Can You Identify These Military Planes From a Portion of a Photo?

Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Identify These Military Planes From a Portion of a Photo?
Image: Frank Rossoto Stocktrek / Digital Vision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Hornet. Chinook. SuperCobra. Osprey. Shadow. Viper. Stallion. You may have heard the names of these iconic military planes many times over the years, but do you think you can tell them apart from a single picture? Prove it with this quiz!

The U.S. has the largest Air Force in the world, and in addition to a well-trained labor force, the Air Force also owns plenty of planes equipped to take care of all types of airborne tasks. Options range from fuel carriers to maintenance vehicles, bombers and fighter jets, planes designed to carry small numbers of men and peacekeepers, to vessels capable of transporting tanks and entire infantries. 

There are tiny lightweight fighters, like the F-16 or Tigershark, as well as enormous transport vessels measuring nearly 250 feet long, with tail sections as high as a six-story building. Planes range from B-52s and Stratotankers in use since the '50s to some of the most cutting-edge vessels ever to soar through the clouds. 

Up close, identifying many of these planes might seem pretty easy -- but what if we only show you one small piece of the plane -- still think you can puzzle it out? Take our quiz to find out!

Wiki Commons via Spc. Russell J. Good
Identify this plane based on the image.
RQ-7B Shadow
Ch-47 Chinook
Named for a tribe of Native Americans from the Pacific Northwest, the Ch-47 Chinook has been used by the U.S. Army since 1962. This twin-engine heavy lift copter has a max speed just shy of 200 mph, and can transport more than 50 troops at a time.
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian
RQ-7B Shadow
KC-135 Stratotanker
Wiki Commons via U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Mark Bucher
Which military plane is shown here?
KC-135 Stratotanker
The KC-135 Stratotanker was one of the first jet-powered refueling vehicles used by the Air Force in 1957. As of 2018, this Boeing creation remains one of just a handful of military planes with more than 50 years of service.
F/A-18C Hornet
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian
RC-12 Huron
Wiki Commons via U.S. Navy photo by Photographer’s Mate 3rd Class Andrew King
Think you can name this plane?
Mitsubishi A6M Zero
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian
AV-8B Harrier II
The AV-8B Harrier II is a single-engine attack plane that has been used by the U.S. Marines since the mid-'80s. It is notable for its ability to perform vertical or short-lift take-offs and landings.
B-1B Lancer


Can you ID this plane?
Wiki Commons via Cpl. Demetrius Morgan
Can you ID this plane?
F-3 5B Lightning
T-45C Gashawk
AH-1W SuperCobra
Introduced in 1971, the AH-1W chopper has gradually replaced the Cobra helicopters used by the Marines in Vietnam. Part of the Huey family, this twin-engine attack helicopter made by Bell has been largely phased out as of 2018 to make way for the more advanced AH-1Z Viper.
MV-22B Osprey
Vought F4U Corsair
Wiki Commons via Cizek Martin
Can you identify the plane in this image?
Mitsubishi A6M Zero
Sopwith Camel
Vought F4U Corsair
The Vought F4U Corsair was a fighter plane used by the U.S. Navy and Marines in both WWII and the Korean War. Introduced in 1942, this extremely effective bomber was designed for use with carrier vessels, but found greater success in applications where land-based runways were accessible.
MV-22B Osprey
A-10C Thunderbolt II
Wiki Commons via Airwolfhound
What is the name of this military plane?
MV-22B Osprey
A-10C Thunderbolt II
Nicknamed the Warthog, or simply Hog, the A-10C Thunderbolt II is a single-seat attack plane. In use since 1977, it's used for air support as well as attacks on ground vehicles. Thanks to a large wing area, the Thunderbolt is extremely maneuverable, even when operated at relatively low speeds.
AH-1W SuperCobra
F-15 Eagle


C-20 Gulfstream
Wiki Commons via ERIC SALARD
Which model of military plane is shown here?
Mitsubishi A6M Zero
C-20 Gulfstream
The C-20 Gulfstream is a twin-engine military plane in use since the '80s by the Air Force, Navy, Marines and Army. It looks like a standard business jet, and is designed for surveillance and reconnaissance, as well as the transport of senior military officials.
F-15 Eagle
A-10C Thunderbolt II
EH-60A Black Hawk
Youtube via Stryder Edit
Which military plane is shown here?
EH-60A Black Hawk
The EH-60A is a modified Black Hawk helicopter with an advanced electrical system for electronic warfare operations. This four-bladed medium-lift chopper was made famous bu the 2001 Ridley Scott film "Black Hawk Down."
F/A-18C Hornet
F-3 5B Lightning
F-15 Eagle
MV-22B Osprey
Wiki Commons via U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kelvin Edwards
Think you can identify this plane from only a single image?
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian
T-45C Gashawk
MV-22B Osprey
The MV-22B Osprey is the primary assault support plane used by the the Marines as of 2018. In use since 2007, the engine placement on this plane allows for vertical lift, while still enabling the plane to fly faster than a standard helicopter.
RQ-7B Shadow


