How Would Your Friends REALLY Describe you?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How Would Your Friends REALLY Describe you?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

What do your friends have to say about you when you're not within earshot? It could be nothing, but they could be hiding something. Take this quiz to find out how your friends would REALLY describe you.
Do you have a main group of friends you hang out with?
I switch between a few groups.
I don't have a set group, but I have a few main friends.
How often do you communicate with your close friends?
Multiple times per day.
Sometimes daily, sometimes every couple days.
At least once every few days.
It varies. We can go for long periods without talking.
Would you trust your friends with your life?
Probably not.
Yes, absolutely.
Maybe some of them.
I wouldn't trust anyone with my life.


Are you open about yourself?
I'm an open book.
With some people, yes.
No, I'm a private person.
There's nothing to be open about.
Have you ever lied to your friends?
Who hasn't?
Yes, but I'm not proud of it.
Yes, but never about anything major.
No, at least not that I can recall.
How often do you bail on plans you made with friends?
Too often. It's a bit of a problem.
Occasionally, but I try not to make a habit of it.
I'd say an average amount.
Unless I have a legitimate reason to do so, I don't bail on plans.


Are you good at keeping in touch, even when it comes to long distance friendships?
No, I'm the worst.
Sure, it's easy enough.
I can make it work with some friends.
I wouldn't say I'm good, but I'm not the worst
Your friends/family would describe you as:
Are you introverted or extroverted?
Ambivert (both)
I'm more one than I am the other, but I still strongly identify with the other.


Is it easy to make new friends?
Piece of cake.
It's impossible,
It depends on the person.
I don't want any new friends.
Have you ever had a falling out with a close friend?
Not directly. I usually just grow apart from former friends.
Yes, many times.
Once or twice.
No, I still am close with most of my friends.
Do you ever interrupt your friends while they're talking?
Accidentally, yes.
No, I try not to.
All the time. They understand it's just who I am.
Only when I have something important to say.


How often do you move your residence from one city/state to another?
I've only moved a few times in my life.
I've moved a handful of times and I plan to move many more times.
I've stayed around the same area my whole life.
I'd say I move around an average amount of time.
How are your interpersonal communication skills?
They could use some improving.
I have great communication skills.
I know how to really connect with people.
They're decent enough.
Do you like gossip?
Gossip is annoying.
I enjoy a good gossip session.
It's my guilty pleasure.
I don't partake in gossip, but it can be interesting to listen in.


Have you ever caught your friends talking about you behind your back?
No, but I suspect as much from them.
No, I don't think they'd do that.
Yes, it really sucked.
Yes, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding.
Do you have roommates?
Yes, and were friends.
Yes, and we aren't really friends.
I live with my family.
Are you easy to get along with?
I can be depending on my mood.
For some people yes. Others, not so much.
Yes, I'm friendly.
Easy enough.


How do you feel about group projects?
I despise them.
I don't mind them.
I love collaborating.
I can tolerate them, as long as I get to pick my group.
How long does it take you to respond to messages?
It depends on who I'm messaging.
A friend pokes you on Facebook, what do you do?
I'm not on Facebook.
I probably wouldn't notice.
Poke them back - duh!
Who pokes anymore?


Who do you go to for advice?
My parents.
My best friend.
My mentor.
Ask a bunch of different people.
How are your social skills?
I'm awkward.
They're average.
I'm a social butterfly.
It depends on the environment I'm socializing in.
Which takes priority:
Significant other/partner/lover.


Who are you in your friend group?
The decision maker.
The weird one.
The introverted, reliable one.
The fun, active one.
Do you have a tragic backstory?
Well thats one way of putting it...
No, not really.
It depends on how your define "tragic."
I'd say so.
Do you keep your friends updated on what's happening in your life?
They don't need to know every little detail.
Yes, we help each other make decisions.
I let them know I'm alive.
We tell each other absolutely everything.


It's 1a.m. and your car has broken down, who do you call?
AAA or a similar service.
A family member/significant other.
A friend.
I don't have a car...
Do you have an quirks?
I'm naturally quirky.
I'm a bit of an odd ball.
A few, but nothing weird.
I don't think so.
How many hours do you work?
It varies. I have a flexible schedule.
I don't have a job, but I go to school full time.
I work full time.
I work more than 40 hours per week.


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