How Is Your Aura Affecting Your Love Life?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
8 min
How Is Your Aura Affecting Your Love Life?
Image: Maravic/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Most people neglect aura care as a part of a good beauty regime. Many of them believe that just because no one will see their auras, they don't need to carefully tend to them, but the truth is that the aura can be the canary in the coalmine when it comes to many aspects of life, including one's love life.

One's happiness can have a major effect on one's medical health. As a result of this, it is important to maintain one's overall happiness, so as to avoid deleterious effects on one's health. While the term "wellness" does not have any legal or medical meaning when it comes to "health", it does refer to an emotional state of general happiness which may contribute to health, if you're lucky.

Has your love life been suffering? It may be down to your aura. A healthy love life contributes to happiness, which makes you healthier, so it is important that you consider treating your aura right. Due to aura examination being outside the remit of the medical profession, we have every right to call this test a scientific examination of your aura and its impact on your love life. Do you want to set things on the correct path and find Mr. or Ms. Right? Take this quiz as the first step.

What do you do when someone comments negatively about your aura?
I shrink.
I laugh.
I never hear that.
Random words just come out of my mouth!
Do you suddenly break out in accordance with the cycles of the moon?
All the time! It doesn't change with my diet or use of acne medication.
No, don't be silly.
No, never
Sometimes, in strange patterns
How do you regularly maintain your aura's overall wellness?
Wait, how am I supposed to do that?
I do nothing.
I go for regular Reiki sessions, and I've experimented with Atemi.
I've tried everything, but there's no rhyme or reason to why or when things work or don't work.


Do you occasionally do something special to improve the overall health of your aura?
No, I guess I should though, huh?
How would I do that? Get a massage?
Yes, I frequently take crystal sessions to balance my chakras.
Yes, but the effects are seemingly random!
Does your aura ever seem to rub off onto your possessions?
I break my phones a lot ...
Objects don't have auras. Don't be silly.
Yes, but only in positive ways
Sometimes, but other times I'm not even sure if it's my aura!
When do you find most of your relationships come to an end?
When I say or do something that reveals my inner self
They just end. I don't know why.
When they should, really
I don't know! It's totally random!


What pressures are on your current relationship?
Work-related, spiritual-related and family-related
Nothing unusual
Nothing really. It's going gangbusters!
Things I never would have thought would be a problem have intervened. It sucks!
What is the age difference between you and your current partner?
More than a decade
Just a couple years
Honestly, I don't know and it doesn't matter to me!
We were born on the same day, one year apart!
Do you usually date people with compatible western zodiac signs?
No! I always check, and it never works out that way!
I neither know nor care.
Always. I check that before we even meet.
Some of the time, but not all of the time


How often do you get static shocks from the people you date?
Almost every time we are together!
I guess about the average you'd expect with any person.
Rarely, but when I do they really hurt, and one of them killed my phone.
How often do you find a meal with a date has suddenly gone off?
Frequently. Once, the meal and the wine had gone off!
Once or twice, when we were heating up leftovers
Never. The food is always lovely!
On all major federal holidays
How often does the weather suddenly change for the worse after kissing a date?
Every time, like clockwork!
I think it might have happened once. I don't remember.
Never. When I kiss, the clouds always part.
It happens whenever I cheat on my diet.


How often do you find that you experience strange electrical disturbances when you're in a relationship, like streetlights guttering out as you walk past?
Frequently! I even had my computer die on me once.
That stuff just happens all the time. I attribute it to chance.
Never. When I'm in a relationship, I find dead batteries come back to life.
Sometimes, and usually I think it's some sort of code.
Do you get the sense that when you are close to people you date, your aura is attracting malevolent entities?
Yes. I even hear voices sometimes as I'm falling asleep.
Like what? Demons? No.
My aura repels demonic forces.
Sometimes, but the malevolence never takes the same form twice.
Has a Reiki practitioner diagnosed you as having aura fatigue?
Not as such, but someone I think might have been into Reiki definitely frowned at me at my yoga class.
I'm not even sure how to respond to this question. No?
No, my friend who does Reiki has assured me that my aura isn't fatigued in any way.
Not fatigue per se, but its integrity does fluctuate.