F-22A Raptor
Wiki Commons via Master Sgt. Andy Dunaway
What is the name of this plane?
F-22A Raptor
In use by the Air Force since 2005, the F-22A Raptor is a single-seat, twin-engine fighter plane designed for electronic warfare, air battles and ground attacks. Produced by Lockheed Martin, this stealth fighter can reach Mach 2.255 -- that's around 1,500 miles per hour.
B-1B Lancer
Sopwith Camel
F-3 5B Lightning
Lockheed P-38 Lightning
Wiki Commons via USAF Museum Photo Archive
Pick the correct plane name.
AH-1W SuperCobra
B-1B Lancer
Sopwith Camel
Lockheed P-38 Lightning
Designed for bomber interception, the P-38 Lightning went on to become one of the most successful fighter planes of the WWII era. Despite many engine failure issues when the plane was introduced in 1939, this twin-engine aircraft helped the U.S. and its Allies fight to victory in WWII.
Nakajima B5N
Wiki Commons via Australian War Memorial
Match this military plane to its name.
Nakajima B5N
Nicknamed "The Kate," the Nakajima B5N was a torpedo carrier used by the Japanese Navy during WWII. This fighter plane was designed to travel at 235 mph while carrying a crew of three -- plus an 1,800-pound torpedo.
AH-1W SuperCobra
Ch-47 Chinook
MV-22B Osprey


C-130H Hercules
Wiki Commons via U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Samuel Morse
Can you name this military plane?
Ch-47 Chinook
Messerschmitt BF-109
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian
C-130H Hercules
The C-130H Hercules ranks among the largest military planes ever produced. Introduced in 1945, this four-engine plane is used for everything from troop and cargo transport to refueling and attack operations.
B-29 Superfortress
Wiki Commons via a U.S. Air Force Airman
Can you name this plane used by the U.S. military?
RQ-7B Shadow
KC-135 Stratotanker
B-29 Superfortress
The B-29 Superfortress four-engine heavy bomber was one of the biggest planes used during WWII. It cost more to design and produce than the entire Manhattan Project.
Ch-47 Chinook
RQ-7B Shadow
Wiki Commons via Sgt. Alexander Neely
Can you name this plane used by the U.S. military?
Mitsubishi A6M Zero
MV-22B Osprey
Sopwith Camel
RQ-7B Shadow
The unmanned RQ-7B Shadow is a reconnaissance plane used by the U.S. Army and Marines. In operation since 2007, it has a 68-mile range and a top speed of 126 mph.


F-16 Fighting Falcon
Wiki Commons via
Can you ID this plane?
F-16 Fighting Falcon
The U.S. Air Force has been using the F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft since 1973. Designed for electronic warfare, this single-engine fighter plane comes equipped with at least 11 different locations to mount a variety of weapons.
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian
Sopwith Camel
AH-1W SuperCobra
C-12 Huron
Wiki Commons via US Air Force from USA
What is the name of this military plane?
F-22A Raptor
C-12 Huron
The C-12 Huron twin-engine plane has been used by virtually every U.S. military branch since its 1974 introduction. It can carry up to 13 passengers and 5 crew at speeds of 333 mph, and has been used for everything from cargo transport to medical evacuation.
MV-22B Osprey
F-15 Eagle
T-1A Jayhawk
Wiki Commons via Terry Wasson
Name the plane shown in this picture.
Ch-47 Chinook
F-15 Eagle
MV-22B Osprey
T-1A Jayhawk
The T-1A Jayhawk is a twin-engine jet used to train future military pilots, navigators and flight personnel. In use since 1993, it can travel as fast as 538 mph.


