How Many Layers Do You Have?

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How Many Layers Do You Have?
Image: Yulia.M / Moment Open / Getty Images

About This Quiz

There is so much a single personality can hold. From your complex thought process on how to solve problems creatively to your ability to ignore people who are annoying or antagonizing you, your layers build up over the years, and you learn how to reveal them to people. 

For example, if you have a crazy layer down near your core, you may find that you can keep that one hidden from the outside world until you're ready to show it off in all it's weird, neurotic glory. On the other hand, if you don't think you have a crazy layer, you might go ahead and expose it without even knowing what you're doing to the people around you. Either way, your personality is made up of layers, and it's important for you to know what those layers are and how to use them to your advantage (and when to reveal them to the people you meet). 

Layers are a great metaphor to tell us how deep a person truly is. If you're unsure how many layers you might have, take some time to answer these questions, and we'll let you know exactly how many layers you have, when to expose them, when to hide them, and how to use them to your advantage. 

What do you think when someone tells you that your friend hates you?
My friend hates me.
This person might be lying.
If my friend hates me, I would know.
I hope my friend doesn't hate me, but if they do, I will be upset.


Have you ever tried to haggle pricing?
Once or twice.
Only at the swap meet.
I try to haggle pricing all the time.


What are you wearing today?
Comfy pants and a sweater.
Workout clothes.
Comfy clothes until I go to work.
Comfy clothes, professional clothes, workout clothes, professional clothes, then comfy clothes.


Do you trust the news?
Not at all.
For the most pat.
I get irritated by retractions.
I try to learn as much about every issue as possible.


If something bad doesn't affect you directly, do you still get mad about it?
Only if it could be preventable.
If it is something that affects humanity, yes.


Do you get mad when adults act like children?
Only if it isn't necessary.
I try to see things from their point of view.


Do you think war is necessary?
Most wars aren't necessary.
There has to be a better way to protect people.


Should veterans get free healthcare?
Anyone who helped America should.
Only the poor should get free healthcare.
Everyone should get free healthcare.


Which of these best describes your shower routine?
I get in the shower, wash myself, and get out.
I turn the water on, wait until it's hot, get in the shower, wash myself, and get out.
I turn the water on, wait until it's hot, get in the shower, wash my hair, shave, wash myself, and get out.
I get some of my best ideas in the shower. Along with all that other stuff.


On a scale of 1-10, how bad is your road rage?


When you see a raccoon rummaging through your garbage, what do you do?
Shoot it.
Scare it away.
Call an exterminator.
Observe it.


If you won a million dollars, what would you do with the money?
Go shopping.
Buy a nice house.
Buy everyone I know something nice.
Calculate how much taxes I'll have to pay, then give 25% of what's left to organizations I care about and save the rest.


Which of these best describes your group of friends?
We're all pretty much the same.
We've all lived somewhere else.
We're the politically correct group of friends.
We celebrate our humanity by recognizing our differences.


How long does it take you to fall asleep at night?
I fall asleep instantly.
About fifteen minutes.
A half hour.
Over an hour.


Are you involved in your community?
For things that are important to me.
As much as possible.
I'm considering running for office.


Which of these is your favorite TV show?
The Flash
The Goldbergs


What decade would you most like to live in?
The 2020's
The 2000's
The 1980's
The 1990's


Do you feel safe?
In my community, yes.
Most of the time.
Sometimes, when I think positively.


If someone dropped a $20 bill in front of you, what would you do?
Take it.
Wait until they walked away, then take it.
Tell them they dropped it.
Pick it up and hand it to them.


What kind of shampoo do you use?
The most expensive one.
The least expensive one.
The one that smells the best.
The one I researched and is best for me.


If your friend is having a bad day, what do you do?
Tell them it's everyone else's fault.
Tell them it's all their fault.
Try to help them figure out where things went wrong.
Listen to what they have to say and ask questions as they talk.


What kind of music do you listen to?
Mostly different kinds of rock.


What do you think about Whole Foods?
It's a hippie store.
It is too expensive.
It's my favorite store.
I don't like their business practices, so I don't shop there.


Do you make meals from scratch?
No. I eat mostly frozen stuff.
No. Someone else does it for me.
I try to, but sometimes I cheat.
As much as possible.


If you're at the store and someone in front of you is arguing with the cashier, what do you do?
Turn on my phone and record the fight.
Try to ignore it.
Step in and ask what the problem is.
Observe everything and write a complaint later.


How do you respond when someone tells you that they don't like you?
Tell them to F off.
Tell them I don't like them either.
Walk away.
Ask them why.


How would your friends describe you?


What is your highest level of schooling?
High school.
Some college.
College graduate.
Masters Degree or higher.


Which of these is your dream job?
Can I get paid to nap?
Fast food.
College professor.


When a fast food employee messes up your order, what do you do?
Yell at them and berate them.
Take it back and demand they fix it.
Tell them what's wrong, and ask them to replace the item.
Eat it anyway.


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