How Much Do You Like Boys?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
How Much Do You Like Boys?
Image: PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Tell us the truth. Are you boy-crazy? Do you have pictures of hunks taped to the inside of your locker? In the morning, do you hog the bathroom, primping and preening in case you run into a raging hottie later on? Is half your time spent sliding into the DMs of local singles? Wait a minute; we see your fingers moving — are you texting a cute boy RIGHT NOW? 

If this sounds like you, it's imperative that you take this quiz immediately. You owe it to the world to confront how very much you like boys. Whether it's a lot, a little or SO MUCH IT'S DRIVING YOU CRAZY, we can help diagnose the severity of your boy-craziness, as well as offer some practical action steps for hanging out with cute boys even more than you already do. 

We're going to solicit your opinions about so many boys, from Oscar Isaac to Zac Efron, Zayn Malik to Zachary Quinto. Would you be willing to go on a wildflower hike with Brad Pitt? If Timothy Olyphant asked you to ride horses with him on the beach, would you say yes or no? These questions and more are waiting for you, so hurry up and take this quiz!

OK, so please be honest. How many boys have you already flirted with today?
One or two
At least five
Is "every cute boy I've run into" a valid answer?
When did you first start liking boys?
Probably around age 11
Age 6, I think
I still don't like them!
The doctor who delivered me was SO BAE.
Are boys actually made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails?
Well, Zayn Malik certainly isn't.
They seem to be made of muscles and long eyelashes.
Of course not. They're biologically human, if annoying.
Boys are the stuff that dreams are made of!


Have you ever worn a boy's letterman jacket?
No ... but I'd like to.
Yes, of course!
I've got my own letterman jacket, actually.
Dude, I have a collection of them.
Let's talk crushes. How many are you currently nursing?
I really like my SAT tutor.
I've got a crush on a guy in every single one of my classes.
I'm crush-free!
I like guys at school, guys at work, guys on my street, guys at the gym ...
What's the cutest thing that guys do?
They give each other half-hugs because they're scared to look emotional.
They stammer and look at their feet when they're asking you out.
They ... I don't know. Most of the boys I know are obnoxious clods.
Everything they do is cute! Even the way they breathe!


Playing Spin the Bottle: heaven or hell?
Fun but nerve-wracking
My idea of an amazing time
Sheer torture
Spin the Bottle is the greatest game ever invented by mankind
You go to a party and spot an amazingly adorable boy. How do you get him to notice you?
I see if we have any friends in common, then join their circle of conversation.
I do a lot of hair-flipping and sashaying.
The only adorable boys I want to talk to are literal toddlers.
I straight-up wink at him!
Do you ever come down with "mentionitis," the inability to stop talking about a boy you like, even when the conversation has nothing to do with him?
Only once, when I had my first painful crush in middle school.
I come down with mentionitis at least once per summer.
Ew, I've never had mentionitis, but I've certainly been irritated by friends who were suffering from it.
I know I have chronic mentionitis but I can't stop!


What's the best thing about dating boys?
It's fun having someone to go places with.
I really like holding hands with my boyfriend in the hallway.
Um, nothing?
Dating boys = 100 percent bliss
Have you ever signed up for a class just because a boy you liked was in it?
Yes, but please don't tell anybody I said so!
Yes, that's like Crush-Stalking 101.
No, that's would be intellectually fraudulent.
That's the reasoning behind ALL the classes I'm signed up for.
Do you have any guy friends? Are they really your friends or are they something more?
I've got a couple of genuinely platonic guy friends.
I've got one guy friend but, well, I totally like him!
I don't have guy friends and I don't want them, either.
My guy friends are not so much "friends" as they are "guys I haven't dated ... yet."


Would you be willing to go on a wildflower hike with Brad Pitt?
Honestly, I'd hike with any celebrity.
Yes, if he were 20 years younger
Only if it were a strictly non-romantic hike
Brad Pitt? Yes, yes, yes!
Who's your flirtation role model?
Andrew Rannells
What in tarnation is a "flirtation role model"?
Scarlett O'Hara
Who's the cutest smart boy in the world?
This one guy in my chemistry class
Zachary Quinto when he's playing Spock
Do smart boys exist?
Any guy who's wearing glasses


Have you ever changed the way you dress for a boy?
When my boyfriend said he liked my hair in a ponytail, I wore it that way for a while.
Sometimes I try to subtly match my style to my crush's.
I have never done that and would never do that. Style should be authentic.
Yep! It's goofy but it works.
In the middle of class, your friend passes you a note asking whether you like a cute classmate. You turn around to see him looking right at you! What do you do?
Hold onto the note until later, when you can think about whether you actually dig him
Feel totally mortified, but check the box that says "yes"
Ball up the note and throw it in the garbage
Drop him a wink and check "yes"
How long did it take you to get ready for your first date?
An hour. I tried not to over-prepare because that would have made me more nervous.
I spent a solid two hours primping. That boy didn't know what hit him.
I've never gone on a date but if I had one coming up, I wouldn't dress up.
We're talking all-day prep: manicure, pedicure, blow-out, new clothes ...


Have you ever texted with a boy for three hours straight?
Yes, but not since 9th grade
Well, how else am I supposed to get to know him?
No, that sounds like a waste of time.
Texting boys is my only hobby.
Imagine that you don't have a date to the spring dance. Is this a disaster or merely a dilemma?
It's frustrating, but I can just go in a group with my friends.
It's a big deal! Luckily, I bet I can find a back-up date.
As if I'd ever go to a spring dance!
If you could slide into the DMs of any "Star Wars" franchise boy, who would you choose?
Donald Glover
Oscar Isaac
John Boyega
Just give me Zac Efron. I don't care if he's in the movies or not!


You've just started seeing a boy when you discover he has three equally cute brothers. Do you keep dating him or steer clear of potential drama?
I think I'd drop him. Sounds like it could get weird.
I would definitely keep dating him. I don't think the potential brother drama would be a big deal.
The only thing more annoying than one guy is four guys.
To be honest, I would probably try to date every single one of them.
Do you blush when boys talk to you?
Not since I was really young
Nope! I wish I did.
If you had an identical twin, would you two switch places all the time in order to date more than one boy at once?
No, I don't like deception.
Yes, of course!
That sounds like a dumb sitcom plot.
Yes! In fact, I think you've inspired me to clone myself.


What's the longest period of time you could survive without flirting with a boy?
Maybe a month?
One week, at most
I could live without flirting indefinitely.
Three hours, tops!
When you shop for new clothes, do you keep your crush's preferences in mind?
Not really. At most, I might buy a short skirt if I know he's a leg guy.
No. I have lots of crushes on lots of guys and couldn't possibly adapt to them all.
No, how I dress is my own business.
Yes, if I really like him!
Have you ever sneaked out of the house to go on a date with a bad boy?
No ... I don't like getting in trouble with my parents.
Yeah. See, there was this one guy ...
No, it sounds like a dumb idea.
I'm sneaking out to meet a guy tonight!


In your opinion, which fictional teen couple had the most enviable relationship?
Jughead Jones and Betty from "Riverdale"
Dean and Rory from "Gilmore Girls"
I don't know. Romeo and Juliet, perhaps? But didn't they both die?
Bella and Edward from "Twilight"
Which body language sign means that a boy truly likes you?
He smiles at you.
He touches your arm.
Who cares?
He keeps his feet angled toward you and his pupils dilate when he gazes it you. That's just boy science.
If Timothy Olyphant asked you to ride horses with him on the beach, would you say yes or no?
I would say no, then offer the date to my mom.
I would say, "Heck, yes!"
I would obviously turn him down.
This is my new ambition in life.


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