Is Your Brain More Firefighter or Police Officer?

By: Monica Lee
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Is Your Brain More Firefighter or Police Officer?
Image: copyright Dan Reynolds Photography/Moment/gettyimages

About This Quiz

Lawyer, accountant, marketing executive... unlike most careers, if you're in law enforcement and fire protection being good at your job can mean life and death for you or someone else. That's why you need to know if your brain is geared for a high-stress job before you commit. Sure, you may be able to pass the physical and medical exams, you may even ace the technical skills test, but when it comes down to job performance, you simply need to have what it takes.

For instance, to be a firefighter or police officer you need to take a psychological evaluation that covers the core values, priorities, underlying attitudes and behaviors upon which real-world performance lies. Besides this evaluation, you'll have an interview with questions regarding impulse control, bias, attitudes towards sexuality and other personal beliefs. Both firefighters and police officers must be able to demonstrate ethical and professional responsibility, relationship building, critical thinking and compassion, just for starters. 

Now that you know a little about what you're getting into, it's time to take this quiz and learn more about yourself and these careers. Yes, the hero business is a serious business. Find out if you fit the mold or break it with this revealing quiz.

You are walking down the street, and someone calls you a derogatory word, what happens next?
I keep walking like I didn't hear them.
I keep calm and control my emotions. This person isn't worth my time.
If it doesn't look like the word is making me react, they'll lose interest.
I punch them in the mouth so they can't say it again.


When you see victims of crime, how do you feel?
I feel bad, I wish I could do more for them.
Compassion, I want to make the wrong, right.
I want to figure out how to stop the cycle.
They probably deserved it.


How are you at handling money?
I can usually balance my checkbook.
I always try to pay my bills on time.
If a big purchase is coming up, I try to cut back on other expenses.
I have some gambling debts I need to pay off.


How do you feel in a big crowd?
They are fine, especially at concerts, I like the energy.
I like them, but I look for exits in case I want to leave.
They're okay, but I can see a problem if there's a fire or a fight.
Love 'em, I like to get people riled up if I can.


What is an important quality you want in your partner?


If you were to volunteer, where would work?
A women's shelter
Habitat for Humanity
The American Red Cross
A political organization


What makes you tick?
Protecting others
Rescuing others
Doing something that makes a difference
Power and prestige


How do you spend your time?
Hang with friends
Do something fun with family
Sometimes I need time alone to process things.
Keep to myself and surf the internet


What qualities of yours do you categorize as an achievement?
My intelligence
My physical fitness
That I can fix most anything, I'm kind of like a jack of all trades.
The beautiful convertible I just bought by working hard.


What trait do you admire in your father?
Critical thinking


What are you proud of?
Teaching someone a skill
Running a marathon
My family
Bungee jumping


What kinds of things do post on social media?
My achievements and those of my family
Photos of me and my friends, but nothing risque
I go by the rule "don't post anything you don't want your mom or boss to see."
I post whatever just happened.


At some point in your life, you've probably done something you're not proud of. How do you handle talking about that?
I own up to it.
I talk about how I rectified my mistakes.
I talk about what I've learned through the unfortunate experience.
I choose not to talk about it, it's nobody's business but mine.


What do you admire most in people?
Good moral ethics
The ability to speak different languages


Someone walks by from your neighborhood that you haven't met, what do you do?
Take note of what they look like and introduce myself.
Introduce myself and find out something about them.
Find out where they are living in the neighborhood and see if we have anything in common.
There are a lot of crazies out there, don't talk to them.


Let's be real. What are some of the downsides of being a police officer or fire fighter?
Probably fear of failure
Maybe the weight of responsibility for someone's life
You can't unsee some of the things you see.
It's not that bad. Nothing I can't handle.


How important is a sense of humor?
Very! I give it a 7 or 8 on a scale of 10.
If I work with a bunch of guys 24/7, I've got to have a sense of humor.
It helps to deal with others when you have a sense of humor; people can sense it.
Humor makes you look weak.


You see a good friend of yours reach into an unguarded purse and take the wallet. What do you do?
Talk to him, and put the wallet back, even if he won't.
Tell him you saw what he did and ask why he needs money, maybe you can spot him some. Return the wallet.
Tell him you don't want him to go to jail, and unless he puts the wallet back you'll report him.
Obviously, he needs the money; let him live his life.


Which of these traits do you think a police officer should have?
Verbal and non-verbal skills
Attention to detail
Problem solving
An intimidating physique


Which of these traits do you think a firefighter should have?
Attention to detail
Commitment to diversity and integrity
Crowd control


You're in a store and you can see tempers rising between two customers who want the same thing. What do you do?
Call the store manager.
Chill out the situation with a joke.
Read their body language and decide whether to leave them alone or call the store manager.
Step between the two of them and tell them to shut up.


There is someone walking around the neighborhood disoriented. What should you do?
Note their appearance and how they are disoriented and call the authorities.
The person might be overdosing on drugs, call an ambulance.
It may be a mental health issue, keep your distance and call the authorities.
Approach the person because they don't look strong enough to take you.


What trait do you admire most in your mother?
Openness to change


Someone just grabbed his chest and collapsed on the ground, what do you do?
Call 911.
I know CPR. I'll administer it while someone calls for help.
Call for help then find out the details from passerby so you can aid authorities when they get here.
Don't get involved, this is not your business.


What trait drives you crazy in other people?


Do you prefer the company of others?
Yes, but I need some alone time.
I'm fine if I hang with people for days on end.
I like having a group of friends I know and trust.
Actually, I'm a loner.


Someone just grabbed a guy's wallet and ran right by you. What did you do?
I got a good look at his face.
I looked at the victim first, but I saw the direction the mugger was running.
I tripped him.
It went by too fast, I didn't see a thing.


Which of these quotes sounds like you?
“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”
"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."
"Tough times don't last, tough people do."
"The chief enemy of creativity is good sense."


Which of these sounds like the most fun?
Going out to a nice dinner
Going out to a movie and drinks with a group of friends
A barbecue with friends and family
A party where all hell breaks loose


Which of these do you worry about most?
Loved ones


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