How well do you know "A Kiss for Corliss?"

By: Heather Cahill
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
How well do you know "A Kiss for Corliss?"
Image: tmdb

About This Quiz

"A Kiss for Corliss," is the sequel to the 1945 movie, "Kiss and Tell." Corliss finds herself caught up with a wealthy man who has had many wives in the past. Think you know how Corliss got herself out of trouble? Take the quiz to find out!
What kind of case was a woman looking for at the court house at the beginning of the movie?
A divorce trial.
The woman at the beginning of the movie was looking for a divorce trial. The divorce trial was the talk of the town that day.
A theft trial.
A murder trial.
A custody case.
What did Corliss use to disguise herself from the police officer?
A hat.
Corliss used sunglasses to disguise herself from the police officer who was outside of the trial. He was still able to recognize her.
A new dress.
Why did Corliss send Dexter inside the court room during the trial?
To watch lawyers in action.
To help her sneak in.
To learn from the case.
To tell her what happened.
Corliss sent Dexter inside of the court room to tell her what was happening. Corliss wasn't able to go inside because of her father's orders.


What did Corliss ask her mother for after reading about the trial?
A home-cooked meal.
A ride.
Corliss asked her mother for some money after reading about the trial. She had plans with Mildred to go to the movies that night. She said that Burt Lancaster was going to be there.
A wedding.
Who did Corliss find in her father's office?
Kenneth Marquis.
When Corliss went to her father's office, she found Kenneth Marquis. He was the man from the trial who she was so interested in learning about.
Burt Lancaster.
What did Mr. Archer question Dexter about when he arrived home?
Where he was the night before.
When Mr. Archer arrived home, he questioned Dexter on where he was the night before. Mr. Archer said that he saw him at The Penguin Club, a place where many people go to gamble.
What he was doing in the Archer's house.
Why he didn't go to the movies with Corliss.
Why he was seen at the divorce trial.


What did Corliss tell Dexter to return after she heard about him being with another woman?
A gift that she bought for him.
A tie that she gave him.
Her car keys.
A picture of her.
Corliss told Dexter to return a picture that he had of her in a bikini, after she heard about him being with another woman the night before. Mr. Archer also forbade Dexter from going out with Corliss!
What did Corliss give to Raymond to read?
The newspaper.
A magazine.
A novel.
Her diary.
Corliss gave Raymond her diary to read. She knew that if he got his hands on the information in it, that he would let Dexter read it.
Who sent Corliss a large box of chocolates?
Her father.
Kenneth sent Corliss a large box of chocolates. Unfortunately, her father got a hold of the card attached and read Kenneth's note to Corliss.


What did Corliss write about in her diary?
Her feelings about Dexter.
Her feelings about Kenneth.
Corliss wrote her feelings about Kenneth in her diary before she gave it to Raymond to read. She said nothing but good things about Kenneth, hoping to make Dexter jealous.
Her feelings about Raymond.
Her feelings about Mildred.
Where did Dexter take Corliss to make her happy with him again?
To the movies.
To another court case.
To the Penguin Club.
Dexter took Corliss to the Penguin Club to make her happy with him again. She was upset that he hadn't taken her with him when he went before, even though her father wouldn't have allowed it.
To a restaurant.
What happened when Dexter and Corliss arrived at the Penguin Club?
They saw Corliss' father.
They went into the gambling room.
The police showed up.
When Corliss and Dexter arrived at the Penguin Club, the police showed up. With no where else to run, they ran into a basement of the Penguin Club.
They were asked for identification.


What did the police officer do after he checked the basement that Corliss and Dexter were hiding in?
He arrested a few people in the building.
He locked the door behind him.
After checking the basement that Corliss and Dexter were hiding in, the police officer locked the door behind him. Corliss and Dexter were stuck down there and couldn't get out.
He left the Penguin Club.
He had Dexter's car towed.
What did Corliss' parents do when they realized that she wasn't in her room?
They went looking for her.
They waited up for her to come home.
They phoned the police station.
When Corliss' parents arrived home and noticed that Corliss wasn't in her room, they called the police station. They also asked Louise if she had any idea where Corliss was.
They questioned Dexter.
What did Corliss pretend to have in order to get Dexter and herself out of trouble with her father?
The flu.
To avoid getting Dexter and herself into trouble with her father, Corliss pretended she was suffering from amnesia. Her parents realized that there was something wrong, but they weren't sure what it was.


Who showed up at the Archers' door the morning after Corliss went missing?
Uncle George.
Raymond showed up at the Archer's door the morning after Corliss went missing. He was looking for the $2 that Corliss promised him, but he didn't know that she had amnesia.
What did the Archers do to try to bring back Corliss' memory?
They showed her pictures.
They told her about the day before.
They read her diary to her.
In an attempt to try to help Corliss regain her memory, the Archers read her diary to her. Her father wasn't very happy when he read what Corliss wrote about Kenneth.
They asked her to tell them what she could remember.
Why couldn't the doctor come right away to see Corliss?
His wife was having a baby.
The doctor couldn't come right away to see Corliss because his wife was having a baby. He told Mr. Archer that waiting wouldn't make that much difference anyway.
He had too many other patients.
He was on vacation.
He was sick.