Has your aura flashed any unusual colors recently?
Yes. It has been weirdly purple lately.
I wouldn't know. I can't see it.
It doesn't flash so much as it slowly fades, as a gradient.
Yes. Yesterday it went plaid.
How regularly do you engage in aura-damaging activities?
It's shameful but sometimes ... I have a cheeseburger.
How could one possibly do that?!
No, I make sure my chi stays on an even keel by aligning my chakras with the aid of 100% organic, free range, fair trade, artisanal, vegan produce.
Sometimes when I'm feeling blue, I pop bubble wrap, which we all know is bad for the aura.
Have you gotten the impression that your aura has been distressed for a long time?
Yes. I think someone stepped on it when I was younger.
The only thing distressed is my patience.
No, I don't think it's under any special stresses.
Sometimes I get that distinct impression, like when I get a weird feeling before doing normal things like pouring a bowl of cereal or opening the door to my house.


What is the usual age difference between you and your romantic partners?
Well over a decade.
2 to 5 years.
A year or two
There is no usual! I dated someone who was 18 and someone who was in their 70s, back to back!
Have you attempted to tamper with your aura, or asked someone else to do that?
Once, because I was too cheap to go to someone who does Clairsentience, I had a friend try it, and my soul was sore for weeks.
What are you even talking about?
No, I only let professionals do that. They have certifications.
Once, I got a tattoo that was supposed to help, but instead of "aum" (the meditation sound) the tattoo artist wrote "ohm" (the measurement of electricity).
Is the universe failing to respond to you in ways other than presenting you with adequate people to date?
Yes, my whole professional life is a shambles.
Life is a pretty mixed bag. It's probably all coincidence.
No, everything in my life is totally awesome!
Yes, some things are going well, but others randomly get derailed!


Do you find your aura affects relationships outside of your romantic relationships?
Yes. My relationships with my friends and parents suffer when my love life is down.
I find it does, but only in wonderful ways!
Yes, but quite a lot of the time it's unpredictable. Sometimes it's great, and other times it's very, very bad.
Does the quality or number of your relationships with your family change when your romantic relationships suffer?
Yes. Once, a cousin stopped talking to me.
No. I've never had that happen.
On the contrary!
Once, when I had a bad breakup, my mother went blind in one eye for two days.
Do you find that many household appliances malfunction around the same time as you experience romantic trouble?
Yes. I nearly lost a finger when my coffee grinder went nuts after I broke up a LTR.
No. My appliances are only generally affected by mechanical problems, not metaphysical ones.
No, I actually don't use any household appliances because I had a dream where Gaia spoke to me and said to get rid of them.
Sometimes. On the other hand, a few times, I had my broken appliances fix themselves. Weird.


Have you found that animals react to you in aberrant ways at times you are going through a breakup?
Yes. My cats all bit me.
I don't think animals care who I am dating.
No, my ferrets are all happy.
Sometimes I think pigeons are giving me the eye.
Do you suddenly attract the evil eye at work when your romantic troubles arise?
Yes. Tragically, I had a copier attack me once. I got a paper cut.
Only if I'm dating the boss
No, I find that when trouble comes, my work becomes a refuge.
Sometimes, but it does not always mirror the romantic problems in severity or style.
Have you found that you suddenly develop an appetite for unusual foods when a relationship suddenly ends?
Yes. Gallons of ice cream, every time.
No, but I don't watch my weight as much.
Yes, but I usually switch to healthy veggies of a different color, like blue corn.
Sometimes I get the sudden urge to eat a different style of cuisine altogether.


Do you typically date people of compatible Chinese zodiac signs?
No! The usual age difference precludes that.
I didn't even know there was a Chinese zodiac.
My matchmaker always checks these things for me.
I make a lot of mistakes when I go to check those things, because of the lunar calendar.
Do you find that your platonic friendships suffer in concert with your romantic problems?
Yes, every time.
Only if my friends introduced me to a dud date
No, all my relationships are going well.
I have this one friend who doesn't know anyone I date, and yet when things go bad for me in my dating life, they go badly for me with that friend.
Do you find that an illness precedes the end of your romantic engagements?
I will frequently find my allergies kick in before a breakup.
No, not particularly
Sometimes I'll get a cold, as a warning.
I once broke out in hives, and then I got dumped because of the hives.


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