On a Scale of 1–10, How Much of a “Good Boy or Girl” Is Your Dog?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
On a Scale of 1–10, How Much of a “Good Boy or Girl” Is Your Dog?
Image: Carol Yepes / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

All dogs are good, in the sense that all dogs have innate goodness to them, but not all dogs are good in the sense of earning the words "good boy/girl" on a regular basis. Some dogs are, in fact, extremely bad. They chew up the furniture, they bark all the time, they don't come when they're called, they terrorize the neighborhood, they get into fights with other dogs and they leave messes all over the place. Do we still love them? Sure. Do we wish they would behave differently? Well, yes.

Dogs are family members, but just as humans live together most comfortably when they have good boundaries and clear expectations, dogs love it when they know what's expected of them. As nearly all dog owners eventually figure out - if they didn't know before they brought their pooch home for the first time - clear rules that are firmly and kindly enforced are necessary for dogs. It's not just a question of safety, though of course you need to know your dog won't run into the road or eat something you know is dangerous. It's also a matter of happiness. Our dogs want to please and protect us, and showing them how is one of the great gifts we can give them. Still, it's an easier gift to give some dogs than others!

Has your dog mastered the art of doing good, instead of just being good? Let's find out!

Does your dog come when called?
Yes, unless a rabbit is present
When they want to
How many things has your dog chewed up this year that are not theirs to chew?
One thing, but it was another dog's toy
A couple things
Only everything in my house
Has your dog ever gotten you a call from a neighbor?
Yes, to say how cute she is and to ask if they can come and play
Once or twice
Yes, and an angry note


Does your dog run off during walks?
Only to chase a thing, but they come back
Once in a while
Every time
Does your dog ever escape your garden?
They could, but they do not try.
Only for a really good reason, like their BFF passes on a walkies
Yes, whenever I leave the gate open
Yes. Even if I shut the gate, they will dig a hole.
What party trick does your dog do?
Roll over, pretend to die, give this or that paw, kick a ball, throw a ball
They shake hands.
They put their head on my knee.
Look cute I guess?


How many commands can your dog remember?
More than 10
About six
Three, but they're in there good.
Remember? Several! Do? Um...
Does your dog pull at the leash?
Only until I remind them not to!
Only when excited
Did your dog attend puppy classes?
Yes, and they got the top grade.
No, which I regret!
Yes, but it didn't do much.
I don't know, as my dog is a rescue.


When your dog realizes you've arrived at the scary vet where they had their shots, what do you have to do to get them through the door?
Tell them firmly and kindly to follow
Put on a leash
Offer treats
Carry them
How do you convey to your dog that it is time to get in the car?
Open the car door - they know!
Say, "Car!"
Pat the car while saying encouraging things
Physically put them in the car
Does your dog make a fuss when it is bath time?
No, my dog loves the attention.
Yes but they go along anyway.
Yes, so I bribe them with a treat.
Yes, it's basically impossible to bathe my dog.


When you get home, how does your dog greet you?
They bring me a toy as a token of respect.
They run up and hurl themselves on their back for a belly rub.
They run up and wag furiously.
They jump on me.
Your dog ate something they know they should not. You didn't see it. How will you find out?
They will look ashamed until I figure it out.
They will puke it up later.
I will find the wrapper.
I probably won't.
While you have dinner, what is your dog doing?
Sitting nicely in the corner and waiting
Inching closer and hoping I won't notice
Sitting next to me, begging!
Begging from under the table and trying to steal scraps


When you reach a fork in the path during an off-leash walk, how does your dog know which way to go?
They look at me and I tell them.
They guess, then revert to following if I go the other way.
They choose whichever one we did last time.
They go whichever way they like.
Does your dog walk to heel without a leash?
Of course
About half the time
LOL no
When you take off the leash for a walk in the off-leash park or the mountains, what happens first?
They look to me for permission to go.
They go and sniff things near me.
They run around.
They bolt.


If your dog is afraid, what does it do first?
Come to me
Run around nervously
Howl and chew things
Does your dog howl at the full moon?
Unless I say not to, they might.
Yes, until I shut the curtain
Yes, for a little while
Yes, all the time!
Does your dog bark at people who come to the house?
Yes, until they recognize the person or I say it is OK
Yes, until I say to stop
Yes, until the person has been around for about 30 minutes


Does your dog chase sheep or cattle?
Absolutely not
Only until I say to stop!
If they encounter a prey species, they're chasing it.
If your dog started eating a gross dead bird it found during a walk, how would you get it to stop?
Tell it once
Take the gross thing out of their mouth; they will open their mouth so they don't hurt me.
Pry the thing from their clenched teeth
I couldn't possibly make it stop!
If you leave a snack on the kitchen counter, will your dog eat it?
Only if I'm not around
They'll give it a shot!


Has your dog ever scared a cat up a tree?
Not that I know of!
Not in a long time
Yes, often
Yes - and then they barked at it for ages!
Has your dog bitten another dog, not as a game?
No, and my dog has never threatened to do this.
My dog has only threatened to do this when the dog threatened me.
Only if the other dog started it
Has your dog ever threatened a human?
Only when the human threatened me
Only when the human threatened them
Not that I recall
Yes, my dog is wary of a lot of people.


Has your dog ever actually bitten anyone?
Only as a game!
Only when they were scared
Yes, my dog has been through some stuff.
What is the longest you've ever not known where your dog was?
A few hours
Most of a day
A day
Several days
Has your dog ever been picked up by animal control?
No, but they were spotted once!
This has happened more than once.


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