What did Raymond do with the page about Kenneth in Corliss' diary?
He gave it to Dexter.
He threw it out.
He gave it to Kenneth's secretary.
Raymond gave the page about Kenneth in Corliss' diary to Kennth's secretary. He asked her to give it to Kenneth and asked if he could talk to him.
He showed it to Mr. Archer.
Who did Mr. Archer call to come over to his house?
Mr. Archer called Kenneth to ask him to come over to the house after reading Corliss' diary. Kenneth told Mr. Archer that he and Corliss were engaged, but Corliss told them that she lied about her memory loss and they weren't actually engaged.
What did Dexter do when Mr. Archer questioned him about the night before?
He lied.
When Mr. Archer questioned Dexter, he lied to him because Corliss told him to, no matter what. Corliss tried to tell him to be truthful and he did, but he repeated what she had said.
He told the truth.
He refused to answer.
He left.


What did Kenneth do after telling Mr. Archer that he and Corliss were engaged?
He asked if Corliss could live with him.
He asked if he could move into the Archer's home.
He bought Corliss a wedding dress.
He gave the story to a newspaper.
After telling Mr. Archer about his engagement to Corliss, Kenneth gave the story to a newspaper. Mr. Archer saw the story in the paper and went to see Kenneth right away.
What did Mr. Archer say happened to him while he was out all day?
He was interviewed by the news.
He was followed around by everyone.
Mr. Archer said that he was followed around all day long by people who heard about the engagement through the newspaper. He said they told him he was lucky to have a rich son-in-law.
He was ridiculed.
He lost his job.
What did Dexter come over to do after reading about Corliss' engagement in the newspaper?
He came over to talk her out of it.
He came over to congratulate her.
Dexter came over to congratulate Corliss on her engagement with Kenneth. He brought her some flowers as well. Corliss, however, tried to explain to Dexter that she wasn't actually engaged to Kenneth.
He came over to get an explanation from her.
He came over to talk to her parents.


What did Kenneth have delivered to Corliss' house?
Kenneth had gifts delivered to Corliss' house. The gifts included perfume, and a small dresser with a night gown for every day of the week.
What did it say on the dress in the drawer for Saturday?
Kiss and Tell.
The dress that was in the drawer for Saturday said "Kiss and Tell." The Saturday drawer was the only drawer that had a dress in it.
Going out.
Wedding day.
What did Dexter say he wanted once he finally got married to Corliss?
He wanted kids.
He wanted a yellow convertible.
Dexter said that once he married Corliss, he wanted to get a yellow convertible. Once he found out about the engagement, he decided that he wasn't going to get one after all.
He wanted a townhouse.
He wanted a dog.


What did Dexter bring to the Archers' house after his conversation with Corliss?
A magazine.
Dexter brought a magazine to the Archer's house after his conversation with Corliss. The magazine had a picture of Corliss on the cover. Inside there was a picture of Kenneth, his first three wives, and Corliss.
An engagement ring.
A minister.
A dishwasher.
Who came to stay with the Archers after hearing about Corliss' engagement?
Uncle George.
Uncle George came to stay with the Archers after hearing about Corliss' engagement. He even brought a copy of Glimpse Magazine with him.
What did Uncle George offer to do?
Help the Archer's pay for the wedding.
Pay for Corliss and Kenneth's honeymoon.
Help break off the engagement.
Perform the wedding ceremony.
Uncle George offered to perform the wedding ceremony for Corliss and Kenneth. Corliss' parents accepted the fact that they couldn't stop Corliss from marrying who she wanted.


Who played the piano at Corliss' wedding?
Uncle George.
Louise played the piano at Corliss' wedding to Kenneth. She had also played the piano at Corliss' previous wedding in "Kiss and Tell."
What did Corliss do when Uncle George started to speak at her wedding?
She ran away.
Corliss ran away when Uncle George started to speak at her wedding. She didn't want to marry Kenneth. Her mother ran out of the room to make sure she was alright.
She asked him to stop.
She told Kenneth she didn't want to marry him.
She waited to say her vows.
What did Dexter tell Mr. Archer while they were outside during the wedding?
He wanted to marry Corliss.
Someone saw him and Corliss at the Penguin Club.
Dexter told Mr. Archer that someone saw him and Corliss at the Penguin Club. Mr. Archer was ecstatic because he was able to prove that Kenneth was lying.
That Corliss didn't want to marry Kenneth.
That Kenneth was telling the truth.


What did Raymond reveal at the wedding?
That Kenneth bribed Mildred.
While at the wedding, Raymond revealed that Kenneth had bribed Mildred. He asked her to pretend like she didn't know anything about the diary, making Corliss look like she was lying.
That he wrote the diary.
That Kenneth was using Corliss.
That Dexter was lying.
Who hit Mr. Archer in the nose?
Uncle George.
Dexter hit Mr. Archer in the nose by accident. The two of them were fighting with Kenneth after he was revealed to be a liar.
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