Only a Very Smart Person Can Ace This World Trivia and Geography Quiz
By: Heather Cahill
3 min
Image: shutterstock
About This Quiz
How many trips have you taken to places around the world? Even if you've never left your home country, you probably still know a thing or two about the world around you! A little geography, history and general knowledge can take you a long way. How many facts do you know about the world?
Can you name the sea with no coast? What about the country that has a spherical coin? Think you know the city that is home to just one stop sign? Where would you find the "Door to Hell"? There are some interesting facts from around the globe that may stump you!
Do you know which country is called the "Land of the Blue Sky"? What about the country that has no natural sand? Can you name a large attraction found in Istanbul? Do you know where you would find the Sahara Desert? Brush up on your geography to make sure that you ace this quiz!
Geography experts and trivia champs, put all that knowledge together and get a good score to prove it. If you think you know everything about the world around you, then this one is for you. Take the quiz to see how well you know your stuff!
Where would you find most of the world's freshwater?
In lakes
In the air
In the ocean
In glaciers
Most of the world's freshwater is in the frozen glaciers found throughout the world. It amounts to over half of the freshwater in the world.
The Sargasso Sea, which is found in the Atlantic Ocean, is completely engulfed in water, meaning that it has no coast. The sea is known for its abundance of seaweed.
Which island was the subject of conflict between Bangladesh and India?
New Moore
New Moore caused conflict between the countries over its ownership. The conflict ended after the island became submerged in water and they no longer fought over it.
The United States does not use the metric system, but they instead use something called the customary units. The differences are that instead of kilometers, they use miles and instead of centimeters they use inches.
The desert and the sea connect in Namibia, which is a quite unusual sight. The dry sand of the Namib Desert quickly turns into the blue color of the Atlantic Ocean.
Which country has the longest coastline in the world?
Canada is home to the longest coastline in the world, which spans over 200,000 kilometers. The country touches three oceans, the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific.
Which country does not follow the Gregorian calendar?
Ethiopia does not follow the Gregorian Calendar, but instead they follow the Coptic Calendar. Did you know that the Coptic Calendar has 13 months rather than 12?
In China, there is a creature named Nian that citizens believe in. It is part of Chinese mythology which describes the creature as a beast that comes around during the New Year.
Which country is completely surrounded by another country?
San Marino
San Marino is completely surrounded by the larger country of Italy. The small country only covers an area of 61 kilometers with an equally small population of just over 30,000.
Saudi Arabia has no rivers, but they instead have something that they refer to as "wadis." The wadis are dry beds that are able to fill up with rain water.
Which of the following countries is one of the smallest in the world?
Monaco is one of the smallest countries in the world beside Vatican City, as it only covers 2 kilometers. It also has a very small population of 34,000 people.
The "Door to Hell" is located in Turkmenistan. It was created after being set on fire by workers who discovered it, and it has been burning ever since.
The Imperial House is in Japan and it is home to the Yamato family who have been in power since 660 A.D. Did you know that the Yamato family have had 125 family members who served as emperor?
The Chihuahua was named after the Mexican city of the same name. It is thought that the tiny dogs originated in Mexico as they have appeared in drawings and writings throughout history.
Gross National Happiness is used in Bhutan, whose residents hold its importance over anything else. Did you know that part of the Himalayas are located in Bhutan?
Which continent boasts the largest and tallest animals?
North America
Africa is home to the elephant, the largest land animal and giraffe, the tallest land animal in the world. Did you know that giraffes are only found on the continent?
If you want to go to the most populated country on Earth, where would you be off to?
China is the most populated country on Earth with over 1.3 billion people who call it home. The country surpasses even the next largest populated countries by a long way.
Where would you go to find some mysterious statues?
Easter Island
Easter Island is home to some mysterious statues that were carved in the past. They are known for their big heads, but did you know that they also have bodies?
In which country is seaweed soup served for a birthday?
South Korea
Instead of a cake, South Korea opts for seaweed soup to celebrate a birthday. Eating the birthday soup is also a thanks to your mother who gave birth to you.
You would find the largest flower in the world, known as Rafflesia arnoldi in Indonesia. The flower can grow to be 3 feet in diameter and it has a large hole in the middle.
Paris, France only has one stop sign in the entire city as all drivers understand who gets the right of way. Did you know that the River Seine flows through the city?
Mongolia is named the "Land of the Blue Sky" because of its cloudless skies. The country's landscape is diverse, going from dense cityscapes to rocky terrain.
Reykjavik has heated sidewalks that are heated by the water found underground. The water is heated by nearby volcanoes and then runs through pipes underneath the sidewalk.