthusiasts didn't have a soft spot for "Downton Abbey."
Whether you think our theory holds water or not, we invite you to test it right now. All you have to do is tell us what your favorite TV shows are. In return, we'll hazard a guess as to your kink of choice. Want to see if we'll get it right? Let's get quizzing!
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