F A-18C Hornet
Wiki Commons via Petty Officer 1st Class Joseph Vincent
Can you name this plane using only a single image?
F/A-18A Hornet
The F/A-18A Hornet is a twin-engine attack jet used by the Navy and Marines since the '80s. Capable of Mach 1.8, or 1,190 mph, this aircraft is used for everything from combat to air support to reconnaissance.
Messerschmitt BF-109
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian
F-3 5B Lightning
HH-60H Rescue Hawk
Wiki Commons via MCCS Spike Call
What is the name of this plane?
MV-22B Osprey
RQ-7B Shadow
HH-60H Rescue Hawk
The HH-60H Rescue Hawk is a specialized variant of the Navy's SH-60 Seahawk -- which was itself inspired by the Black Hawk helicopters used by the Army. The Rescue Hawk is a twin-engine chopper with a hinged tail, allowing it to take off and land in tight spaces.
KC-135 Stratotanker
Supermarine Spitfire
Wiki Commons via United Kingdom Government
Know what this plane is called?
F-15 Eagle
Supermarine Spitfire
The Supermarine Spitfire is a single-seat fighter plane used by Britain and its Allies during WWII. This tiny fighter measured just under 30 feet long, but could travel as fast as 363 mph.
AH-1W SuperCobra
F-3 5B Lightning


HC-130 Hercules
Wiki Commons via Master Sgt. Dawn Price
Think you know the name of this plane?
HC-130 Hercules
Introduced in 1959, the HC-130 Hercules is a search and rescue version of the C-130 Hercules helicopter. Used by the Air Force and Coast Guard, this chopper not only performs reconnaissance over the water, but is also used to fuel aircraft.
B-1B Lancer
F-3 5B Lightning
T-45C Gashawk
EA-6B Prowler
Wiki Commons via Jerry Gunner from Lincoln, UK
Name the plane shown in this picture?
Ch-47 Chinook
Messerschmitt BF-109
F-22A Raptor
EA-6B Prowler
The EA-6B Prowler is a twin-engine aircraft designed for electronic warfare. Used by the Navy and Marines, it was introduced in 1971. While it can carry missiles, its primary role is to jam radar and interfere with air defense systems.
P-51 Mustang
Wiki Commons via Kogo
Pick the correct plane name.
P-51 Mustang
The P-51 Mustang is a long-range fighter plane used in the WWII-era. Just 32 feet long, it could travel up to 440 mph, and was used in both bombing and reconnaissance missions.
Sopwith Camel
A-10C Thunderbolt II
Messerschmitt BF-109


Sopwith Camel
Wiki Commons via USAF Museum
Can you name this plane using only a single image?
F-22A Raptor
AH-1W SuperCobra
Sopwith Camel
The Sopwith Camel was used by British forces during WWI. This single-seat biplane required a lot of skill to pilot, but was very maneuverable, and could reach speeds of 113 mph. Not bad for one of the earliest war planes.
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian
F-15 Eagle
Wiki Commons via U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Thomas Meneguin
Think you can name this plane?
T-45C Gashawk
F-15 Eagle
The F-15 Eagle is an Air Force twin-engine tactical fighter. It carries only a single pilot and can reach Mach 2 speed. As of summer 2018, this aircraft has suffered no aerial combat losses since its 1976 introduction.
RQ-7B Shadow
MV-22B Osprey
CH-53E Super Stallion
Wiki Commons via U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Dustin Kelling
Do you know the name of this plane?
CH-53E Super Stallion
The CH-5E Super Stallion is three-engine heavy-lift chopper that's been in use by the U.S. military since the '80s. Despite its ability to carry more than 50 troops or 15 tons of cargo, it's surprisingly agile and low-profile.
F-22A Raptor
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian
F-3 5B Lightning


F-5N Tiger II
Wiki Commons via U.S. Marine Corps/Lance Cpl. Ashley Phillips
Can you identify the plane in this image?
Ch-47 Chinook
F-5N Tiger II
The F-5N Tiger II is a supersonic jet that has been in use since the '50s. It can reach Mach 1.6 -- that's 1,060 mph -- and is renowned for its relative affordability and ease of maintenance compared to many other military planes.
AH-1W SuperCobra
A-10C Thunderbolt II
Mitsubishi A6M Zero
Wiki Commons via Paul Richter
Think you can identify this plane from only a single image?
Ch-47 Chinook
F-15 Eagle
Mitsubishi A6M Zero
The Mitsubishi A6M Zero was used by the Japanese Navy during WWII. Nicknamed Zeke or Zero, this long-range fighter plane was retired at the end of the war in 1945.
F-22A Raptor
AH-64 Apache Longbow, Guardian
Wiki Commons via U.S. Army photo by Capt. Jesse Paulsboe
Think you know the name of this plane?
A-10C Thunderbolt II
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian
The AH-64 Apache is a twin-engine attack helicopter used by the U.S. Army since the mid-'80s. It can carry two crew members, and is designed with plenty of redundant systems to survive heavy attacks.
MV-22B Osprey
Ch-47 Chinook


