How Emotionally Unavailable are You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
How Emotionally Unavailable are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Some people cry at the drop of a hat while others wonder why people get so bogged down by their feelings. When it comes to emotions there is a fine line between being totally dramatic, and completely emotionally unavailable. So how emotionally unavailable are you?
You have been going out with someone for a few weeks and things have been going great. When they tell you that they love you, how do you feel?
So happy, this is the best day ever.
You feel touched, but it seems like it is going too fast.
You are not sure how to feel, all of your past relationships ended badly, so you are wary.
You break up with the person, clearly they are insane.


Your dog got out of the yard, how does this make you feel?
Awful, you will never see your dog again.
You are worried, but the dog always comes back.
You are not too worried, he will come back when he gets hungry.
You get mad at the dog.


Your best friend is having a bad day, when they tell you about it, they start to cry. What do you do?
Give them a hug and cry along with them.
You feel bad, and listen to them until they feel better.
Pretend to be concerned, but in reality you don't care.
Tell them to stop being such a drama queen.


Do you like to talk things out with your significant other?
Of course, that is the only way to solve things.
You get uncomfortable, but you know it needs to happen to have a good relationship.
No, it never does any good.
No, in fact you hate it.


You are at a Super Bowl Party around a bunch of other people when everyone's favorite team loses. How do you react?
You get really upset and talk to everyone about how awful it is.
You feel really bad and leave as soon as possible, as everyone being so sad makes you uncomfortable.
You pretend to care, but seriously, it is just football.
You make fun of everyone for being so bummed out about a game.


While watching a dance recital for teenage girls, one dancer slips and falls, how do you feel?
You feel mortified, the poor thing!
You feel bad for her.
No big deal, these things happen.
You think it is funny, at least something entertaining happened.


Your ex calls you because they are going through a tough time and want some sympathy. What do you do?
Listen to them as long as they want to talk, and tell them you are always here for them.
You tell them that you are sorry this happened, but you are not the right person to talk to about this.
Hang up immediately.
Mock them for their pain, and tell them that you are glad it happened.


How many times have you thought you loved someone over your life?
Over 10 times.
Between 3 and 10 times.
One or 2 times.
You have never been in love.


Someone gives you a heartfelt card, telling you what you mean to them. How do you feel?
You feel incredibly touched and read it over and over.
You feel good that someone did something nice for you.
You pretend you are happy about it, but really you don't care.
You throw it in the trash without opening it.


The person you are dating gives you candy hearts for Valentine's Day, are you happy?
So happy, that was just so sweet!
Sure, it was kind of cute.
Not really, Valentine's Day is dumb.
Why would you be happy that finding out the person you're dating is an idiot?


Do you care if people can tell you are weak sometimes?
No, you wear your emotions on your sleeve.
You don't like people to find out your weaknesses, but we are all human.
You don't care what other people think of you.
You never appear weak.


Are you attracted to people that are in serious relationships?
You would never get involved with someone in a relationship.
No, but you have been attracted to someone in a relationship once or twice.
You don't really care one way or the other.
Sure, why not? You are only interested in the physical aspect of things, sometimes it is easier to get that from someone in a relationship.


Do you tend to make jokes when serious things are happening?
No, you couldn't imagine doing that.
Sometimes you do to lighten the mood.
Sure, people need to laugh when they feel down.
Well yeah, it is the only way to show people how ridiculous they are being.


Do you like working in a group?
It is always fun to work with others.
You enjoy it for the most part because it keeps you interested.
You don't care as long as the work gets done.
You hate it because you like doing your own thing.


How many good friends do you think you have?
10 or more.
You have a few good friends.
You really only have one friend that you totally trust.
You hang out with people but have no really good friends.


Do you like enthusiastic people?
Of course! Why wouldn't you?
Sure, in small doses.
You don't like them a whole lot, but you don't dislike them either.
No, they are idiots.


Do people think you are flirting with them, even when you are not?
Yes that happens all the time.
Not often, but it has happened before.
No, you aren't much of a flirt.
No, you are very direct when hitting on someone.


Do you feel comfortable being single?
No, you are always looking for a relationship.
You are fine but you miss being in a relationship.
You are fine either way.
Yes, being single and not having to deal with others is the best.


Do you like being hugged by people you don't know all that well?
Anytime someone wants to show the world affection it is a good thing.
It depends, but you usually do not mind.
It isn't your favorite thing, but you can deal with it.
No, you hate it.


Someone you have a crush on is playing hard to get. Does it work?
Usually, it drives you more crazy and makes you try harder.
Sometimes. When the right person acts elusive it can be very alluring.
You don't think you would even notice.
No, you would just forget all about them.


Do you cry at sad movies?
All the time.
Yes, but only if the movie is done well.
Hardly ever.
No, and you think people that do are ridiculous.


Are you ever the first one to say "I love you"?
Yes, all the time.
It all depends.


Has someone said "I love you" to you and you have not said it back?
No, you would say it back even if you did not really mean it because it would be too awkward otherwise.
No, but you would if you didn't love the person.
Yes, and it was awkward.
Yes, and it has happened more than once.


How often do you talk to your mom?
Numerous times a week.
At least once a week.
Once a month or so.
Hardly ever.


Do you like work birthday parties?
Yes, they are so fun!
For the most part. at least it gets you out of work.
You don't really care either way about them.
You hate them with a passion.


Your significant other gives you a surprise party, how do you feel?
So happy and lucky that your significant other cares about me so much.
You feel happy, it was a fun time.
You're surprised that your significant other put in so much work for your party.
I feel upset and that my significant other does not know me at all.


Do you enjoy Christmas?
It is the best time of the year.
Yes, you love seeing your loved ones and family.
It is just another day to you.
You hate it, the whole thing is so fake.


Have you ever written someone a long letter about your feelings?
Yes, you have done it a lot.
Sure, you have done it a few times.
You will, but only in response to someone that wrote you first.
Letters? Who writes letters anymore?


Do you call people or do you always text?
You call people to talk all the time.
You call people sometimes, but texting is easier.
You only call when texting won't get the point across.
You always text.


How private are you?
Not at all, you are an open book.
You keep most things to yourself but you don't mind letting people close know how you are
You try and keep things private.
You don't want anyone to know you private life, ever.


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