Messerschmitt Bf 109
Wiki Commons via German Federal Archive
Know what this plane is called?
Messerschmitt BF-109
The Messerschmitt BF-109 was a fighter plane used by German forces during WWII. It was very advanced for the time period, but holds a sad legacy -- many of the planes were produced in concentration camps.
A-10C Thunderbolt II
Sopwith Camel
KC-135 Stratotanker
B-1B Lancer
Wiki Commons via Master Sgt. Andy Dunaway
What is the name of this plane used by the U.S. military?
T-45C Gashawk
B-1B Lancer
The B-1B Lancer, which military personnel have nicknamed "The Bone," is a supersonic heavy bomber plane. Introduced in 1986, this Air Force plane can carry a crew of four at Mach 1.25.
MV-22B Osprey
RQ-7B Shadow
RC-12 Huron
Wiki Commons via U.S. Army
Match this military plane to its name.
A-10C Thunderbolt II
Ch-47 Chinook
RC-12 Huron
The RC-12 Huron is a twin-engine military utility plane used by almost every branch of the U.S. military. Introduced in 1974, it's used not only for battlefield support, but also for radar and intelligence support.
KC-135 Stratotanker


MH-60 Seahawk
Wiki Commons via U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman John Wagner
Which model of military plane is shown here?
MH-60 Seahawk
The MH-60 Seahawk is a twin-engine chopper inspired by the Black Hawk helicopters used by the Army. It has been used for warfare, search and rescue and other missions since 1979.
F-22A Raptor
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian
F/A-18C Hornet
EA-18G Growler
Wiki Commons via U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Torrey W. Lee
Do you know the name of this plane?
RQ-7B Shadow
T-45C Gashawk
EA-18G Growler
In use by the Navy since 2009, the EA-18G Growler can travel at Mach 1.8, or 1,190 mph. This aircraft is designed for electronic warfare, which includes jamming enemy radar and intercepting radio signals.
A-10C Thunderbolt II
F-35B Lightning II
Wiki Commons via Tomás Del Coro
Choose the correct name of this military plane.
MV-22B Osprey
T-45C Gashawk
Ch-47 Chinook
F-3 5B Lightning
The F-35B Lightning II is a single-engine aircraft used by the Air Force, Navy and Marines. Designed for both ground and air attacks, the "B" designation means that the plane is equipped for vertical landings and short takeoffs.


F A-18A Hornet
Wiki Commons via Petty Officer 1st Class Joseph Vincent
Can you name this military plane?
MV-22B Osprey
T-45C Gashawk
F/A-18C Hornet
The F/A-18C Hornet is a twin-engine supersonic aircraft in use since 1978. The "C" designation means that the aircraft has a single seat, and is primarily used for training.
F-22A Raptor
T-45C Goshaw
Wiki Commons via US-Gov PD
What is the name of this plane used the U.S. military?
RQ-7B Shadow
F-22A Raptor
T-45C Gashawk
The T-45C Gashawk has been used by the U.S. Navy to train new pilots and navigators since 1991. The aircraft is famous for its glass cockpit, which means it has electronic displays instead of the traditional switches and gauges found in older aircraft.
B-1B Lancer
UH-1Y Venom
Wiki Commons via Sgt. Jamean Berry
Choose the correct name of this military plane.
F-22A Raptor
Ch-47 Chinook
UH-1Y Venom
Part of the Huey family, the UH-1Y Venom is a twin-engine medium-utility chopper in use by the Marines since 2008. Nicknamed Yankee, the Venom was designed to replace the aging UH-1N Twin Huey helicopter.
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian


AH-1Z Viper
Wiki Commons via Cpl. Demetrius Morgan
Identify this plane based on the image.
F-22A Raptor
Ah-1Z Viper
The AH-1Z Viper is part of the iconic Huey family of military choppers. This twin-engine attack helicopter was introduced in 2010 to replace the aging AH-1W SuperCobra.
Sopwith Camel
AH-64 Apache Longbow Guardian
You Got:
Frank Rossoto Stocktrek / Digital Vision / Getty Images